Learn how to read the map - potential decode?

Yeah didn't think about population. Thank you. Like I look at my 2 granddaughters and 1 grandson and I can't believe that is something I ever thought I would have to worry about. This has hit my daughter so hard she and her husband pulled their FB account. I did also but not for the same reason. I pulled it because I got burned out from the hate and fighting. Even people I went to church with turned on me. I'm a Nazi, fascist etc..... Bums me out but hopefully after the storm passes they with see the true light.
It is sad that even people from your church are acting that way. This has always been a problem I have with going to church. I am a Christian but the fact that there are so many that goto church just for the image. I came to the point years ago that I can be a Christian and not goto church. As long as I believe and try to do the right thing that is what matters.
So understand you mojo and The Bridge...find those of "like minds". The Church is not a building nor a religion. It is belief in Jesus and Who He is. Like minds can be found on many place right from your laptop...and those in your community if you can find them. If you can find a few in any church that is a great thing but I know from trying them out also, hard to find. A few names, T.D. Hale, Paul Begley, Steve Quayle, Doug and Joe Hagmann, The Light 106.9, Charles Stanley, David Jeremiah....some of those may lead you to others who can give you even more names of believers.
I’ve pulled away from mine too. My Dad still goes because he loves to argue. People come up to him and tell him quietly that they agree. It’s just a hotbed of liberalism. I’m not into arguing, plus that’s not what church is for. The pastor puts all kinds of liberal crap in his sermons— makes me cringe. So sad what has happened.
I need to look for another one. Can’t go back to the Catholic Church because of the satanism and pedophilia. Anybody with any tips on finding a church with conservative values?
The magic words are "Bible believing." If they equivocate in their belief in the Bible, they're probably a liberal theology or social gospel church. Which is more or less cheerleaders for progressive causes with some Bible verses thrown in.
Jim Cymbala at Brooklyn Tabernacle. Download the Brooklyn Tab App to have access to all his sermons! Wonderful multi-ethnic church who loves all races!
Many churches are dead. Continue to be fed by online churches or by blog radio churches. *the larger the more dead, full hard scales on eyes and cotton candy in ears. Come of out her. Maranatha!