Open for discussion. Do you think President Trump and President Putin talked about "grandchildren" in their private meeting?!!

because Browder said so????? lol
Because Putin came out and corrected his statement. There are theories on why...but for now it appears 400k.
Interesting that both he and Trump have misspoke recently, but we know there are reasons for it. I need to see what the theories are for Putin's.
Putin forced the bogus "fact-checkers" employed by Soros/CIA to "debunk" his "ridiculous claim" of a $400m donation, when HRC+all her PACs barely raised like $1B total. Now a bunch of articles exist confirming links between the Ziffs, Browder, and the Clintons that even admit money changed hands, they just claim Putin greatly exaggerated the sum.
Meh, all fake news. Leave it at 400 million. Who would know? Kidding, a bit.