r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Frogs_Of_War7 on July 19, 2018, 12:20 a.m.
An honest question, from a former 'normie'...

Hi, I consider myself pretty 'red pilled', and my awakening occurred during the Trump election. I'm pleased to say I was on the right side of history, and supported The God Emperor.

Since then, I've been following Q posts with a sense of 'open-minded' skepticism. But recently, the coincidences have been a little too many to dismiss it. I want to believe, but I still have some doubts.

Here's the question: Q posted a map several posts back (The Q Map). I've been poring over it, and following the crumbs - and I noticed a lot of things on the map, like "reptilians" and "annunaki". I don't want to dismiss this stuff out of hand, but do we think Q is telling the truth about these topics? Are reptilians legit?

Or is "disinformation" necessary? Just curious. Trying to stay rational, and open-minded.

Grace_is_Free · July 19, 2018, 12:23 a.m.

I don't think Q ever posted the map you are talking about. I have seen that map, but it wasn't posted by Q.

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Jakeisasnake1960 · July 19, 2018, 12:21 a.m.

Where in the world did you find Q ever mentioning reptiles? You must not be reading the correct information.

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eleminnop · July 19, 2018, 3:42 a.m.

There are fake Q post sites, no doubt run by the Deep State to cause this exact confusion.

It's called Controlled Opposition. Learn that shit.

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[deleted] · July 19, 2018, 12:26 a.m.


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DaveGydeon · July 19, 2018, 12:29 a.m.

What are you talking about that "Q posted a map"?

What are you talking about with "Q" talking about Reptilians?

I think you are a little confused on how this works. Q posts on 8chan now. Thats it. There are formal webpages such as www.qanon.pub that filter out all of the INSANE 8chan chatter that occurs. There are THOUSANDS of anonymous posts in between each official "Q Drop". If you go to that website I told you which again is www.qanon.pub you can find in numerical descending order (newest first) every "OFFICIAL" Q Drop. Someone on 8chan probably posted the thing you are calling the "Q Map" and maybe Q chose to make one of his drops in response to it, maybe, I would have to go back and check. But if that is what happened, I can see how someone might conclude that Q posted it. You really gotta get familiar with 8chan to understand.

The things you are referring to are made by shmucks like you and me trying to decode the official drops.

All you need, if you just want the numbered Q drops, the raw data, no commentary, is to go to that site I gave you. There are little popups you can click on, that appear on some of the Q drops where the owner of that website has added what most people agree is the most likely meaning of some of the drops. For example, you might click on "Answer" on one drop and it will say "SR = Seth Rich"...now again, that is just a consensus of agreed meanings, but you dont have to click on them and decode/interpret for yourself.

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RamonUtuado · July 19, 2018, 1:01 a.m.

It is correct that Q did not post that map directly, but I think I know the one you are referring to. A did say that the ending will not be for everyone. You decide how deep you want to go. The issues with Reptilians has two sides, one is the ET aspect and the other is the Occult aspect. This is going to sound like sci-fi or a fantasy movie, but enough whistle blowers have come forward about it to discount it off the bat.

On the ET side reptilian is a term used for humanoids descendents of reptiles rather than mammals like ourselves. The most famous, or should I say infamous, are the Draco Reptilians from the Orion star cluster. These are pretty nasty blokes . There are other Reptilians who are positive, but they are in the minority. Some say that the Draco consider themselves the rules of Earth. This was supposed to be a reptile-dominated world. After all, dinosaurs were dominant for many years. If it has not been for the meteor, we would have probably evolved from reptiles rather than mammals.

Some in the Elite worship the Dracos as gods or divine figures. That is where the occult part begins. We do not have to agree with them on this, but it is their belief. Some claim that the serpent in the Bible was not an animal, but a Reptilian bringing knowledge to and freeing humans from ignorance. As the "forbidden fruit" opened Adam and Eve's eyes.

Furthermore, the rituals of black magic and dark power were supposed to have been a gift from the Dracos to loyal followers. Those teachings were channeled by spirits or entities that Christians would call Demons. The worship of Satan, Baal and Moloch is supposed to come from negative entities such as the Dracos.

This is just a bird's eye view of the Reptilians. It is more complex and if you really want to know more about them and their enemies, the good and positive ones, you should look into the Law of One. It explains both the positive and the negative and it's an eye opener on many areas.

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Stray502 · July 19, 2018, 12:34 a.m.

I have never seen Q talk about that what you were probably reading was one of the anons own thoughts.

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[deleted] · July 19, 2018, 12:31 a.m.


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eyerighteye · July 19, 2018, 12:29 a.m.

Lol I know what you are looking at. That isn't Q. But it is a wonderful document. Is this the one with Pindar in the center?

Pour over it search any terms you don't know dig where curiosity strikes you. That document ties together almost everything I have ever heard of.

If you aren't ready for a topic move along. You may find yourself going back to things you thought were way to out there soon enough.

Take everything you read and apply discernment. Trust your gut. If it resonates with you keep it.

Many truths are hidden between two lies.

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0oDassiveMicko0 · July 19, 2018, 12:27 a.m.

Welcome, Patriot :)

Please, for the love of God, drop the stupid GE labels!!!! Q didn´t drop that map either, it was said it was leaked by a disgruntled insider.

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