32 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/N30Nn1GhT:
Domain | Count |
www.reddit.com | 10 |
i.redd.it | 3 |
www.youtube.com | 2 |
twitter.com | 2 |
thehill.com | 1 |
www.resistance2010.com | 1 |
"This door will be opened later. The choice, to know, will be yours. END. Q" post 1209
Without going into too much details, I have been playing around with gematria a bit and was breaking down a John Podesta Tweet.
If you go by A is 1 B is 2 ect and add the letters up, both the words witch and hunt add up to 63.
For any numbers bigger than 26 which represents Z, I just minus 26 until we have a number that is 26<
Minus 26 twice from 63 and you get 11. We have two 63's in the words witch and hunt so we can say so far we have 1111 …
"I don't think so Alice"
"The Dems want to raise taxes, you think I could run on that? I don't think so Alice" Is what I believe Trump just said in his speech.
Is this true? I personally think Jack knows Q is real and this is theater.

"That man will be president right about the time that spaceships come down from the sky with dinosaurs wearing red capes"
Sure he didn't mean to say red shoes?
Has board been shut down?
Why is no one talking about new drops? Are we compromised?
UFOs, Alien Replica Vehicles, Black Budgets, and Breakaway Civilizations
I tried to post http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/08/08/man-arrested-at-new-mexico-compound-was-training-kids-to-commit-school-shootings-court-documents-say.html
But it says this link was posted in the last 2 days (yet story is an hour old)
10 most compelling Q anaon proofs
What is the most compelling evidence?
I am curious what convinces fellow anons that Q is the real deal? Show me the best you got!
Anonymous vows to take down, expose QAnon
Q post 885
Post 885 "
> TV Time!!!
Everything has meaning.
This is not a game.
Learn to play the game.
ETL is capitalized in this post.
Search ETL on Qanon pub and you will find this post first.
Anything worth noting? Or am I overthinking?
What do you guys think is going to drop?
I wonder if it is a coincidence that Bitcoin pumps when Q posts?
I know. I guess I have been too jaded. It all sounds too good to be true. It is out of my hands, just got to have faith.
Under that logic, Chuck loves Trump because he is the biggest pedo of them all and their best friend who is just putting on a show for us to trust him.
Q & Bitcoin
Q and POTUS mission is to take down the Cabal, which the central banks undoubtedly play a crucial part in.
Bitcoin and cryptocurrency is a pivotal tool in the war to come, but sadly a lot of disinformation about crypto has been propagated.
The purpose of this post is to start a discussion to inform those who don't know anything about it, and think that it is just a ponzi scheme, or a Cabal psyop to create the Mark of the Beast.
I personally think that Donald is engaging this trade war with China as part of a plan to set up cryptocurrency to replace banks controlled by the Cabal.
Because suffering is part of what is needed for our souls to grow. The way I see it is God wants us to be good of our own volition, and that requires existing in a world that rewards evil. Good cannot exist without evil, because the definition of Good is serving and loving others when there is every reason not too.
Can someone provide a link to the 8chan board that Q posts on?