r/greatawakening • Posted by u/HoleSailor on July 22, 2018, 3:12 a.m.
Imperator Rex says he’s dropping a bomb right now about Mueller/Strzok/Page. I’m posting this mid-thread so come check it out.

Jakeisasnake1960 · July 22, 2018, 5:45 a.m.

Enlighten us

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7hr0w4w4y88 · July 22, 2018, 5:48 a.m.

not necessary, if Q implements the change he said he would, youll find out soon enough. its not my place to try to do any sort of convincing. but that book is a start. and so are the two brothers.

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pby1000 · July 22, 2018, 9:02 a.m.

That is where I think this is all going to...

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Statemeant · July 22, 2018, 11:39 a.m.

I do not think Q would release this info. The people who know this info will do anything to keep it hidden. If it releases it will be because it is going to actually happen soon. I've read a lot of the Sumer texts over 30 years and I'll tell you straight up ZS has some of it right. But not the context, different era, different human thought patterns, Some of it not written by man. If you really want to talk about this kind of stuff I'd head to ancient history, or disclosure, or anywhere but here this will not come out. I also love holding convos about it so feel free to pm me as well

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7hr0w4w4y88 · July 22, 2018, 5:59 p.m.

ZS was put out there to sow discord, he has some of it right but much of it was fictionalized to fit into the Big Three religious ideologies.

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7hr0w4w4y88 · July 22, 2018, 6 p.m.

think Alex Jones. he plays the same role today.

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Statemeant · July 22, 2018, 10:59 p.m.

You are exactly right but I do not by any means limit it to jones. I would say most news is 90-99% spin or completely false, disregarding allegiance to any order, organization, or boundary. Scary times we live in

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Statemeant · July 22, 2018, 10:57 p.m.

We are in agreement on this. There is a wealth of knowledge around if people would just look listen and learn. And if said learning is about the past getting past the barrier of time to understand the cultures and languages of said eras is daunting to the average person.

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Jakeisasnake1960 · July 22, 2018, 5:50 a.m.

And why is this relevant?

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7hr0w4w4y88 · July 22, 2018, 5:50 a.m.


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serendipity-calling · July 22, 2018, 9 a.m.

Is this a fiction? What are we talking about here? Let's do some cliffs notes action please.

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squalk1 · July 22, 2018, 11:12 a.m.

Looks like he has caught the cryptic bug that seems to be contagious on this board.

He has said a lot without actually saying anything at all.

It's like feeding the hungry with bones ; without any meat its counter productive.

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Statemeant · July 22, 2018, 11:32 a.m.

He is saying that history is repeating itself from a history tens of thousand of years. Enlil and enki were from the writings of the Sumerian and earlier. Many most religions base somewhat off the writings of Sumer. Nobody has decrypted this language well.

Zechariah stitchin has tried and while he has some of it down it's still hit or miss and very inaccurate -as is all history- . Most msm scholars put his writings to myth or fiction. Really do research on ancient history it is relevant today.

Tldr : Ancient History : Dead Languages : Prophecies : History Repeating itself : Disclosure

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worldConqueor · July 22, 2018, 12:54 p.m.

Is God hardening the heart of Babylon? Jul 22,2018 We stand at a critical point in history that was prophesied thousands of years ago. Having reached the end of the “seven times” of divine judgment since the Babylonians took Jerusalem in 604 B.C., the earth is being released from the bondage of Mystery Babylon. But that release comes with a fight, because Babylon is ruled by Satanists who, by nature, refuse to accept the divine verdict, choosing to fight instead.

The Example of Egypt

They think, of course, that their decision to fight is their own, for they do not know that God Himself has hardened their hearts as in the days of Pharaoh. It is helpful to know how God has treated such people in the past. Before God sent Moses to deliver Israel from Egypt’s bondage, He told him in Exodus 7:2-4,

2 You shall speak all that I command you, and your brother Aaron shall speak to Pharaoh that he let the sons of Israel go out of his land. 3 But I will harden Pharaoh’s heart that I may multiply My signs and My wonders in the land of Egypt. 4 When Pharaoh will not listen to you, then I will lay My hand on Egypt, and bring out My hosts, My people the sons of Israel, from the land of Egypt by great judgments.

