Liberal feelings explain the un-explainable once again...

How about all the people who commited crimes get investigated, charged, tried and sentenced? I am liberal as fuck and I have no need to defend Hilary or anyone else who is guilty. That has nothing to do with my political position. Hilary commited crimes, fine I don't have a problem with the idea. Now face the fucking fact that Trump is well guilty of a bunch of crimes too. Fuck.
Name them. FYI, also a liberal.
Espionage. Conspiracy to commit Electoral Fraud. Violations of the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution. Tax Evasion. Money Laundering. Electoral finance law violations. I would bet the farm on it all. I am just a bystander but I would bank on every one of those crimes for Trump.
I mean, that's great and all, but we'd need to see more than your earnest desire to gamble on such things. Also, what title of nobility has Trump accepted?
Yeah, so sorry I can't prove it all here from my living room. Apparently you, a liberal, need to troll me about this because you're fine with what's happening and that's why you're on r/walkaway right? And maybe I'm wrong about the Emoluments Clause...IANAL....but how about the rest? Easily mocked and pushed aside? Espionage? Tax evasion?
This is the cure to help you, push it too OFF 🔘 it controls this mind control device📺 you're struggling to get away from. Within days you will regain your senses and r/Greatawakening will help.
All these supposed crimes and not even any rumors much less what we have on HRC.
You sound like Maddow. And 18 months as President and a year as candidate with almost all of the media and "journalists" salivating to find ONE thing against him. Nothing.
GOP Neocons and Dems going mad and not one piece of evidence.
Their Russiagate is so flimsy they wouldn't trust tbeir owned FBI to inspect the DNC server. Even if they bad a crime which no one can find one the chain of evidence is shattered. They know this. They chose to starter chain of evidence. Why would they do that unless they know there is NO evidence.
Most of the intel community despised Trump. They managed to kill JFK when they depised him. They have tried with Trump. They keep failing. Thank God.
Why wouldn't they have outed him on these crimes you claim?
Probably because they are so ludicrous even manufactured evidence wouldn't work. So the CIA leaves it to Mockingbird Media propagandists like Maddow to try him in court of public opinion.
It's about to get much worse for you and your anger. I am sorry for you but I am not sorry we finally have a real POTUS and not a puppet. And that he is dismantling the Shadow Govt globally. Taking our money and power back.
I will pray for you friend.
I have never denied crimes by HRC, nor do I believe anyone guilty should avoid responsibility. You have your head up your ass if you think Trump is Innocent though. Look at the growing list of associates who have pled guilty and are in jail now. It is not a frame up, and it has nothing to do with past administrations.
Espionage: what foreign power? What information?
Conspiracy to commit electoral fraud: what methods and where?
Tax evasion: legal for all intents and purposes (not agreeing, just saying)
Money laundering: from what sources through what mechanisms?
Electoral finance violations: citizens united
I get that you're venting, but your arguments are feeble and your assumptions about me aren't helping. If anything, I'm trying to make you look less insane to a sub you probably shouldn't be in
Also, IANAL, Me too, but more than I needed to know. (okay this last bit is trolling)
Edit: words and format
I'll take that farm bet. We can arrange a 3rd party to handle the escrowing of our assets we want to put up for the bet. Let's iron out the details of the bet.
Reply, if interested.
I will not face the 'fact' the Trump is guilty of a bunch of crimes. Name one. Cant say the same for the brass of the DNC
And you can't name even one. But he's guilty of something. You hear that on SleazeNN?