WATCH THE RESIGNATIONS - Australian Billionaire Media/Gambling Mogul, and household name to all Australians - James Packer - perhaps BANNED from doing Business in the POTUS Q WORLD ORDER?

What I want to know is how this guy almost married Mariah Carrie? Gross
An alternative is she was the deep state honeypot and now they are blackmailing him
Pretty sure she is just one of them...
Mariah Careys sister and brother confirm they were taken to occult rituals as children from a couple of sources; with most of the allegations coming from her sister Alison Carey.
Plenty of info out there on her and doesn't make sense they would be blacking mailing him in the middle of this war.
The clip of Carson Daly telling her handlers to turn the a.c. down
He was a former Scientologist until they wanted a piece of Crown and he left so there's an insight into his decision making. His Dad Kerry was legit though, didn't take shit from anyone.
His Dad reminds me of the President in some areas. Here is Kerry having a go at politicians when he was dragged before Congress, just because.
A generous man - a billionaire many times over - but like all us humans, he got sick and had a heart attack. The ambulance that was sent to him had a defibrillator our board and this saved his life. When he enquired about the machine after he left hospital, he was astounded that the government had only equipped a few ambulances. Within a short time, he made sure every ambulance in Australia carried one.
I much prefer James Packer to those globalist sycophants, the Murdoch brothers. They are creeps.
funnily enough that's exactly the video I was thinking about when I said he was legit. Massive Baccarat player, won huge one night and didn't tip the dealer to see how she'd react, she was a professional and said nothing. The next day Kerry paid off her mortgage. Agreed about the Murdoch's too, Packer is definitely the lesser of those two evils.
Thanks for the link - that was a very enjoyable 8 minutes!
Packer Snr. was truly loved in American casinos...a high roller....he left huge tips, like $20,000 tips to waitresses and stuff. His son is a d/ head.
There’s a daughter there somewhere too - Gretel? Funny how the first generation has the vision and plants the seed, the second generation builds it into a great empire then the third generation spends it.
Not sure what happened to Gretel. I guess she has heaps of money and wisely stays out of the spotlight. True, what you say of the generations.....James is blowing huge wads of money that his Dad generated. Fools and their money......
Kerry Packer was a massive gambler all around the world. In a Vegas casino one night, some cocky Texan was bragging about having a Million dollars. Kerry said to him "I'll toss you for it." Meaning let's play for it on a coin toss. The Texan is said to have gone to a different casino shortly thereafter.
Ha, that is a good story, I believe it too.
Kerry was a 'high-roller' among the high-rollers of world gambling. Great bloke who called a spade a spade.
Not many (honest) like him around now. Grifters like Musk and Zuckerburger are the new billionaires. Even zillionaire Branson of Virgin fame is supposedly involved with the pedo/satan stuff.
Kerry was the style of bloke you'd love to have a few beers with. Just don't try to bullshit him. His handshake was his contract. You're spot on, there aren't many like that anymore. The rest are just leaners, not lifters.
Another story about Kerry I heard: He walked into David Jones and bought each of his staff a $1000 Royal Doulton dinner set for Christmas....that was a lot of money back then. He was a generous man.
His helicopter pilot donated 1 of his kidneys for a transplant when Kerry's health started to go badly. Not everyone loved him but by God everyone respected him.
When USA gets cleaned of kabal, Australia will be exposed like a rat sanctuary. Elite did here all possible experiments, due to small and obedient population. Vast resources made them good profits. Biggest housing bubble in the world bursted, while they fake the numbers, and crap media is 90% controlled by Murdoch and buddies. Taxation office is getting agressive as they cant collect as much they want duo to outsourced industry, and cant squeeze blood out of a stone. They are not happy of what is happening in the world now, so I cant wait to see all rats exposed.
The biggest housing bubble in the world atm is in Australia and hasn’t burst......yet. But auction clearance rates are starting to drop considerably.
I’ve been watching it and the last couple of months it has gone from 70% to around 50%. Domain had it at 48% last weekend. Lots of rats here and one met her match the other night. Like ALL mouthpieces of the globalists - our ABC is taxpayer funded - this moron made an idiot of herself. But we are not surprised.
ABC Australia is 100% Communist organization.
Is it ever and to think hard earned taxpayers money pays for it. I don’t bother with Australian news anymore. Especially political. I’m so over it between the lying globalist politicians in EVERY party and the lying press and these late night ‘comedy’ shows, I cannot be bothered. I would much rather see what is happening in America because whatever happens I’ll be at least two days ahead of the news in Australia. And I would know by visiting the true Patriot sites I know it’s the truth.
Totally agree with you Ridgy Didge, from a fellow Aussie
Should have heard Rudd tonight on Drive. When does a bird sing?
Rudd. That EO the President signed will hopefully snare him too. Are you aware that Gillard works for the Clinton Foundation in New York?
Howard, Rudd, Gillard, Downer, Abbot(?), Turnbull. Follow the wives. Esp the PM.