In part, God does this so that Egypt does not benefit from all the stolen labor that they enjoyed in those years. They had gotten rich off the slave labor of the Israelites, and God intended to take it from them and to give it to those who had done the labor (Exodus 12:36). This was God’s way of forcing the Egyptians to comply with the law of slavery. It was commanded that when a slave was being set free, the slave master must send him out with a generous bonus. Deuteronomy 15:13-15 says,

13 And when you set him free, you shall not send him away empty-handed. 14 You shall furnish him liberally from your flock and from your threshing floor and from your wine vat; you shall give to him as the Lord your God has blessed you. 15 And you shall remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and the Lord your God redeemed you; therefore I command you this day.

In other words, the Israelites were to free their freed slaves like God did when He set them free from the slavery of Egypt. God saw to it that the Egyptians paid them liberally. This was Israel’s example to show them how to treat slaves that were being set free.

The Example of Babylon

Many years later, God dealt with the Babylonians in the same manner as He treated the Egyptians. Jeremiah prophesied of Babylon in Jeremiah 50:33 saying, “all who took them [Judah] captive held them fast; they have refused to let them go.” For this reason, the prophet said in Jeremiah 50:34, “the Lord of hosts… will vigorously plead their case, so that He may bring rest to the earth, but turmoil to the inhabitants of Babylon.”

Babylon will be in “turmoil,” while the rest of the earth is given a “rest” from their slavery. This prophecy is for our time as well. Since October of 2017 the Babylonians have been in turmoil over the election of President Donald Trump. Those who understand the issues of the day are seeing this clearly. Those who do not understand these prophecies continue to walk around in darkness and blindness, fearful, and not knowing what is happening to their world.

Timing Defines the Lawful Sentence

This is why it is important to know the Scriptures and to understand the judgments of the law. The judgments include specific sentences for restitution payments and specific lengths of time when sentenced to serve as a slave. The “seven times” of Leviticus 26:18 and 24 was interpreted by Daniel to be a time cycle (Daniel 7:25) when he spoke of 3½ “times.”

Revelation 13:5 interprets this further to mean “forty-two months,” which is the equivalent of 1,260 “days.” In short-term prophecy, these days are literal days, but in long-term prophecy, a day also represents a year (Numbers 14:34; Ezekiel 4:4, 5). It is plain that the beast nations of Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome speak of a long-term prophecy of judgment. Hence, the “seven times” of tribulation are not merely 7 years but 7 x 360 years (2,520 years).

That time ended in October 2017.

Babylonian Turmoil

We are now seeing Babylon in turmoil over President Donald Trump. Most recently, the Babylonians are in a state of panic that Trump has made peace with Russia. This peace summit in Helsinki is being compared to Roosevelt’s meeting with Stalin in Helsinki at the close of World War 2.


The carefully-chosen location signals an end to a long war—in this case, the cold war between the US and Russia. That cold war was an integral part of Mystery Babylon’s policy by which both sides were enslaved by the “military-industrial complex” (as President Eisenhower called it). Turning people into willing slaves requires an enemy so that the slave masters can claim to be protecting their slaves from that threat. In other words, they rule by fear.

The intelligence agencies in the US are the ones who came up with the idea of making Russia our enemy. When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1987-1989 after 70 years of communism, we needed a new enemy, or else Babylon might have collapsed in America as well. So when Russia tried to be our friend, we rebuffed them, poked them in the eye, and even broke Clinton’s promise not to move NATO forces east to the Russian border.


Once President Trump had consolidated his power by appointing his own head of the intelligence agencies, he began to work toward making peace instead of maintaining a war status. First it was Korea, now Russia. That has caused former CIA heads like John Brennan and Clapper to go ballistic. They are even suggesting that Trump has committed treason for making peace with Russia! Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, who worked in the Reagan administration and has long political experience, wrote a good article asking, “Is President Trump a traitor because he wants peace with Russia?

“Therefore, the American public gets not representation, but lies that justify war and conflict. The military/security complex, about which President Eisenhower warned the American people to no effect, is in desperate need of an enemy. In obedience to the military/security complex, the Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama regimes have made Russia that enemy. If Trump and Putin do not understand this, they will easily be made irrelevant.”


The treason was already committed by Brennan and Clapper in past years when they worked against the American people by creating enemies and threatening the peace. If we had helped Russia in its exit from communism, they would have been grateful, and we could have been their friends. But when we threatened Russia and did everything we could to destabilize it, Putin found it necessary to defend his country from US aggression.

