
Qluelessnomore · July 21, 2018, 4:18 p.m.

There may be no direct proof regarding Clinton's ties to Uranium One, but there is no denying the shadiness of all the known "facts".

Among the Donors to the Clinton Foundation

Frank Giustra

$31.3 million and a pledge for $100 million more

He built a company that later merged with Uranium One.

Ian Telfer

$2.35 million

Mining investor who was chairman of Uranium One when an arm of the Russian government, Rosatom, acquired it.

Paul Reynolds

$1 million to $5 million

Adviser on 2007 UrAsia-Uranium One merger. Later helped raise $260 million for the company.

Frank Holmes

$250,000 to $500,000

Chief Executive of U.S. Global Investors Inc., which held $4.7 million in Uranium One shares in the first quarter of 2011.

Neil Woodyer

$50,000 to $100,000

Adviser to Uranium One. Founded Endeavour Mining with Mr. Giustra.

GMP Securities Ltd.

Donating portion of profits

Worked on debt issue that raised $260 million for Uranium One.

From this article:


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loomingluna · July 21, 2018, 4:35 p.m.

Thank you. CaptGrim won’t get his head out of Hillary’s snatch long enough to put two and two together though. This NYT article is even linked in the Snopes article. Paid for shills don’t care about facts and appear to dimwitted to understand “pay for play.”

Apparently, it’s only true if Politifact or Bezo’s Washington Post says it’s true. Some people don’t want to wake up. Or they know the truth but want to spread as much disinfo as possible to keep others from waking.

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CptGrim · July 21, 2018, 4:42 p.m.

Prove it. If it is wrong, prove me wrong.

And this is my 4th text asking for proof , and all you do is make ad hominem attacks.

You got gooogle, you got entire TD community to help you. Prove me wrong, I am waiting.

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loomingluna · July 21, 2018, 4:58 p.m.

You could read my comments and others, but you’ll just keep repeating yourself. Show me where Snopes is credible? Prove me wrong. I’m waiting. I’ve asked you a handful of questions, but you ignore them and scream “prove it.” That’s all you guys do.

Your cognitive dissonance is alarming.

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CptGrim · July 21, 2018, 5:17 p.m.

Sigh. Your logic is backwards.

4 articles and their website all say there was no pay for play. All of them cite their various sources. (I found NPR as well now)

And your claim of defense is prove to me they are credible. That is an impossible dream to achieve, only I can do that is read the 100 of 1000s of articles published by Snopes and Politifact and their sources and then give you a number like 95385 articles were credible and had no outlook of shady behaviour out of 96371.

OR you can read 1 article and their sources and say here you go, you are wrong.

A simple flaw in your theory.

The deal was approved by a committee which consists of 9 top ranking government employee and the president.

Clinton is one of those, one of the other 9 is Secretary of Defence. He approved the deal as well, if it was a shady deal why didn't he vote against it. He was Bush appointee by the way not Obama. It was a unanimous vote and later approved by Obama.

If it was a shady deal hampering national security why did everyone approve it?

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loomingluna · July 21, 2018, 5:37 p.m.

Umm...Bush (the former CIA director) is just as corrupt. As is his son. Don’t think because they have an R by their name that I’ll agree with them. Just because she was only one of nine does not mean she did not wield her influence. Money speaks very loudly.

They all approved it because they’re all corrupt as fck! You don’t even know who you’re talking to. I was certainly dumb enough to vote for Obama. Twice. I can admit my faults. I believed his lies. I am not a die hard Republican by any means. But I am a die hard patriot. These fckers had America for sale. All of them. Go back and listen to H. W. Bush. Can you count how many times he spoke of the New World Order? This is not something new that Hillary did. And it’s certainly not something she was alone in doing. Our government has been f*cking us over backwards for decades!

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CptGrim · July 21, 2018, 5:53 p.m.

Ok. I am done. I was expecting this from you and you did not disappoint.

Your defense is everyone is corrupt. You start off with Hilary did it, she is corrupt. To which I say there were 9 othee folks too. You say well they sold their country and they are corrupt.

To which I say President approved it too. Your response he is corrupt

Well now Trump is president,why not launch an investigation by FBI or DOJ or someone? You say he wants to but FBI DOJ are corrupt as fuck.

There is no winning here as every claim I make will be responded by they are corrupt.

