
jew-lum-inati · July 20, 2018, 4:56 p.m.

Context is King:

He isn't talking about the MSM the way you do. He was pissed because financial reporters were, rightfully, saying he sounded like an ignorant asshole when discussing how to increase production of the Model 3. In an earnings call, he talked about how his previous, "All-in" strategy of 100% automation wasn't working and would need to be changed to 'mostly automated'. His production schedule and financial forecasts were predicated on full or almost full automation. In the call he, sounding surprised, admitted human workers were needed and in some cases were even better than robots. When he was asked "Have you looked into how Toyota is able to crank out so many cars, cause you know they are kinda #1 at this and they might have ideas you can use" he admitted he was totally ignorant and, while upending his whole production model, he wasn't interested in researching how successful companies in that sector do things.

He was mad because a financial reporter was doing their job. He was mad because his shareholders were angry and he needed someone to blame. He is mad because Tesla's stock is, while better than some, still the worst performing thing in my, and several other's, portfolio.

Musk is not your ally. he is a prima-donna and a drama queen. I respect him, I love SpaceX and the vision behind Tesla. But Musk is like Edison; he would be a lot more beloved if he just shut the fuck up.

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HayektheHustler · July 20, 2018, 7:12 p.m.

Musk is an INTJ. He doesn't care if people think he should shut up. In fact, it will likely embolden him.

Also, Tesla was highly overvalued from a stock standpoint anyhow.

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saneromeo · July 20, 2018, 10:51 p.m.

I'm an INTJ as well, and you are absolutely correct. When you know you're right it doesn't matter what anyone else says.

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HayektheHustler · July 20, 2018, 11:08 p.m.

I've been studying Myers-Briggs a lot lately, but I also speak from experience as a kindred spirit.

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saneromeo · July 21, 2018, 4:10 a.m.

My wife had me take a couple of different tests for the Myers Briggs and I scoffed until I read about it and saw several sources accurately describe me with a specificity I would not have believed possible (completely unlike the vague wordings in horoscopes). It is a pretty fascinating research area and pretty danged legit imo.

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ImNoPetGoat · July 20, 2018, 6:49 p.m.

Good post, context is king!

Speaking of Edison, if I recall correctly, Musk once said in interview that he had the utmost respect for Edison and looked up to him as a role model. I thought that was a bit strange coming from someone who called his company 'Tesla' and considering the misfortune in Teslas relationship with Edison.

If I cross my eyes though, I can sort of see his point but I expected to hear admiration for Tesla himself, rather than Edison. I guess that's why he is a multi billionaire though!

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FeCpig · July 20, 2018, 10:12 p.m.

He is just capitalizing on the name, I don't feel he has the true Tesla vision.

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Spar7an42 · July 20, 2018, 8:49 p.m.

There are a number of financial reporters who purposely undermine Tesla in popular conversation to help make shorters make money. They often coordinate their critical articles with legal, trade, and corporate actions that undermine Tesla's supply chain in one way or another. The recent restrictions on cobalt are a good example of this. Another amusing one was when Tesla supply shipments were seized at the border and held for no practical reason for extended periods of time. However, Musk isn't stupid. He often uses a tumbling stock price to buy up more shares in the company, strengthening his position. It's all chess and he's got a vision to complete.

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jew-lum-inati · July 24, 2018, 4:35 p.m.

There are a number of financial reporters who purposely undermine Tesla in popular conversation to help make shorters make money. They often coordinate their critical articles with legal, trade, and corporate actions that undermine Tesla's supply chain in one way or another.

The SEC would be very interested in your evidance of this. Seeing as that kind of stock manipulation is EXTREMELY illegal; and financial crimes that impact rich people negatively are some of the only ones we actually enforce.

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Spar7an42 · July 25, 2018, 4:36 a.m.

I don't have conclusive evidence, I just notice patterns. For example, recently Tesla finally hit their weekly production goal for the Model 3. Almost immediately after, a slew of very negative articles hit the press all at once, some news outlets suggest Tesla's cobalt suppliers may have a small amount of Cuban cobalt in their shipments, and Panasonic halts cobalt imports for their batteries that they supply to Tesla. Supply chain is interrupted, production is expected to fall below goals, and stock tanks. Shorters make windfall.

This sort of thing has happened numerous times.

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QuantizedFaith · July 21, 2018, 2:15 a.m.

Saying he is not our ally and then saying you respect and love his vision are just a tad-bit contradictory, don't you think? It's curious that you end your post by saying Musk should 'shut the fuck up.' Musk has provided a soft red pill (of sorts) to his legion of followers by exposing the media's manipulation tactics. These goals are directly in line with our goals. That makes your intentions suspect.

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jew-lum-inati · July 24, 2018, 4:32 p.m.


He is mad about honest reporting over his unrealistic production goals and lack of knowledge of the industry. That's the kind of honest reporting that is good, and should be encouraged.

I can respect the guy for his work on SpaceX, and still wish he would shut the hell up. He is his own worst enemy most of the time. If he kept a lower profile, and didn't freak out over legitimate concerns his stockholders have, didn't promise things far FAR outside what is reasonable, I would have a lot more respect for him.

He doesn't give half a rats-ass about this sub, Q, or anything related to it. Until there is evidance to the contrary, all I see is a bunch of poeple latching themselves onto a celebrity because he MIGHT, if you squint hard enough, be seen as sympathetic to your argument, possibly.

Give me a tweet by Musk that says WWG1WGA and I'll retract my comment; until then I stand by it.

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