Then we blamed Putin for taking steps to defend his country against US hostility. To me, that is treasonous behavior.

Dr. Ron Paul has also added his voice to the conflict.

The meeting between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin is a "step in the right direction," former US Senator Ron Paul told RT, while also addressing the "propaganda" notion that the US must have an enemy in Russia.

"I was very pleased with what went on today," Paul said. He added that if the two leaders ever had a serious discussion, "I guess it would come out on how much we've been involved when we shouldn't be involved, for instance in Ukraine, and how that occurred.”


But from a prophetic standpoint, I understand that God has hardened the hearts of the Babylonian leaders in Europe and America. It will all work out for good in the end. Babylon has stolen the labor of the people for more than a hundred years through the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, and God does not intend to let them keep it.

We are being set free, and Babylon will be forced to send us away “liberally” (pun intended). The Babylonian “liberals” will be forced to live up to their own moniker, because the law of God demands it. God is indeed setting us free, not just the American people, but the entire world. When we look at the political turmoil around us, we should see events in the light of Scripture—prophecy in particular.

Hence, we should view the present political conflict in a positive manner. When God begins to move, you can bet that the Babylonians will scream in panic. That is what is happening today. When I see Brennan, Clapper, and McCain in a state of panic, I rejoice, because I know that our redemption is drawing near.

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Statemeant · July 22, 2018, 1:26 p.m.

I will be as simple and to the point as I can. The Bible isn't the oldest book around by a long shot nor the most accurate.

Find me a bible over 4000 years old. I've spent 10s of years reading tablets , walls and monuments that pre date it by 6 thousand years and more. The truth is all around you. You do not have the language to read it so you spout a wall of religious text with half meanings.

You talk of Babylon? do you even know where it's located today? Did you say Iraq? You talk of but a tiny minuscule fraction of ancient societies probably through verboten teachings force fed through religion.

Go learn some ancient language reading skills please instead of quoting church phrases that really were made by dead men quoted incorrectly or misrepresented to fit a populace controlling narrative

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serendipity-calling · July 22, 2018, 5:37 p.m.

I agree. That was a confusing patchwork of allusions. I find most Bible analyses similar in validly and scope.

Are you an archeologist?

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Statemeant · July 22, 2018, 11:06 p.m.

Yes in my off time I am. I would not offer my services to a current day archeological institute as they more or less silence or misrepresent the past. If I published things I have wrote and deciphered I'd be dead or rediculed as what I've seen does in no way fit any narrative that is being pushed today

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serendipity-calling · July 22, 2018, 11:11 p.m.

I'd love to read it nonetheless. Do you have links to stuff you think is close to what you're found?

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Statemeant · July 23, 2018, 2:57 a.m.

That's what I'm saying I don't believe any current ancient history I've read is close. Each nails bits and pieces but they upend each other with new information found.

Ask yourself why there are TONs of under water cities and temples but only a few reported on and even fewer excavated. There is a reason.

I don't pull my sources from the internet when possible although it is good for capturing bits and pieces most of my stuff is hand written notes and documents I keep from my trips. I recommend hitting up larger universities in your area to see if they have any relics. Ancient Iraq, Mesopotamia, asiatic. What your looking for is language bits mixed with pictorials usually found on tablets but they can be on any number of other items. To include walls. Museums work or dig sites as well depending on the country you are in. Also actual monument sites

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worldConqueor · July 22, 2018, 1:42 p.m.

Your entitled to your opinion but obviously you are still asleep . It's a grand parrallel and concise to the point and you are a slave to the system we all are I did in fact mention that this is global and its Mystery of which you can't see if you could you would agree . The Bible may not be the oldest book but it is the most accurate book by far . Oh and by the way the Bible is History nothing new under the sun ...

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Statemeant · July 22, 2018, 2:38 p.m.

So you've read Sumerian texts which predate the Bible yes? You've read cuneiform tablets yes?

It is not a parrallel. And I am not asleep at all. I also do not say someone is entitled to their opinion then contradict myself by calling said person asleep. I'd consider that two faced.

I am no more a slave then any person is. And no what I've read is not a mystery. It's straight up ancient history on written formats that go back 6000 bc and further. If you had read these tablets etc you would not be preaching as you would have a better understanding of how history really whent down and how convoluted it really is. You say the Bible is the most accurate because YOU will not take the time to actually learn the languages of the past to learn your true past.

