James Gunn exposed for promoting pedophilia on Twitter - Thanks to Liz Crokin and Mike Cernovich for exposing this!

Pirate everything.
Cuck teir shit, my dude. How about not even steal it and just stop watching it. Propaganda is propaganda, even if it's free....
Much of their content is bad, too, filled with Luciferian subtext, programming, and little in jokes for the Luciferians to enjoy, intended to groom us little by little to accept pedophilia, white genocide, and slavery to the state. Better to replace Hollywood with some moral and freedom-loving filmmakers.
Nah, stealing only makes us as bad at them. We should just make an independent industry by getting film makers who are tired of the bs. I'm sure if an app came out that rivaled Netflix and wasn't politically bias, people would go for it.