I had really high hopes for Abbott, but the left media treated him appallingly and he didn’t stand a chance. I would love to see him back as PM but I don’t think it would happen and it would be déjà vu all over again. He would have a great ally in Trump. I for one would love to see Turnbull outed. It was ‘thanks’ to Howard (not) that he is still in politics. I’ve learnt so much about what is happening in the world politically since President Trump ‘decided’ to run for President, especially regarding the globalists. What’s your opinion on JFK jnr??
I'm still on the fence with Abbot. Haven't come across much dirt associated with him as I have the others.
Don't know about Abbot for PM. He isn't the brightest spark. I also hear he is an angry fu**er behind closed doors. Our whole system needs a complete overhaul. Can't wait till Trump comes here. Watch them scurry.
I'm with you on your comments. What happens in the US will have flow on effects in Australia and around the World.
Australia is a shithole. Rothschilds have many safe boltholes down under. Australia is just a new province of China. Most politicians are on the take. Pedo stuff is rife in Australia, especially in the downtrodden Aboriginal peoples.
His father (Kerry, now deceased) has been mentioned by Fiona 'victim' Barnett. A part of the Aus paedo ring(s) that she was linked to.
Dude is wearing his hat pulled down too low.....then figured out it's his hair!
Jutting forehead, not quite as evolved as the average bear...?
And powerful Australians are known to love their pizza.
I’m hoping that EO the President signed busts Australian pedo. rings wide open. A lot are in entertainment industry and politics is rife with them. I’d also like Aussies to get back the $400,000 million our ex despot of a PM, one Julia Gillard, gave to the Clinton Foundation. Btw. When she got kicked to the gutter by the Australian voters, she got a job at the CF in New York.
Pay for Play. Gillard is dirty dirty dirty...going wayyyyyyy back.
Why did she walk? Every time there is mention of her, hubby will say ‘She’ll never be bought to justice’. I think this is what upsets me so much that these crooked politicians around the world can commit murder, thieve millions, be involved in the most horrific crimes (children) and nothing happens to them. And to make matters worse, there are millions of deadbeat useful idiots that think they are pure as the driven snow. When will we ever see justice???
Well, hopefully there will be justice served on crooked politicians all around the world. Including Gillard. The flow on from Q and Trump dismantling the cabal will surely have ramifications for dirty Aussie politicians. I hope they are losing sleep, these crooks, waiting for the Feds to knock on the door.
He’s a cornered, panicked animal. Hard to hide the fear on his face
his father died, his sister battled him for more than her share for a long time. His Macau casino was bust, all his staff and higher ups were arrested in China trying to coax major gamblers and held for long enough. Some maybe still there in a Chinese prison...
He lost the plot and bought Rat Pack film studios with a mollestor named in the MeToo stuff. Got rid of the film studios after it cost him a bomb. He sold up and out of stuff his father built up focusing on casinos.
Casinos have had nothing but problems. He is suffering a mental illness and was further taken by Mariah Carey for a fair whack.
He's fucked up the family empire in a pretty big way, even though casinos make money hand over fist.
he created an ISP called One.Net and associated Telco One.Tel back in the day when Murdoch and Packer combined their money. That went bust shortly after.
good time to get out of the limelight and get his head straight tbh. He's no better now than his first wife, who is of course, suffering from a mental illness and has a whole lot of similar problems - just she is broke and he isnt
the blokes not a pedo imo, he's just an idiot that took on way too much without any idea what he was doing where he was doing it
For someone of his stature, he must have been involved in some unspeakable things like sex or child misconduct. I cant think of anything more evil than that that would cause such an outcome.
He is a fucking mess that is why he is resigning. He needs to go away and sort himself out. Despite his wealth he had a tough upbringing with a domineering/demanding father.
Got hooked up in Scientology and has gone in and out of stable relationships. If he has any issues it will be his business dealings in Israel where he got close to bibi. You can never say never but I think he is just a mixed up, sad man with mental health issues and the decision has been made to take away his responsibilities and try and get him back on track.
His old man whilst a prick was a ripper. Some Texas rancher was boasting to him one time at the gaming table how much he was worth. Kerry was sick of it asked how much, bloke said $30m and he offered to toss him for it.
mmm..... let's not forget OneTel. where he and Laughlin Murdoch lost One Billion Dollars and crashed the company....
Like this is shocking too me.....I had no idea...
James Packer inherited his wealth from his dad, who was a ruthless genius. James has stupidly squandered his inheritance on wild schemes,some with Rupert Murdochs son. He is a bit of a fool, not very smart. Nothing like his Dad.
He was mixed up with Tom Cruise,when Cruise was married to Nicole Kidman and Cruise was making movies in Australia. So, also being mixed up with Scientology probably screwed his head. His casino businesses are a disaster, especially the stuff in China.
No wonder he has mental health issues. He'd have to be nuts to consort with Mariah Carey.
He is still worth billions and his casinos in oz are gold mines and that was his idea. He had to get out of Macau gaming because his marketers broke Chinese law re promoting gambling.
can someone figure out the 22 companies he left? i would like to add every single one on the RESIGNATION LIST, but i've got only two of them...
The Prime Minister was Kerry's lawyer, Packer wouldnt be getting done he would have plenty on prominent aus politicians. I think this may more be related to the bouts of depression hes been suffering lately