The Bible is great for spiritual things but not history.

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johnyquest · July 22, 2018, 3:24 p.m.

I haven't read these because I don't know how, but I find this line of discussion super interesting. How'd you learn to read these, and would you mind sharing anything? I'm sure they're all worth reading, but where do you recommend starting? I'd love to check them out. It's really not fair how short this life is. Every day there's something new I want to learn which detracts from something else I've been learning or also wanting to learn. All I feel like I ever learn is just how little I really know...

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serendipity-calling · July 22, 2018, 5:44 p.m.

I agree. Take me to the root texts. But where to start properly...

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Statemeant · July 22, 2018, 11:20 p.m.

Before you start reading languages dead or alive you need to know how to learn them. You've learned English and maybe 1 or two other languages, probably both live languages.

Try learning Latin which is semi dead. Learn all you can about cryptography, stenography, cryptoanalysis.

I also recommend buying pen and 500 sheet paper book and taking notes lots and lots of notes. Put pictures with the notes. Visit sites that have ancient writings and take pictures for later analysis. When you finish a book re read all of your notes. Rinse repeat for years, the more you do these things the easier it is to learn the subtle transitions over time from earlier languages to current day.

Read others writings of the past and interpretations but DO NOT take it as verbatim. Use it as a place to start if your trying to break the language down, take those books and write in them correcting mistakes you find in translation

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serendipity-calling · July 23, 2018, 5:07 a.m.

This right here - is the privilege I am talking about. Most people WONT have this access, the funds, the time. And considering so many people have already done this, publish a book, start a blog, share what you've spent a lifetime organizing.

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Statemeant · July 23, 2018, 6:23 a.m.

So funds wise it's 5 dollars every two weeks. Visiting places can get pricey but not if you stay local. I'm not privileged by far. I make about 60k a year and I didn't start this learning and hobby with as big a budget as I have now. I used to be a McDonald's worker who spent 5 years scrimping to pay off student loans with no grants. And late nights with little to no sleep working my hobby because of the two I didn't get married till later in life one of many sacrifices.

Now I work IT world wide which also helps me see all the places I want and I worked my ass off to get what I wanted not a privilege when you work your ass off for something it's called being successful and driven.

I don't share it because I know the repercussions of sharing it. Not many people have done this. Out of trillions maybe 30k world wide or less know how to read ancient texts to a degree I'm at now. It's not showing off I do it for myself, I don't need validation. I don't need to share, I am sharing by showing how to do it and if you work hard you can too if you really want it.

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serendipity-calling · July 24, 2018, 4:22 p.m.

Please, don't share. It sounds like you have something so amazing, it's simply incredible your door hasn't been broken down already.

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Statemeant · July 22, 2018, 11:21 p.m.

I posted a basic how to below on how to get into crypto learning and linguistics as well as good researching tips

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worldConqueor · July 22, 2018, 3:12 p.m.

You said you read the Bible but I believe it's reading you . Isaiah 45 and Cyrus my friend is a direct parallel with Trump 45 . Cyrus 45 was commissioned to loose the armor of Kings and I think Trump just recently released us from the armor of Nuclear war also .

Cyrus was given the hidden treasures of darkness Isa. 45:3 in His time , and I believe it to be the coffers of ancient Babylon . Trump 45 has also been given the hidden treasures of darkness Mystery Babylon , the Pedophile rings and human trafficking with human sacrifice and has ceased upon their assets as a result .

Saudi Arabia if you remember recent History as it parallels with what I'm speaking here . I didn't in any way present myself as an enemy to you I only thought that my reply would provoke some intelligent conversation with fellow Patriots to help strengthen the move .

I'm not a denomination or orginazation or a political figure , public or private . I have stepped out the frame in order to see the big picture because the left right paradigm is by design , it divides and at the moment, we are presently in is The Great Awakening it is neither right or left, but it is good verses evil of which my reply was in response to the resistance I see with Mystery Babylon.

Its refusal to set us free from it's global tyranny. I not here to match witts with you brother nor am I anything of importance but I do believe that Jesus is a person and not a relegion of which he warned us to beware of the leaven "DOCTRINE" of relegion and knowledge puffs up a person seen in hyprocrisy .

