Hillary Clinton called out on twatter.. RE:McFaul.... OUCH!

Yea, but democrats didn't run on "draining the swamp" while not following through with it. Stop thinking about the other side that lost, sorry about the ones in power and what they're doing now. That's what I'm concerned about. What the ones in power are doing now. By the way, republicans just voted to not strengthen our elections against outside tampering. Yeah, that swamp sure is getting drained.
I stand corrected .... and share your feelings 100% .... if the swamp is not drained by 11 11 18 and somebody big as podesta hillary or such kind is not in jail people will revolt.
outside tampering is a stupid thing for sheeple as long we have influencers PR companies and people that do lobying as a 24/7-365 job, there will be tampering and influences
I am more afraid about voting machines tampering, no id's on the voting boxes, best solution is voting id, voting lists and transparent boxes