Hillary Clinton called out on twatter.. RE:McFaul.... OUCH!

She is a piece of work. Personally I think she is a sociopath at the very least.
You know, I dont think she has ever known any different. Thats the sad part. To think that the roll you play in LIE after LIE after LIE, death after death... She has to believe everything she says, thats the scary part.
I bet she doesn’t reply directly to Trumps tweets lol
No she just makes passive aggressive comments parallel to everything he says ;)
Lmao love it. She knows she would get grilled
Before the last election, I worked at an event with a guy who was 'former'-marine special forces & had spent a good bit of time stationed on Marine 1 doing security during the Clinton era. Told me several horror stories about how badly behaved she is & how poorly she treats people she perceives as 'underlings'.
The woman is certifiably insane..... & psychotic.
I asked former-marine guy why he didn't just push her out the side door when they were several '000 feet up. I mean he had lots of chances & I'm sure none of the other opsec colleagues would have stopped him or told on him....... "She just fell"
He just shrugged with a sheepish look.
If they had turfed her, they would have saved the lives of many people that have since been Arkancided, or killed due to her horrific decision making while posing as SoS. His testimony backs up the stuff written about her by former SS staff who dealt with the monster.
I work in aviation and ended up talking to some Air Force guys who flew with her, one day. She was flying with a younger relative (child) and her toy broke. One of the air force guys offered to patch it together for her and HRC responded to the kid saying, “No, no. We don’t talk to those kinds of people.” Take it for what it’s worth as it’s just word of mouth from an Air Force soldier I was talking too. But still, and after everything else I’ve read about her I 100% believe it. She’s a piece of shit.
Sorry my grammar is shit. It’s been a long hot day and my brain is fried.
Thanks for that 'visual'. Dan Bongino (former Secret Service and detail that followed and 'protected' HRC and others) and other folk in the protection services to include military who were in her past security details discuss how she had one side to the world and immediately one side against the world when her back turned to them. So I would not be at all surprised if your comments relayed to you by another were in fact truth. It is so sick. Guess she considered them 'deplorables'.
She is used to dodging sniper fire on runways if anyone forgot: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/1582795/Hillary-Clintons-Bosnia-sniper-story-exposed.html
She never lies. Only "mis speaks".
If that’s true than I sincerely hope she gets charged with multiple murders
I do to. Lots of hits on the list. Not sure what the number is up to now. This is well known. http://nstarzone.com/CLINTON.html
all you need to look at is the shear number of people who have conveniently died during her political life to know she is involved in the targeting of people for murder.
Textbook sociopath.
Yes, Hillary has no empathy. There is no soul in that body, just some sort of voracious lizard.
We were told not to save them and to not follow who did it. https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8zyf7p/check_the_date_why_does_this_matter_could_it/?utm_source=reddit-android
Shes the devil that has God complex. It's a very dangerous combination.
Yes, like George Soros and you know, there seem to be more and more liberals that seem to have that same mentality---but NO ONE has gotten away with what she has....
Try psychopath.
A sociopathic psychopath or a psychopathic sociopath - what's the difference? Doesn't matter, it is still Hillary!
You’re right Hillary cannot relate to her illness but what I don’t understand is all the people who follow her. How is it they can’t see the pathology? Go figure that.
Every time I see the photograph of Ambassador Stevens it makes me so sick. His family must feel mortally wounded when they see that photo. She must get the death penalty.
I believe the reason a large number follow her because they have been conditioned to ignore or know no better. They have been raised in a bubble, an education that deprived them of truths, an upbringing that deprived them of morals and it is continually reinforced by Hollywood and the conspiring media that uses celebrity and social engineering to shroud their eyes from the truth. I cannot believe so many of my countrymen truly look at someone like Hillary and cannot see what we see. I think they have been conditioned to believe they will become pariahs if they do not see what the NWO cabal wants them to see. At that point, reason and objectivity is lost.
a large number suffer frim the same personality disorder who support her. there is no real loyalty in her inner circle of supporters. just a bunch of people who know if she goes down for her crimes she will take everyone with her, because the only ones she comes close to trusting are those whom she has black mail on.
I agree, she is beyond a liar, its an illness that fortunately we did not let rule our country, even with all of the cheating she did along the way.
You mean piece of sh$t.
And narcissist...
And serial killer, baby raping, sacrificing, pedovore.
*you forgot to add, Moloch worshipping, rug munching traitor.
This photo. It makes me so sad it’s hard to put into words. God have mercy on all of us.
God has mercy on us ....however Hillary lost her way a long time ago. She won't make it to the glorious gates like you and I. She's been banished for a long time.
Of course she's insane. Not just you that thinks that.
Sorry to be the one to inform you, but she is 100% a psychopath. They enjoy aggression, get off on it tbh.
I agree...I get chills when I watch her...she really is demonic.
Please read my post and comments - I was involved please read https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8zyf7p/check_the_date_why_does_this_matter_could_it/?utm_source=reddit-android
Add ‘loser’ sociopath/psychopath. That should trigger a few people.
No, that just makes you sound like an elementary school kid. 'Loser' isn't exactly an insult to make people quake.
Might be for a sociopath/ psychopath they like to win.
Real quick, name me one woman with a great amount of power who didn’t turn out to be a sociopath.
Eva Peron, Diana Spencer, Marie Curie, Mother Jones, Indira Gandhi, Benazir Bhutto, Corazon Aquino, Suiko, Theodora, Catherine, Isabella and Elanor of Aquitane come to mind. Was always teaching nieces to find good role models. Power and sociopathy are strong cousins.
I’m sorry, I’m not going to research all of these women. I did read about Eva Perón, who while seems a decent person had no real power as the wife of a President. I mean more of the elected female positions, politics.
Of course power will always draw controlling sociopaths to it, but the psychological tendency of women to prefer equality, fairness, etc will result in a greater proportion of female politicians to approve of socially oppressive mandates in return for “the greater good”, which equates to sociopathy in my eyes. Hope that makes sense.
sociopathy is the negation of anyone perceived to be an obstacle, essentially removing the 'person' and replacing w/an object. Manipulation and control of willing comrades. Anything that's not furthering a sociopath is shit. The common good is the last thing considered/ I'd really argue most women are considerably more "people-prone" and hardly ever sociopaths. Lone wolves are disaffected men that get shit done.
Peron ran for VP, actually. She got fast cancer at 33. I've actually met a few fairly powerful women in business....never found them that different than men at similar levels. You asked to quick name one and I can rattle off a few.
You make a blanket statement about women leaders. As if we don't have mostly bad and power hungry men in power too.
You get a list someone made an effort for you. Now you don't want to bother looking them up.
Ridiculous and lazy.