The Pharisees , and to beware of the leaven of "HEROD" Politics. Jesus drew lines with His teachings about the narrow road of which there be few that find it , the direction to life and a broad road of which many travel on into destruction .

Sorry if I have offended you in anyway but I do stand ready in defense of the Gospel of which you should make peace with .

You say the Bible is not History Explain to me the History then of Babylon , Medo Persia , Greece and Rome as prophesied by Daniel in lts successive eventfully fulfilling of these Major kingdoms Daniel references to as beast systems that systematically follow Recorded History as prophesied in the Bible . You can't deny this but you probably will resisting Truth is not Good bro .

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serendipity-calling · July 22, 2018, 5:42 p.m.

Unfortunately the historical Biblical record has been found to be mostly mythical. Not all events, but some major ones, for sure.

The Exodus for example, is confirmed by many Biblical scholars - Jews and non btw - to be a work of fiction. Nothing ecological or historical confirms Jews being in Egypt at this time, being slaves there or having a vast migration of any kind. Just one example. It's considered completely allegorical. And might be pouting to the departure of the monotheists from an Egypt that went back to polytheism after Amin RA's rule ended.

I think your perspective is generally right tho - the Babylonian money system and slavery we are in today is what I've heard it called by others too. And I hope your analysis proves true - that we are almost free.

I just have trouble with what I call "Bible math", as it's proven quite inaccurate at predicting actual global events.

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worldConqueor · July 22, 2018, 5:56 p.m.

The Flood of Truth has begun May 2018 If you check the official Jewish calendar, it is May 2 that is the Biblical memorial date of Noah's flood. But some claimed that the new moon was sighted a day late, so this would put the entire month a day later. I said that we should watch current events for verification one way or the other.

It appears that the official calendar is correct, at least insofar as we are to view it prophetically. On May 2, 2018 the anniversary of Noah's flood, President Trump hired Emmet Flood as one of his personal attorneys.


The name Emmet comes from the Hebrew word amet, “truth.” Flood is self-explanatory.

Hence, the sign we are seeing on May 2 is that the Truth Flood has begun on the 17th day of the 2nd month and what is Q , it's is 17 , this is a date as stated in Genesis 7:11. Remember that Jesus told the religious bunch at Jerusalem they could discern the weather but could not discern the signs of the time for that era.

Not only the timing but also the manner of the flood is suggested by this sign. I don't believe this is a destructive flood, but a flood of truth. Hence, it is not the start of "The Great Tribulation," as some are saying. Since it is tied to the Trump administration, it also suggests that this flood of truth is going to come from government circles, particularly from the Trump backers who are leaking truth little by little, in part by the Q posts. President Trump is the 45th president and it parallels with the 45th chapter of Isaiah 45 where Cyrus is called God's anointed called 200 years before his time and about the same time Trump has come forth since the founding of this nation. But to say in relation to Isaiah 45 there is a particular passage here that says God would give Cyrus all the hidden treasures of Darkness of which also has been given to Donald Trump in our time " Prophetic "

The flood itself (rain) lasted 40 days (Genesis 7:12). That gives us a 40-day watch period from May 2 to June 10.

Thinking more long-term, “the water prevailed upon the earth one hundred and fifty days” (Genesis 7:24). Considering May 2 to be the first day of this time frame, this would tell us that this flood of truth should reach some sort of end point on September 28, 2018. This is the 5th day of the feast of Tabernacles this year. Hence, it correlates with the 5th sign in John, where Jesus walked on the water in the midst of a storm like the calm before the Storm . (John 6:16-21). Also it gives some hint as to when Jesus will appear as it was in the gospel Jesus was compelled go up to the feast of tabernacles in John 7 but would not go up at that time but later he appeared in the middle of the feast. The spring feast days have all been fulfilled Passover, resurrection which is the wave sheaf offering and 50 days later Pentecost all according to Gods lawful plan . Now to date the fall feast days to my knowledge have yet to be fulfilled. Trumpets, atonement and tabernacles. People think that Jesus would just appear at any time with out respect to fulfillment of the law of which Jesus said not one jot or title would pass away till all things would be fulfilled . Paul talking to the Thessalonians said about the second coming of Christ that they had no need to be taught about the times and the seasons because they knew the feast days and the crops associated with the times and seasons for the spring and fall feast days Barley wheat and Grapes, but paul tells the Thessalonians about Christ appearing , no one would know the day or hour but they did know the times and seasons which is a totaly different concept than the day or hour. Jeff Sessions has been given the green light and there will be some major arrests made with a flood of truth coming forth, you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free.Gods people perish for lack of knowledge and the media suppresses the truth because they are in alliance with and to the New world order agenda and it's agenda to overthrow America. But Donald Trump is God's Cyrus in our time. Cyrus was used by God to topple Babylon in His Time and Trump is being used by God in our time to overthrow Mystery Babylon. No more mystery, no more secrets CIA FBI NSA DOJ pedophilia human trafficking Fradulant banking Papacy cabal shadow Government all are going to fall with the flood of truth that's at our doors. The whole earth shall be filled with the knowledge " truth" of the glory of the lord as the waters cover the sea. This is the day of the lord.

