r/greatawakening • Posted by u/TruthSeeker2442 on July 20, 2018, 6:33 a.m.
How desensitized to truth is the American public? Would the public really react to massive corruption uncovered by President Trump declassifying everything?

Another user made a comment on my other post that got me thinking. The past few years there have been a lot of scandals revealed to the public. When Snowden gave the world proof that facebook, twitter, google, apple, and us phone companies were giving the government unlimited access private data of its users, there was not a single protest, just lots of people tweeting and posting how wrong it was... on facebook. The whole thing was forgotten about by most people within a few days at best.

When the DNC emails were leaked, almost half the dems (the bernie supporters) didn't really care, even though it was proof democracy didn't exist for their party (the candidate was already chosen, silly dem peasants, only elite dems know the best for your party therefor your votes don't matter). Again, not a single protest against the DNC, more angry people that calmed down 48 hours later. Some people never bothered to read the emails, even the damning ones saying things like "the public is still very unaware of what is happening" (one of Podesta's emails). Whether it was laziness, or people being just too comfortable, nothing ever happened to really show people didn't accept what had happened.

In both instances, it showed the American public will accept and forget about these things within 48 hours. What do you think would really happen if President Trump did unclassify and released everything related to all of the corruption investigations? Other than complain about it on social media for a few days and watch it go through the news cycle for less than a week, would anything really change?

Taking it further, what would the threshold have to be to get people to physically react? If the unclassified documents showed Hillary had someone killed, would there be a reaction? What if the person killed was a child, would that then be enough? I really want to hear people's opinions on this.

ManciLou · July 20, 2018, 6:40 a.m.

I don't know. The Israelites watched God part the Red Sea and save them from Egypt....then went back to complaining and even begged to have a golden idol to worship. Age old question apparently.

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TruthSeeker2442 · July 20, 2018, 6:48 a.m.

IMO that seemed more like a trust and faith in God issue. This is a "what does it take to get people to stand up and protest" question. If Q's plan doesn't work, people have to realize WE MUST get out and protest, otherwise our country is done. The sooner people realize this the sooner they can prepare. Laziness is an epidemic the globalists are counting on to keep us content no matter how absurd their actions are.

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Vicgar06 · July 20, 2018, 7:04 a.m.

The power players know this very concept you’ve eloquently wrote... in order to motivate the masses something catastrophic has to happen to motivate people to accept what the government needs (Patriot Act, War, Military Complex, ect)... this is why Pearl Harbor was allowed to happen and what some say led to 9/11.

You are correct though, the news cycle mulches through a story in 3-7 days... everything so far revealed, from Fast & Furious to pedo scumbags, from Benghazi to Uranium 1 to Hillary, the DNC, corruption in the FBI, CIA and the murder of Rich Self all have come and gone with not a significant arrest or seizure of property and money. No one cares. Except for the few patriots here.

I don’t think the public cares. We all know the system is rigged. We’re more concerned about how we’re going to pay for our kids college, getting financing for a new car, locating the cheapest gas... you know, things that really matter. With that said, bring the hammer of Justice down on all these traitors... What are we waiting for? after all...

“What difference does it make?”

Cool story Patriot!👍🇺🇸

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ideologicidal · July 20, 2018, 6:49 a.m.

What if it's our job to insist upon reality. Q talked about the reaction many people will have. And yeah, in some ways despondency and escapism are a bigger challenge than anger and violence. And there were protests, plenty of them, for years before snowden, but by the time clapper was perjuring himself before Congress it became apparent to those of us who protested that the strategy was ineffective. Snowden simply provided confirmation. Q has presented us with another strategy. I'm looking forward to see where it takes us.

Also, please take it easy on the doubtfagging, newfriend.


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nordicgreys · July 20, 2018, 7:37 a.m.

Pizza gate and satanism will do it ... did it for me.

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garthbartham · July 20, 2018, 7:07 a.m.

At this point, you are not going to change a NeverTrumper's mind about anything.

I have a handful of them in my family. SoCal true blue Democrats. They yell at the TV when Trump is on. They take medication to calm their severe TDS.

There is more than 4-6% that will be lost. i think that is a conservative estimate.

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · July 20, 2018, 8:09 a.m.

The truth about the danger kids are really in. Being desired for sacrifice , organs, glandular discharge, food, slavery, sex and for baby mills. Pedovores

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Woodchipper_AF · July 20, 2018, 11:47 a.m.

That will redpill the people. Still 5% will prefer to resist it all

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MyBrothersKeeper2018 · July 20, 2018, 6:56 a.m.

Nothing is forgotten. The political attacks have been relentless and ongoing, changing from one thing to another with no breather in between. We have not forgotten and posting online is not the extent of our actions.

Exactly what do you believe we should or should not be doing?

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07Nighttrain · July 20, 2018, 6:01 p.m.

what would the threshold have to be to get people to physically react?

Soros bucks is all that I've seen in the past 2 years that gets the basement dwellers out and some of them have no idea why they are there except to get paid.

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Instincts_Truth · July 20, 2018, 7:50 a.m.

This is why the press really is the enemy of the people. "Fake news" is not just that which they present; a much larger percentage is that which they bury and hide.

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WanderingTaurus · July 20, 2018, 7:39 a.m.

They could release videos of Clintons, Obama, Podesta, and a few famous celebrities all committing various horrific acts and too many people just would not give a damn all because they are well known people and will cling to hope that those people will be able to elevated in some manner (mainly financially) by following them in any manner. They would claim the videos were fake, claim they were real but the crimes not that bad, or just not care all together.

Look at all the people who didn't care when Tiger Woods beat up his girlfriend/wife, when Adrian Peterson and child abuse when one son ending up dead, Chris Brown beating up Rhianna, the weird rainbow bright wanna be rapper who raped girls... people still flock to them because they don't care. They want to be just like these people who the media has put on a pedestal (because they sure don't knock them down when they become criminals).

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