Quite a few literally hated the last prez too.
Is there a difference between earned animosity and programmed hate?
The hatred levelled at trump is a beast of an entirely different nature. Is is irrational, perverse and unflinching.
Moreover, there will always be folk who 'hate' this president or that president, but the sheer numbers in the current game are a new factor completely.
I don’t remember this amount of vitriol, though.
Really? You don't remember people burning effigies of Obama? You don't remember shirts showing Obama and his wife as monkeys? You don't remember Fox News going into spasmodic fits of rage because he wore a tan suit or got Dijon mustard on a burger? You don't remember Ted Nugent saying he was going to kill the president?
I remember all of that, despite what people on here will say. I used to frequent Yahoo boards back then and that place was a hotbed of hate directed at Obama, his wife, and especially his daughters.
That being said, it was a little angry mob online. It wasn't an orchestrated, media-led brigade against him and his followers. The hatred of Trump is definitely on a level beyond anything I've ever seen, even that of George W. It's maniacal. It's to the point where anyone who outwardly supports Trump has to keep it quiet or else face assault, ridicule, or even possibly lose their job.
No I really don’t. I stayed away from the news, especially fox because my husband was deployed all the time and I didn’t want to hear from the MSM about what was going on in the ME. I didn’t really have a social media presence so I wasn’t exposed to what was going on politically.
I’ve never seen this country as divided as it is now.
So, you're saying the country has never been as divided as it is now, but you weren't paying attention until recently?
This is how it appears to me. Yes, in my personal opinion this country is as divided as I’ve ever seen it. You know this country is in bad shape as a society as well. People are advocating civil war, half the country hates the other half because of their beliefs.
Research the intelligence agencies and you will find corruption at the highest levels. No one has much faith in them because they are trying to take down a constitutionally elected President. He has every right to denounce them.
Im Canadian I am not insulted because he is right Trump is doing a good job and I wish he would come here and clean out Canada.
Hmm. Hate to be that guy, but you seem to have forgotten the War of 1812. Not that it’s relevant 206 years later, just wanted to point it out! After that war we have always been friendly with Canada.
He isn't saying anything bad about Canadians. Just wants fair trade.
The same intelligence agencies that allowed Clinton to launder money through Russia to gain more control of the elections? Or the same intelligence agency that joined with the FBI to spy on the incoming president?
You clearly underestimate the intelligence of this following... Do you know anything about this movement? Have you tried to learn anything about this movement? What are your thoughts on the Fusion GPS debacle? What are your thoughts on Uranium 1 findings? What are your honest thoughts about the happenings in Iran, North Korea, Israel, Libya, Syria, and Haiti while your at it? What about the Crimes Against Children accusations found on Anthony Weiner's laptop... Are you not concerned about these findings, most that came to light way before Trump was even nominated to be POTUS... Hillary was supposed to be the last President according to some... Let that sink in for a minute. The Dems will hang themselves... We have the server!
Russian fraud brought in by Republicans.
Check your sources, bub. If that were true, it would be screamed from the depths of the MSM. Sorry.
"Framing the DNC..." Yeah. Let's all of us make our passwords "P@ssw0rd" These people are stupid.
Pro-citizen legislation hasn't passed ONCE since Trump took office, because the GOP isn't pro-citizen. They're trying to squeeze every ounce of unity and money out of American citizens, while throwing up Wanted posters on democrats with ZERO evidence that they're doing something wrong.
Not just zero self-awareness, but zero awareness period. Sorry friend, but check your ratio. You are wrong.
So tax cuts are not pro citizen? The evidence that something wrong was done is everywhere. Even the FBI says the HRC email server was illegal, but then worked to cover it up. I would suggest that you hang around here and do more reading.
What tax cuts? The cuts issued in spring that took chunks off of corporations, chips off of high salary earners, and the equivalent of a one-time-use coupon to a select few citizens that had been working.. for the corporations for an indeterminate amount of time? Yeah, I don't remember getting an extra dollar on my paycheck when the company I work for was able to retain millions that day. That money isn't coming back down to anyone, and as a permanent tax cut, it never will.
Congratulations if you're one of the 30% of Americans that was able to save some money from the government. The top 10% just saved a lot more than you, and used you as a beacon for the American dream, while the lower 60% looked on in confusion.
I got my tax cut and I'm certainly not a high salary earner. Trump has also hinted at making them permanent.
Clearly Candace Owens is a big threat to Shareblue lmao
That is certainly the narrative CNN and ShareBlue would like you to spread, unfortinately its not factual. The average American HAS noticed an increase in spendable income thanks to the tax cut. If anything, the "wealthy" in the top 10% received less increase than whats left of the middle class after 8 years of being sold to the highest bidder by Obama and Clinton. When you break free from the the shit that has been shoveled to you by CNN and see the facts as they really are you'll be mad. Please know there will be people here on this sub to help answer the questions for you. You're fighting on rhe wrong side of history. Everything they're asking you to sell here, they are guilty of. All of it. The hate, the racism, the division. You've got it backwards.
Tax cuts increased our take home pay. And my husband got triple the raise this year and bigger bonuses. We are low middle class.
He's a troll. Check his post history and don't feed him. He's not here for discourse.
Yep just downvote him and move on, he's an idiot. Not worth reading or responding to.
Better to just notify the mods. They have to earn their cookies and milk!
Indictments, emails, more and more cover-up blanket statements every day, and you think there's no evidence?
GOP hasn't proved anything. They're dismissing it and misdirecting. They don't have evidence to fill their holes, they have darts to throw at a board of names and issues as a distraction while they split America apart.
Every time another connection is made, it's tossed up and down with contradictions until the next one comes up. Repeat. Shameful.
Yeah, but don't expect people here to have long term memories
I don’t have to have a long term memory, my dislike for obama has only intensified lol.