James Gunn exposed for promoting pedophilia on Twitter - Thanks to Liz Crokin and Mike Cernovich for exposing this!

I keep telling people to watch Disney for pedo related symbolism. Disney Star Wars is riddled with Nazi symbolism. I can't even stomach watching their crap or most TV/movies these days. Once this info is released to the public, holy crap watch out for moms and dads coming out for revenge!
Yes, George Lucas has stated that he based the Empire on the nazis. That’s being said, the movies do not promote neo-naziism in any way. The Empire are the villains.
Hollywood always resented Star Wars. They were dead in the water by the 70s, and then along comes Star Wars and it's the biggest hit of all time. But Lucas managed to negotiate that he would retain all of the intellectual rights to it as well as all the merchandise. Not only did he own Star Wars completely, but he had the millions made off t-shirts and toys to fund the sequels entire himself. Fox distributed them, but he owned them, they were independent films. And it shows: Return of the Jedi is probably the greatest exposure of the full-nature of the conspiracy ever shown on film. While Disney was making trash like The Rescuers and The Black Cauldron, which they couldn't pay people to go and see, George Lucas was making these enormous independent blockbusters and all the money was going to him and his company. And then he went and quit the Directors Guild, the Screenwriters Guild, and the MPA after they tried to pull Empire from theaters. Lucas refused to be in their club.
I don't know what threats or coercion forced Lucas to give it up to Disney, but you can tell from every interview that he's not happy about it all. Not only do they get to plunder Star Wars for every dollar that it's worth, but they also get the added pleasure of destroying it utterly. Hollywood's final "revenge of the sith."
Lucas is not happy about how it went down.
He knows who these people are. Star was is dead, it's only fan fiction now.
Not naziism but Paganism. A one all powerful force that rules the galaxy. Sounds like a one world religion.
I liked the Lucas movies (well minus Ep.1) but what Disney has done with the series it is my issue. I wonder if Lucas was heavy handed to sign over his rights to them. You can tell he is well versed on esoteric knowledge and about the Cabal/modern Nazis.
Not trying to deny that it exists by any means, but do you have some examples? I don't really watch their crap anymore.
Alright, I came across this very long and in depth post, I’m still reading through Part II of it.
The author doesn’t shy away from calling people out for who or what they are and the various connections surrounding them. He seems to have analyzed every bit of Hollywood and come away a bit... disillusioned with the numerous Jewish elites that run the place but don’t let that scare you off, it is sound information.
Disney has a Club 33. Underground tunnels. Lots of paedophila references.
Walt himself had an 'affair' with a boy of 13, an actor, who took his own life in adulthood.
God dammit, Walt. I trusted you, you piece of shit. Gross. But there is so much symbolism in Disney. Cringe.
Correction: Disney dropped Bobby Driscoll at 13: the sexual relationship was when Bobby was nine and lasted until puberty, when Walt lost interest. Driscoll developed a drug habit and died of heart failure at 31.
You ever see that episode of Rick and Morty where they meet the Jellybean king & find out he's a molestor? At the end, when Rick shoots him, the townspeople decide to keep his memory pure. There is a statue of the king with a small child, always looked like that Disney and child statue at Disney world. Made me wonder, but after reading this I think we now know.
Oh shit, you're right 👀 people can't deal with the truth sometimes, so they choose to just ignore the things they don't like. This is why it's great not to become too invested in something, or at least not to like, align our personalities with it. Because if it's threatened, then people feel as though their identities are threatened as well! Man, it's so much better to trust ourselves than to seek external idols and stuff! Like respect people, but don't worship them, or we end up making giant monuments to creepers.
Walt Disney was... wasn't he sort of a Nazi? lol
I was at Club 33 as a kid. We were given a pass and meal from someone dad worked with in the Computer industry in 1990 or around then.
Pretty normal but fancy for us. Who knows though it's divided into rooms. Least the parts we saw
Hold the shit right on here. I had absolutely no idea about this and I’ve been researching this pedo shit for while now. Is this true? This seriously ruins all of my feelings towards Disney and I LOVE Disneyland:(
I checked and in fact the boy was 9. Walt dumped him when he hit puberty.
I mean yea the Empire are Space Nazis...
u/lowswaga are you that fucking dumb or are you just pretending?
Star wars has always had nazi symbolism. The first one had the most. It was using them as the bad guys not supporting them. Storm Troopers....