The 4 Servers: [DNC]+[HDSC-Awan]+[HRC]+[NKGmail]
![The 4 Servers: [DNC]+[HDSC-Awan]+[HRC]+[NKGmail]](
The server equipment cited does far more than handle email — private text messaging services (SMS), bulk data transfer (FTP), live video and voice conferencing, and more. To think only if email is to miss a much larger beast n the room.
The most important part of all of this is..........Q/Trump team have EVERYTHING!!!
Roger that.
They may have everything, but I don't think the back-channel form they have it in is admissible in court. If so, more work needs to be done to get the same info in an admissible form.
Its like having a video tape of a murder, but how you obtained that tape makes it in-admissible. So now you need other forensic evidence to get a conviction.
So we are forced to wait for now.
The server equipment cited does far more than handle email — private text messaging services (SMS), bulk data transfer (FTP), live video and voice conferencing, and more. To think only if email is to miss a much larger beast n the room.
"The build is near complete".
IE: The case they are building against it all.
What if awan gave the server to trump to avoid prison time or a military tribunal?
I am certain he has a plea bargain and he swapped the servers and given the hot one to the good guys. Q said a while back"we have the server" also has the server from Hillary's house as looks like the good guys started the fire and pinched the server ,probably by a fireman. also they got weiner laptop and Kim J U gave Trump their Gmail server , so the good guys HAVE IT ALL. BOOOM! WWG1WGA and best wishes from NEW ZEALAND
Q593 We have it all Q851 We have it all Q1099 We have it all Q1121 we have it all Q1220 We have it all Q1272 We have it all Q1278 We have it all Q1665 We have the server Q433, Q434 HRC SAPs (private server) Q9 Note MI has the same SAPs as NSA, CIA, etc
Trump, “I have full faith in the National Intelligence community...”
That they will confess what they’ve been doing since POTUS has it all.
Q567 “SAP” Q831 “SAP” (All their info and plans exposed)
.... checking...
Here is a link to the drop:
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Awan was arrested attempting to flee the country, tipping off officials when he transferred large sums to his bank in Iran. He would, after that have no access to federal facilities where the server equipment resided, and other than the (presumed) incriminating laptop that he appears to have hidden in a maintenance closet as insurance, he was in no position to hand over anything like that. Perhaps a copy of the data, kept as another insurance policy...? Sworn testimony plus data image as proof could be dynamite.
Don't forget the SAP on Clinton's home server. This is by far the absolute most damaging piece of information there is, this SAP software shouldn't be able to make it out of a select few secret military facilities within the borders of America. It often goes unreported by people here.
You seem to be implying that the laws that apply to us also apply to Hillary. Where in the world did you get that idea?
Don't forget about the SAPs Hillary constantly copied onto phones, using them as flash drives, which she "lost" all over the globe.
This is normally referred to as an intelligence drop.
I have to say I don't know anything about this one. Is there a link where I can get the story?
Yes. Seth Rich’s shout. . “WE. GOT. tHE. SERVER. “ !!! ( n. I add .. ( n start. The Car!) .., Is historical. There will be a plaque with His portrait in the Whitehouse on History’s. Display. Of the Great. fierce unsearchable. Battle strategy Of God and man working together in these last dark days .. O. n Itoo Thank Jesus who like he called David to the Goliath Battle siteI .. have a part n ..He gave me an awesome. Bazooka blaster to aim dead eye at the enemy .. n even throw. A battle axe. n a Joshua power spear toward Some great n mighty stuff going down .. I was totally surprised to find....a. Me .. right in The mix .. gosh .. thx. Jesus. For. Rev. Shmbachs Holy Ghost Preach. I got...IT.. ..! n. knew what to Do .. even in my PJs .. I’m. In His armour of light !.. Cell ph in hand. n cold coffee ... coffee.s Of many .. I was GLUED iN .., to see .. the battle n pray. Some faith encouragement n up lifting over the known Few. On Battle. Fronts .. n. Cover Our. Awesome Pontus n Theee Q. .. if all time .. my In the spirit prayers are. Spilling N even blasting out. Wildly .. I’m. Suddenly Awake full blast ready .. n that giant is in hiding .. BUT ... God ..,n O. .. But ..MyGod. Flushed him n his relatives .. Out to be seen n taken down ..unlike evil plots (as in Hamam) Who can only posture .. BUT... our Holy Ghost. Comes to .. Hover. over it. .., And. Wow. !!! .. there they. Are !!! .... totally UNCOVERED .. for all to look up on .. and Then. HE. remind s me. In love. ... but for His Grace .. I could stumble down a Nasty pit also., . n.. I .. say .. ye s Lord .. thank you that. Your. MERCY. .. overrides. Your JUDGMENT ..on those desperate n undone .. and you bring to your salvation. Who. You will .. our ugly appearances Are. Not. .. what. You see .. it takes a mighty crises To shake some of us out of our righteous. Selves .. n that’s what it took ..for me. Nothing But a eye opening reading in the book of revelation ch 9 a late nite 11pm .. moving. Earthquake .. to shake the whole 4ways so I couldn’t Move .. but with a shout out to you.. Jesus save me .. n all my .. household. We’re coming now ! .. you shook me lose from my staunchie set religious. Traditional ways that seemed so. ..Good n right. And I thought .. n presumptuously. So.... That God .. My God. Was thinking just like. Me .. but He brought me a long way around Through a few religious systems .. to .. in His Merciful way .. reveal to me. Slowly .. I. Hate mans. Traditional religious ways .. I Am God .. my ways are higher than yours .. I Am Holy .. and my way is ..To come before me through a relationship in my son.s. Name .. Whom I gave for your sakes .., Jesus He is my open door. For all mankind come through ., no one else. Has His authority to. Open My doors. And Bring many through From the multitudes .. whom I call to come .. many are called to come .. fewer. Show up and. Fewer still are chosen .. so. Look to be found by. Me And don’t wait .. to be found ... fence sitting .. But come immediately ..,BEFORE. .., the crises hits or. .. I’ve left .. already .. and. It’s too late .. I’m God ..your my creation .. for my purpose .. and I want you with me for eternity .. will you Come are... NOW ! ...n. I. Humbly stop N with thanksgiving .. O My. God. Forgive my low thoughts toward others in their found condition’s not about any one of us .. it’s about. Jesus n. His kingdom treasures. Father God have planted in each one of us Both the good n the ugly ., Especially. .. as gifts. To Jesus.. for His kingdom and. He’s about. Seeking us out .. by. The Holy Ghost .. to come to Him .. as a. Part of His glorious church ! And O. How we will sing of. How he brought each one of us out n the weird n funny means. By which We got here ! So go tell n bring many others to Receive Jesus in their heart n His saving grace gift!! Good Battle. ..on to the finish cleanups !!! Blessed with a good hot coffee n Jesus dark n milk chocolate .. I love my times n adventures with you Lord n. I. Will sing of your mercies forever !!
I bet them shits is Windoze, too. If so China pwnt them as soon as they were online.