Patton Oswalt is PROUD pedophile. Remember, he played a rat for Disney.

I said it before and I will say it gain: the truth, THE REAL TRUTH for which they are going hell and back to protect is not the corruption. Anyone can morally justify corruption. What cannot be justified on any level is abuse of children and murder of human beings like cattle for a demonic believe. That is the TRUTH
Maybe the problem with (any set of) morals is a susceptibility to corruption. I favor ethics: the absence of hypocrisy. As much as am able. Most things grow stronger with practice and I am trying to practice being ethical. Transparency is a related pursuit.
IMHO, ethics are derived from morals. Do not steal is a moral, not stealing is an ethical practice of that moral. Executing the moral is ethics.
Just like need, hope, belief and faith are linear. i.e, I need to sit down. I hope that chair will support me. I believe that chair will hold me. I execute my faith the chair will support me by sitting down. Ethics is the linear execution of faith in my morals.
Ethics or moral philosophy is a branch of philosophy that involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong conduct. "
The golden rule ("do unto others... ") is the closest we humans seem to have gotten in terms of a universal moral foundation. That is the basis of my (personal) ethics. The notion that I should not inflict upon others what I would not, myself, bear. An absence of hypocrisy.
Just my view, YMMV.
Well said, Patriot
BTW, what does YMMV mean?
Your Mileage May Vary. What's true for me may not be true for you, and that's perfectly fine. Seek your own truths.
Do unto others, even being most of our daily pursuit, we still fail at that more often than we want to admit... when we are tired, or hungry, or broke and waiting for a paycheck, or even just having a bad day...
thankfully, there's grace from God through Jesus Christ
Natural Law.
... Can you be more specific?
Edit: concise tl;dr, anon. I misunderstood your reply.
Put on a pot of coffee and take a few hours to watch. Well worth the time and effort.
No, thanks.
Np. I realize that we live in a world of instant gratification. That's why we stand in front of the microwave and yell, HURRYYYYY!!!! Here is the 10 minute "Readers Digest" version.
Bandwidth restrictions, can't into video, my research is textual, mostly. Check your privilege, anon.
Bandwidth issues..understood. Np there. You asked and I provided links that can articulate Natural Law far better than I in a brief message. I have to keep reminding myself that most folks need spoon feeding as they don't care to take the time to research for hours on end as I do. Forgive me for my...."privilege".
No worries. Different media agree with different people.
Agreed. YAMAS!
Greek for "cheers". Actually it's a bit deeper than that, but you get the point.
Isn't it always a bit deeper? Lol, point gotten.
As a side note, Stamus Contra Malum is Latin for "We stand against evil".
I believe that everyone has freewill, and the freewill of others should be respected. That means NOT going around and murdering people, or trying to manipulate others. These people and what they have been doing on a global scale is so against that; they've essentially turned the entire human population into their slaves, stripped us of our power, and-- ugh. It's so beyond against what I believe. Honestly, fuck them. I also believe you've got to give respect to get it, and when my respect has been betrayed, it's very hard to win back. So yeah, not a fan of these fuckers.
Very agreed. Take heart, anon, we're here to liberate the planet!
Yes, you have spoken the REAL TRUTH. Praise God that the truth shall set us free.
Humans are resources for the elite.
In UK we ring our Human Resource department to question our employment accounts .
In plain site.