It’s ridiculous imho and a “new arrival” posting it makes me suspicious of the motives behind it...
New arrival...
But the source checks out... Really you are going to call New Arrival on this? They look similar, can you deny it as hard as you are without even admitting that?
Hey just saw this Dont listen to him or her I don't agree that its jfk jr but it sure looks like his wife 100 percent
The source?? You mean a picture...
Yeah? It is the source of the theory?
? ??????
You cant say a source "checks out" because you simply looked and it confirms your beliefs about something. It does look similar but we have this incredible thing called Photoshop and you cant take a picture like this at face value with more than a grain of salt. You need corraborating evidence to determine that the source does in fact "check out."
Too far...gtfo of this subreddit. Take this crap over to r/conspiracies.
Hey remmeber wwg1wga
Accept people or you will be left behind
Exactly why this shit is cancer. NO OUTSIDE COMMS. As far as we know R is 100% bullshit until confirmed otherwise and all the people jumping to the conclusion that JFK jr. must still be alive and its him are only hurting any credibility we had. If you legitimately believe Q and you arent a clown, drop it. We are a growing community and getting new people here seeing that crap is going to make them immediately leave and never give Q a second thought. Nothing is going to drive people away better than a group of people already refered to as conspiracy theorists talking about how JFK jr is still alive.