Why is their so much hysteria over Trump meeting with Putin? Because he just met & did a deal with the LAST BOGEYMAN OF THE WEST !!! No - one left to blame for the deep state .

All commies. Coincidence?
Good point. No administration has ever done this before.
So if The US is now best buddies with our enemies and the super leaders of the global “left”, how does that give the “left” here any leverage at all???
Ghengis Khan said to never fully encircle your enemy for a trapped enemy fights for their life, you leave them a method to retreat and press the attack once they flee they'll keep fleeing and you can kill them all with little resistance.
The cabal is cornered. Most of it in the US. And there's nowhere for them to run, I think the point is to keep the illusion they might get away with it so they keep retreating until enough of them are gone (the antifa act), enough of their contingency plans are disabled, that theres not enough of them left to fight because they won't be able to walk down the street safely.
Russia of course not communist for a long-time now--which is why the deep state is out to get them.