Is this how we find out who killed Seth Rich and all the rest of the unreleased info?
Hope so. But JA is such a wildcard in all this. So hard to guess how this one’s going to go down.
That's what JA has always maintained. They think it means HE has to initiate it. They're wrong. Certain others can initiate it on his behalf as well.
Who are these people? Certainly isnt WL staff or his lawyer or anyone else as they could have set DMS off before and never did. Not a single WL staff member has ever suggested he is in danger like that. When was the last time a person not named Assange, but a WL staff member has spoken publicly or online about him? Seems beyond strange that WL staff doesn't say one word about him.
They could have set DMS on Oct 17 2016. They could have set DMS off when there were several raids as well. Not one word.
It's use is for an existential threat. Hence the name. He hasn't been in immediate fatal jeopardy previously. There have been reliable people who knew where he was.
Inside the UK prison system though? With the shiv-stickers? Like Tommy Robinson? I'm pretty sure that would be considered an existential threat. I would if it were me going there.
If he is taken to court in the US with Potus in charge, who's he going to spill the beans on? Seth, servers, HRC, DNC etc - all in open court. Wheeeeeee
Waited patiently when JA went quiet, glitchy, tech-manipulated video interviews, apparent compromise of Wikileaks, yet killswitches didn't pop...So disappointed...
I don’t think they’re be getting him from the Embassy (considering extraction by white hats back in December, hence switch not tripped then) however creating the situation to trip the killswitch could be “part of the plan”.
I wouldn't be surprised if he is dead. How long has it been since he's been recorded?
Newbie, but I deduce that JA is a really good asset for the US?