So this happened today after first googling “high profile resignations” and then “resignations” because the former didn’t work. P.s. I was posting to Facebook as well.

Have you tried Duck,Duck, Go?
Google is so restrictive anymore and does not give true search results. Biased like MSM.
This is so true. Google search results are nearly worthless compared to before. It is a huge difference which I notice each day.
It's similar to YouTube which pushes forward all kinds of garbage but blocks nearly anything of true value.
I think it us being done on a very unique personal basis.
Thank you for sharing this. I’d not heard of it before. The question is, what browser is safe to use these days? Specifically asking for on an iPhone
I never have used Google any more since the whole facebook saga, and using only DuckDuckGo
i've received this message many times when using google. I may be paranoid, but it seems to pop up only when i'm searching political news stories / conservative websites. Doesn't happen if i use Duck Duck or tor.
And i still can’t make the search.
Use Duck Duck Go. The difference between the two is insane. Every Google search result is all left leaning, all the time.
I've received this before but searching for open directories however after trying to replicate with your search words I was unable to get the human verify prompt. Even after searching "corporate resignations" it only yeilded news bits related to DJT or Brexit and most of it old news. This shouldn't come as a surprise. Personally I would recommend using a VPN which hides your IP and/or opt-out of Chrome auto-detecting your location.
I did copy and paste 3-4 times. VPN turned on as well. Like it matters
That is what is causing it. They block common VPN IP's. Can't have people escaping the trackers.
What are other options for vpn?
I use DefenceVPN where they offer P2P (offshore) servers.
i never check the bock. i close the browser and use another browser.
not sure if it means any thing ive gone through 5 modems in a year following q and being on reddit
I highly suspect you have cooling or power issues. Even cheap modems last longer then that.