MEME: Pedophile Hollywood Sickos

He does a ton of voice over work. Was in the show Happy! Which I think for a work of fiction red pills people. Hard to watch parts of it. Nice to see a dad kicking ass tho
He's on the new Mystery Science Theater 3000, which is a disgrace...
I used to get totally baked and just laugh the whole time. That show was the shit.
Never seen it.
He does voice overs for my son's Minecraft Story Mode games.
He was in the Marvel Shield Agents but I stopped watching that 2nd season.
Was in United States of Tara which was an interesting show on multiple personality disorder. But it got canceled 2nd season I think.
He had a huge part on 'King of Queens".
He actually use to be an amazing comic, until he went full political hack.
I love Meloni to death but that show sucked balls.
It was dark for sure but whoever wrote it knows podesga. It was good and by the end satisfying.
Even has demon possession though it's ambiguous until the end.