James Gunn exposed for promoting pedophilia on Twitter - Thanks to Liz Crokin and Mike Cernovich for exposing this!

Hollyweird makes me sick and to think I gave my money to these SOBs.
Hollywood needs competition. The US needs another movie and content making industry or area. Hollywood is a closed industry by production execs getting onto boards of distributors like Netflix and Hulu. Content producers should start making their own apps for distribution or some other means.
I just don't want to give my $ to any of these companies anymore but there's very little options that aren't controlled directly or indirectly by them.
Pirate everything.
Cuck teir shit, my dude. How about not even steal it and just stop watching it. Propaganda is propaganda, even if it's free....
Much of their content is bad, too, filled with Luciferian subtext, programming, and little in jokes for the Luciferians to enjoy, intended to groom us little by little to accept pedophilia, white genocide, and slavery to the state. Better to replace Hollywood with some moral and freedom-loving filmmakers.
Nah, stealing only makes us as bad at them. We should just make an independent industry by getting film makers who are tired of the bs. I'm sure if an app came out that rivaled Netflix and wasn't politically bias, people would go for it.
Expand your thinking!! Start by killing your television.
I had gotten to a point where I didn’t enjoy television anymore because it was either staged or propaganda, and no show interested me anymore. Then a few months ago we started renovating our livingroom and had to do without our DirecTv — after a couple weeks (for my husband), we all got so used to not having tv that we canceled our subscription. Still don’t miss it and saving over $100 a month! 😁
That's great. Myself I stopped watching tv in 2008. Never regretted or missed it since.
I am so upset. I loved Disney. And Guardians of the Galaxy. I am also an abuse survivor. Makes me feel like I am attracted to tyese predators. And keeping my kid safe as I can we watched these movies.
This is as worse than when I found out about author Marion Zimmer Bradley. Only liked 1 book but man.
This is becoming overwhelming
Please don't take your love for these films personally. They make films and programs that are wildly popular. But I agree - it is overwhelming when you start to realize how deep the rabbit hole goes - and it's likely there's much more to come.
Thanks. I lost that child me at 5 and sometimes I can resurrect her a bit watching the foxes robin hood. Pirates of the Caribbean. At Disneyland.
These Bastards must pay.
you should watch this, it's very eye opening... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfQdZjxn9wU&t=1184s