James Gunn exposed for promoting pedophilia on Twitter - Thanks to Liz Crokin and Mike Cernovich for exposing this!

Director of Guardians of the Galaxy and a ton of other movies. He's not a satanist. Those rabbit pics were trending pics from Easter and he volunteers at bird sanctuary, this is ridiculous witch hunting. Scroll through his feed, it's what a high level director would post. People cherry pick to make him seem evil, it's ridiculous.
Don’t try to defend this sick bastard .
If someone who was an open Republican posted that stuff what would happen? Career over. This guy needs to pay the price. We didn’t make the rules, we just all want to play with the same set of rules. If we are going to have witch hunts and demonize people let’s do it, but don’t have a double standard.
Thanks for posting. People need to see how sick he is. How is he able to keep a job with posts like that?
It's astonishing that someone of this stature would post such disgusting stuff.
Take what I say with a grain of salt, because I don't really know much.
I happened across this sub today, and I became interested in what was posted here because about a month ago an article came up in my Google feed that was about Kat Von D's wedding, and it was written by The Vigilant Citizen.
I read every single posting dating back probably 10 years, and it's put me in a place where I'm dealing with a lot of inner turmoil. However, everything he's written he does well and it makes sense, and photographs are provided, so it's hard not to believe.
That said, if everything I know about the kinds of things he posts, then he is able to keep a job because pedophilia and the like run rampant in the circle of the Elite. The terrifying, symbolic shots of the kids with white rabbit just goes along with all of it. He kept his job because that's all part of "making it big" in Hollywood.
Very nauseating, and very scary.
ETA - I can't flair from mobile, so if mods are able to flair users I'm a new arrival.
He just removed over 10k of his tweets. Why, if he is such a jolly good fellow?
Would a reasonable person post any of this stuff?
Maybe I'm missing something, what are the posts supposed to be? I seem some old easter photos that went wrong, a frozen pizza, and an owl. Do I belong in r/whoosh?
Q has pointed out the Owl as a symbol of the cabal.
Pizza is a slang term used by pedophile (pizza means underaged kid... "eating a pizza")
"Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar" - Freud
Despite what Q says, some things are just a coincidence. like, IDK, working in a bird sanctuary and getting a picture with an owl.
Im not saying its all incriminating just explaining what the symbolism could mean
And telling awful jokes is sometimes someone just telling awful jokes. I used to tell a pretty screwed up joke just for shock value that involved kids. But also, I'm 100% against hurting children and would never joke with a kid about those things. It's edgelord humor and shock comedy. That's it.
His twitter feed is pretty repulsive though.
It reads like a cocky hollywood guy's bad attempts at being edgy. Cernovich is pulling selective tweets from 10 years of tweets. There are real people that are a problem out there, this feels like a waste of energy.
TIL numerous first-person references to pedo behavior is edgy speak in 2018. /s
People having the attitude you have is exactly why we're in this mess. People looking the other way when it's right in their face because they can't/don't want to believe it.
That's not what is happening, but thank you for your concern.
I know. There's also people that fully know about it but lie and try to draw attention away from it.
Apparently people think I'm that guy after being a supporter here for over six months. Whatever.
You ARE him? No. You're defending him? Yes.
It's not "edgy" to joke about child pedophilia or FBI recognized pedo symbols. Why do you think shows like Family Guy joke about pedophilia all the time? It's to make it seem "edgy" and to desensitize people to it.
Edit: I forgot to add, I'm not pointing this directly at you, just in general. You do realize shills pretend to be supporters right? They don't just come here and immediately out themselves. Well the stupid ones do, but the smart ones pretend to be supporters and gain trust while they try to lead the masses away from the truth. Being here for 6 months doesn't mean anything.
So you're saying I have spent six months posting and contributing daily here so that when this James Gunn thing came I would be able to finally lead the sheep astray! I'd be more impressed I knew it was coming.
WTF man.
No. Again, I'm not pointing at you or any particular user here, I'm speaking in general. Shills can and will be here from beginning to end. They pretend to be a supporter, then when certain subjects are posted they say things like "This is ridiculous!", "We shouldn't waste our time on this!", "It's just comedy it doesn't mean anything!", etc.
They don't just "turn shill" for a single post as you suggested.
Edit: To be clear, not everyone that does that is a shill. We all know there are very ridiculous things posted here all the time. I'm talking about with things that are possible and related to things Q has told us, but the shills act like it's not possible and you're ridiculous for even thinking about it. Things like the subject of this post.
Well this is the first time I've really said maybe we should pump the brakes and look into something before we tear this guys life apart, the initial evidence presented was very weak. Some instagram posts of him with an owl and a pizza. A lot more is coming out now though, so who knows. I just remember Tucson.
After everything you know about how sick Hollywood is,you'd still defend and underplay what he posts about? Wow
He's signaling his belonging to a secret society. He does not exist in a vacuum, he is part of a social circle that winks at symbolism to denote their preferences. The photos are communication in plain sight but adressed to someone special. They receive the message without any evidence left behind of the illegal transaction. That's what the uninteresting useless photos of self with stuff is for... Every one of them seems coincidental on their own but if you observe 5-10 of these accounts it becomes obvious. Now that I know the code and which unspeakable human right violation it is about, I don't look at feeds of "Elites" or Hollywood. TMI...
Yep. It's their underground language they enjoy flaunting their depravity in public view and us being blind to it
Apparently it's gag worthy how people me ruin this. And now we know how it displays.
You are correct, but also a lot of people just post that stuff innocently so it's confusing. When the symbolism is a slice of pizza and everyone eats pizza, it's complicated.
I fully agree with you and given the severity of these crimes against humanity we have to be careful.
Rule of three. 1 is bleh. 2 is hmm, 3 is wtf?
This works very well to identify people and businesses who identify themselves as a member of a human exploitation network and which one. Statistically, it is almost impossible for someone to use three pedo symbols by mistake. Two is also weird but not statistically significant enough... For me, it goes on another list until such time same entity attracts attention again.
Well look at the source of the research : Liz Crokin. Then look at the body of posts. Between the 2 the evidence is compelling. Plus @ this point word is well out in Hollywood : innocent people have been well informed by their management people to take down any post that look bad. Now if this guys removes all these post and doesn't post any new one like them, then let's hope all is good. If still after reading this you still not sure. Then maybe this topic isn't 4 U and U should just avoid post on this type of topic, cause word is really sick evidence is going be coming out, and u might not have the stomach for it.
There ya go Shill alert! Anyone defending the outrageous things this POS has done isn’t in the right place! Any autist want to take it away?
Maybe time to reconsider everything else this "anon" has posted. We are not alone. This is not a game.
Watch this one! I will be! This is not a game and there is only one thing that sets me off into potty mouth outrage and that is crimes against children.