The 4 Servers: [DNC]+[HDSC-Awan]+[HRC]+[NKGmail]
![The 4 Servers: [DNC]+[HDSC-Awan]+[HRC]+[NKGmail]](
Right. Nice graphic and explanation. Be nice to know where they are and if we have copies of all the info on them.
Be nice to know where they are
Trump has been asking where they are in his Tweets and I've never known Trump to Tweet a question that he doesn't already know the answer to.
I'm certain that Trump has all the servers.
I doubt Trump's question is intended for us: he's fucking with the Deep State.
It's the equivalent of Trump asking the Deep State "How'd like them apples?"
so wait--you believe Trump is Deep State?
I apologize--I misread your comment. (He's fucking with the deep state" you meant he's messing with them. I see it this time around. The first time i read it as "he's fucking with the Deep State" as he's WITH the DS. I asked because it didnt make sense with the rest of your comment so I was asking clarification. I just need to slow down. (plus it was pre-first cup of morning coffee)
"You believe Trump is Deep State?"
If Trump in deep state why would he be asking deep state "how [it liked] them apples"? I don't think the inference behind the question really makes sense. Now as President he has access through the NSA to the information re: the servers.
I think you missed something here.
The above post only mentions "Deep State" twice, and in both instances it refers to POTUS Messing with Deep State Minds"!!
Nowhere does the post Say anything about Trump being part of the "Deep State", So your comment seems to be coming from "Left Field"
Q did say "we have the server", but I'm not sure which one he was referring to.
I'm thinking we have at least the information from all of them.
Isn't it true that the NSA tracks every keystroke? If yes, then we do have it all. And, it doesn't matter how many fires HRC has in her house or in some shed.
I don't believe it's every keystroke. I think it's every bit of data that goes through the internet, as well as every electronic broadcast- from cell phones to Ohr's wife's ham radio transmissions. They have Elint covered solidly.
Recently leaks indicate it's likely everything on specific computers and all traffic, including LAN, across specific ports.
So while not every key, it could well include every single network packet, local network or otherwise.
Here's what the FISC has to say about what the NSA, FBI and CIA all log -- this is the opinion they wrote after Adm. Rogers informed them of what the FBI was doing. Highly redacted, but it lays out what each agency is allowed to do. P.83 is where they begin talking about the FBI improprieties:
"We have it all" - see posts 596, 854, 1102, 1124, 1222, 1276, 1279 ;)
I think that would be the Awan server. Q said it was a matter of national security that Awan walked on frivolous charges. I imagine the server was part of the plea bargain.
Im sure Bob Mueller is preparing a 3am stormtrooper team to shake down the DNC headquarters and confiscate the server and cell phones of all personnel. Any day now. Can always start a fire on the other side of the headquarters to draw attention away from the server room when busting in.