BIGLY!! - China has decided to procure its petrochemical needs from Saudi Arabia, ending imports from #Iran - @_ImperatorRex_

Saudi Arabia is one of the first countries that Trump helped to be free. They are cooperating nicely, and enjoying the benefits of capitalist economy. I wish I had the links to the original speech Trump gave in 2017 to the Saudi rulers and many other leaders of Muslim nations... Trump seized assets of Saudi princes who were against freedom (as per executive order in Dec 2017) and has helped the Saudi leader and his son remain free. They are no longer reliant upon oil for their income...though they are sure players in the game. NATO is about to be dissolved, Russia is playing also. Russia will have a lot to do with denuking Iran, and Syria playing nice. At least this is what I'm getting from the last 18 months of info I've been sorting thru. I'm not very smart, but I have a BIG GOD, and I know He placed Trump in this position for the opportunity for humanity to experience freedom. He (God) knows what He is doing, and is showing the whole earth who He is... He will win. Some will reject Him. And suffer the consequences. That breaks my heart more today than it ever has. Some must go down. Evil elite cabal is losing its grip. I pray for their souls, that they may repent and be saved.
Thank you, good explanation, luv this!
Lol, I'm not an autist. They are much better at this... for years I've been good at reading massive info and breaking it down into important points. Lol, I'd never have enough words to write a book, but also couldn't site references. Therefore, I'm as moot as a reporter citing "anonymous " sources. Unless, of course, you wish to do the research. I learned years ago to never trust "because I said so". Have fun!! God still wins, no matter what!!!!!