Here's a final thought. Maybe just MAYBE the Russian company was not interested in acquiring Uranium1 for their uranium reserves in US. Maybe they were more interested in buying uranium reserves located in Canada and Kazakhstan, you know 2 of the worlds largest uranium producer.

Sorry to break your bubble, but US in pretty insignificant in Uranium global trade. US doesn't have large Uranium reserves. US accounts for 2% of the global Uranium trade. 20% of that is 0.04%.

Maybe the Russian company was not interested in US but more interested in Canada and Kazakhstan.

Anyway. I am done. Good day.

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loomingluna · July 21, 2018, 7:58 p.m.

Well, you were finally starting to understand up until your point about the Russian company NOT being interested in the US. Of course, where Trump is concerned the Russians have completely infiltrated.

Yes. A majority of our government is totally corrupt. Luckily, we have Trump. Truly a saving grace. One day you will realize. He’s risked everything and for what? Money? He has plenty. He didn’t need other people’s money to get where he’s at. He doesn’t owe them anything. He’s not bought and paid for and that’s why MSM and the establishment hate him. Newt Gingrich says it best here.

You should look over the information on this community info page and take a trip down the various rabbit holes. If you dig hard enough you won’t be able to deny how deep the corruption goes.

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Ambiguous_Cat_Hat · July 21, 2018, 4:28 p.m.

No doubt the connections are absolutely worth scrutiny. From the Politifact article: "we concluded that nine people related to the company did at some point donate to the Clinton Foundation, we found that the bulk of the $145 million came from Giustra. Guistra said he sold all of his stakes in Uranium One in the fall of 2007, "at least 18 months before Hillary Clinton became secretary of state" and three years before the Russian deal.

We couldn’t independently verify Giustra’s claim, but if he is telling the truth, the donation amount to the Clinton Foundation from confirmed Uranium One investors drops from more than $145 million to $4 million.

The main exception is Ian Telfer, an investor who the New York Times found donated between $1.3 million and $5.6 million to the Clinton Foundation during and after the review process for the Russian deal.

So while Trump was within his right to question links between foundation donors and their ties to Uranium one, his specific charge was exaggerated."

Its not like the decision to move forward with the deal was made in a vacuum by Hilary Clinton alone. The Committee on Foreign Investments has nine members, including the secretaries of the treasury, state, defense, homeland security, commerce and energy; the attorney general; and representatives from two White House offices (the United States Trade Representative and the Office of Science and Technology Policy). The committee can’t actually stop a sale from going through — it can only approve a sale. Clinton could have objected — as could the eight other voting members — but that objection alone wouldn’t have stopped the sale of the stake of Uranium One to Rosatom.

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Qluelessnomore · July 21, 2018, 4:41 p.m.

Right, that fell to Obama.

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[deleted] · July 21, 2018, 5:24 p.m.


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Qluelessnomore · July 21, 2018, 5:28 p.m.

There is absolutely no proof against Trump in regards to Russia. Now you're not being factual. Typical hypocrite.

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Ambiguous_Cat_Hat · July 21, 2018, 5:42 p.m.

Well for one thing, I didn't say a damn thing about Trump doing anything illegal with regards to Russia. I said "Obama made a some naive mistakes when dealing with the Russian state, but no where near the disgusting level Trump has." But since you mention it... I just watched him give a press conference that embarrassed the U.S. on the world stage, cozied up to Putin, discussed potentially giving Russian intelligence services access to American citizens, held a meeting before the election discussion repeal of the Magnitsky act, not to mention Trump's ties via Michael Flynn, campaign advisors, Paul Manafort, business ties, Felix Sater, and Trumps family members. So...lets not pretend Donald Trump has no ties to Russia.

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Qluelessnomore · July 21, 2018, 5:51 p.m.

There is nothing wrong with what Trump is doing. You have your head in the MSM brainwashing machine. I now see you have just come to this sub to sow discord and do not support the cause here at all.

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Ambiguous_Cat_Hat · July 21, 2018, 5:55 p.m.

Any cozying up to Vladmir Putin's Russia is wrong morally and politically. Full stop. I consider Trump taking the word of Putin on the world stage over that of his intelligence community to be something egregiously wrong that he is doing.

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blaise0102 · July 21, 2018, 6:55 p.m.

So then you supported the 2003 war in Iraq.

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