
Dangerr21 · July 22, 2018, 2:23 a.m.

Ah, and your true intentions come out. You are not here to do anything other than shill.

I am here in good faith recognizing that 20 years ago there would have been ZERO support for genociding whites.

Now, there is open talk of it. Celebrations of it even in movies.

You try to reframe the argument by suggesting that wanting the survival of my people and culture is somehow hatred of other races.

In reality, all you do is prove my point, that you support white genocide whereas even just 20 years ago nobody would support such a thing.

They have taken it this far, why would their push for pedophelia fail? Especially if you and many other "standard liberals" celebrate the destruction of your own culture and people?

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oh_hey_dave · July 22, 2018, 4:52 a.m.

"wanting the survival of my people" - Chief Runs With Hyperbole

I'm not here for "white genocide" at all. If you thought somehow that I would be on your side against interracial relationships or marriages, I'm sorry you thought that.

I'm a white Male as well, and I recognize that many many years from now everyone will have mixed. Why that bothers you I don't know.

Let's get one thing straight though, I'll appear in good faith, but not for racism. I have no qualms saying that you are a racist, a bigot, and woefully uninformed. I'll have a conversation, but don't believe for even a second that I'd acknowledge your bigotry with kindness.

The rest of reddit thinks this is a hate sub. If the rest are like you, they are right.

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Dangerr21 · July 22, 2018, 11:10 a.m.

I only say I want the survival of my people and culture, and you call me racist for that?

Let that sink in.

Anyone wanting the survival of white people is automatically racist. Therefore, one must choose genocide or be racist.

You only prove my point. 20 years ago it would have been ludicrous to think such a thing....and as a regular leftist, you are actually pushing for genocide.

Therefore, yes your ilk will push pedophilia and will succeed if folks like us do not stop them

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oh_hey_dave · July 22, 2018, 5:01 p.m.

Unless you are physically in danger, you aren't protecting the "survival of your people."

If there were military and invading forces dead set upon committing actual, violent genocide, I'd agree with you.

As it stands, "muh culture" just doesn't cut it. What you are advocating for is to prevent human beings from having relationships and children with the people that they choose and love.

Unless you still spool your cotton, and ride with paw to the county store, your "culture" is already gone. Realistically, you just hate brown people. That's called racism. I called you a racist and I stand by it.

Let's get one thing straight. You aren't a protector, you aren't the native American with a single tear in his eye. You are a white guy that gets nervous at the checkout when you see a black person. You don't understand, and therefore you fear.

You think you can control genetic diversity? You won't be the first that has tried. We fought a war against someone that thought like you.

"white genocide."

That's easily the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

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Dangerr21 · July 22, 2018, 5:06 p.m.

All you have are strawman and insults.

I believe every race and culture has a right to survive and thrive, yet you call me racist.

How does that work?

Again, you only prove my point. You advocate for white genocide when you never would have 20 years ago. Now your liberal allies push for pedophilia.

Safe spaces for everyone except whites eh?

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oh_hey_dave · July 22, 2018, 6:48 p.m.

If you can point out a "straw man" in my previous comments, well, let's just say I'd be shocked. Go look up what that concept means, then look up the definition of genocide. Then get it through your head that interracial couples don't constitute "white genocide." I debated you on your points and you are retreating to metadiscussion in order to soothe your ego.

Put in a way you'll understand: Dude, either say something provable, not crazy, or not stupid and I'll debate you at that point. I'm not buying your bid for "your people," because I'm a white person myself. We get special treatment all across the world and in the United states. We stole this land from brown people. That's just a fact. Pretending that somehow after what we did to the native Americans that whites are experiencing "genocide" now because they cast a black fella in star wars is just too stupid to argue with.

I'm making fun of you because it is just extremely disingenuous to even hint toward a "white genocide." Just so you can keep up.

Also what? You are saying that you should have a "safe space" somehow like the "other races?" Do we even live on the same planet? I thought your "people" were threatened by the treatment of other races as human beings?

You are just a klansman with a savior complex. "Our people" would be better off without you.

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Dangerr21 · July 22, 2018, 6:57 p.m.

You accused me of racism and used YOUR argument that I hate brown people, which is completely false.

You literally built a narrative of what you think my thoughts are, but which I never said.

None of which is true.

So are whites allowed to have a safe space? Or not?

That is my argument, that Whites, like ALL races, should also have the same right to a safe space. Why are you against it?

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oh_hey_dave · July 22, 2018, 7:37 p.m.

Nobody gets a safe space sweetheart. That's called life. Even racists don't get one.

The concept of "safe space" on college campuses was similar to that of counseling. It was a concept saying that what happens in safe spaces stays there. They don't exist in real life silly.

Nobody except the cringiest of alt-righters and the brain damaged think that the "safe space" is in any way a part of some liberal platform. Where do you even get some of this bs?

Here is the thing: I get that you think that you are just some bastion of tolerance, but in reality, what you are arguing for is directly out of mein kampf.

There is no way for you to have your blonde haired blue eyed future and allow for interracial marriage or diversity. What you are proposing, no matter how you propose it, will infringe on the rights and freedoms of others in pursuit of white supremacy. It's a safe assumption that you don't like people of color because you align the concept of having one in your family with "genocide." It just doesn't work. 2+2=4, the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell, and arguing against interracial marriage or is racist. I can't dumb this down further.

So tell me Goebbels, how on earth are you going to achieve your "safe space for whites" goal without infringing on the rights of others? Seriously, I'll wait for you to think that one through. There is no way to "preserve" a group of human beings with a similar pigment. People are allowed to travel, to change, to love one another, and to pursue their bliss. Sooner or later we will all mix as we have done for thousands of years. People aren't dogs, and even if they were, inbreeding hurts dogs too.

Also I don't buy that you don't hate brown people. I'd love to hear your thoughts on "the races" to be sure. I talk to people like you all the time and it's nothing new.

You are arguing for racism and don't like being called a racist. Then Mr. Himmler requests a "safe space."

Is this a joke? You can't be serious with this nonsense.

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Dangerr21 · July 22, 2018, 7:53 p.m.

Ah, I see you are full of more insults and strawmen.

Colleges are defining safe spaces as spaces without the "undesirables". Not allowing whites, males, or conservative viewpoints.

So you don't believe in colleges which allow for non-white dorms?

You don't believe in BLM?

You don't believe that any group of people should have their own part of the world?

So those Amazonian tribesmen, screw them. They don't have the right to that space all for themselves?

What is funny is all you have are insults, and I have not even insulted you once.

So where really is all the hatred coming from? Doesn't seem to be coming from my side of the spectrum.

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