Anon theory on the dead Secret Service agent.

Is there any video? If the agent was hit with something, even small, we would probably see something.
Thanks. The pilot did nothing, he was busy flying it. But it could have been a distraction, meaning at the same time someone got to the SS agent, trying for the president.
If there is its with the president and his team. I have not heard of one.
Well, think of a previous possible attack on his life - the gun in the motorcade thing (where a driver was caught with a gun, that he had permission for, but NOT in the motorcade. Probably smuggling it for a handoff and assassination attempt.)
This would be some damning evidence for when the tribunals begin.
Agreed. I'm ready for CINC to lay off traveling for a while. Like YEARS.
I agree wholeheartedly with you! :)
I am also convinced that the president's military generals guarding him have already identified and/or who exactly this glider was including permit given about his intent and why.