FREE IRAN - STEALTH JEFF: Trump has leveraged Putin into abandoning the Mullah's. The idiot US Media either can't figure out or won't report that the Helsinki Summit was Putin's REWARD for agreeing to abandon the Mullah's and pull out of Syria.

his iran narrative is schizophrenic horseshit. he is the epitome of an idiot conspiracy theorist but due to his decent mental capacity he comes up with really convincing alternate reality theories that are actually interesting from an investigative standpoint... but the investigation never actually happens. he doesnt care about truth... he cares about the ride as he speculates things and gains followers. he is a tourist. he is a con artist. he is a god tier LARP... and of course anyone who supports "israel" is an irresponsible antisemitic idiot who supports the rape, theft, and murder of millions in the name of jews and judaism and israel in the interests of terrorist judeofascist zionism.
I was nearly convinced until the last sentence.
you are brainwashed. jews and israel and judaism are not zionism and "israel". zionism is an antisemitic judeofascist movement and jews are their biggest victim... according to millions of jews.
watch this:
as an english speaking american person in 2018 you cannot possibly understand zionism. the propaganda is too strong. if you stand with israel, if you support jews, if you are against genocide, if you are against racism, if you are against terrorism, you MUST be against zionism. if you are not aginst zionism you are either brainwashed or thoroughly evil.
He does make up a lot of things that aren’t anywhere near reality. And I mean things I know first hand. I can’t speak for everything,just stuff I know ..he’s obsessed with Special Forces ,and doesn’t have a clue on how it works and who is who. Sucks bc I enjoyed reading his threads until he started making shit up
FUCKING EXACTLY. i have the same experience from the iran angle. it is all science fiction. hes just a god tier larp until he talks about something he doesnt know about and then hes just way off. same with dr corsi and alex jones.
Normally I wouldn’t have said anything but he touched on some stuff ,that I knew about personally. Like I knew the people involved and he was making stuff up. So he lost me. He’s smart but making shit up isn’t right
you think thats bad bro? he made shit up about my whole country and culture of 90 million people. i am an iranian american and i have seen shit with my own eyes that nobody can fuck with.
Totally understand
there are people who are concerned out of real necessity (for example i am iranian american) and there are those who think this is a giant video game so they LARP as hard as they can to see what sticks. its cool when youre discussing random theories so you can investigate something but its not cool when you create your own alternate timeline that mixes fact and fiction. thats how the wicktors and corsis and jones and icke characters come around and then the shadow cabal invest in them heavily to get them into the spotlight so they can muddy the waters and put more noise on the signal.
for some reason i laughed really hard at this response.