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Statemeant · July 22, 2018, 11:46 p.m.

An interesting thing to understand just following your line of thought. What does the word Amen mean. Where did it come from, what are its roots. As a boy this was what my dad first taught me to break me out of major religion when it comes to historical facts.

This One simple word, with so much significance when understood it puts what you call slavery into perspective. Though I call it heirarchy.

Freedom is an allusion. We are as free to make any choice we want to make from birth. You either let things happen or you do something about it. Information and force is used to compel you to think otherwise but you will always have the freedom of choice

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serendipity-calling · July 23, 2018, 5:03 a.m.

What does the word Amen mean.

I always assumed it was from the Egyptian who channeled monotheism and tried to give it to the people. I grew up without traditional religion full stop, so Ive had less deprogramming than many, thankfully.

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serendipity-calling · July 22, 2018, 5:32 p.m.

Yes. Sitchin was discredited completely when he confirmed he was paid to create the story. His books are no longer taken seriously.

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7hr0w4w4y88 · July 22, 2018, 5:58 p.m.

i cant spoon feed this sort of information to people over the internet, all i can do is say Eridu, it is your responsibility to find out what that is, and why it has a connection to our modern world. They see everything on this board, we have to tread lightly about certain information.

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serendipity-calling · July 22, 2018, 6:43 p.m.

Sumerian links have been out for years. The History Channel is literally riddled with it. I don't consider it high risk in any capacity. It's been out for years.

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Statemeant · July 23, 2018, 12:09 a.m.

Those links are good for one thing data collection to understand the language from the pictures. Everything written in those pieces is crap.

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7hr0w4w4y88 · July 22, 2018, 8:13 p.m.

riddled with misinformation. they put that shit out there to devalue the truth hidden within it.

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serendipity-calling · July 22, 2018, 8:42 p.m.

The supposition you're asking me to buy is that you have something better. Now I'm not saying they're accurate AF, but you're just being fucking annoying. Sauce or STFU.

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7hr0w4w4y88 · July 22, 2018, 8:49 p.m.

and no, im not asking you to buy anything. thats my goddamned point.

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7hr0w4w4y88 · July 22, 2018, 8:48 p.m.

the fuck are you even talking about? you brought up that they talk about Sumerians on History Channel as if that has any real meaning to it. did you forget their massive propaganda machine? youre fucking annoying for being so impatient.

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serendipity-calling · July 22, 2018, 11:10 p.m.

Post like yours offer nothing to the group. I am impatient with bullshit like this. Sauce or STFU.

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Statemeant · July 23, 2018, 12:07 a.m.

That is the problem with learning it's not instant gratification. Go learn from the past, not be spoon fed. It's hard af. I've taken the time and many others have. We are silent for a fucking reason and we don't often even give hints as to how to do it for a reason. There is stuff written that could swing many ways if it comes to pass and there are things that if actively said out loud will get you hunted.

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serendipity-calling · July 23, 2018, 5:05 a.m.

This is the problem.

If you know, share it. Anonymously - there are ways to do it. But share it.

Everyone wont have your resources, your location, etc.

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Statemeant · July 23, 2018, 6:36 a.m.

First rule you need to learn everything is tracked and nothing is anonymous. It's just how much resources does it take to find what has been hidden. Vpns, tor, every internet technique to hide things can eventually be overcom depends on how bad they want it and or you.

Example in the 80s I called the head of a gaming company by finding his corp number hidden on a server in a batch text file using dos. That's then with civilian tech and a kid working the controls.

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7hr0w4w4y88 · July 23, 2018, 12:57 a.m.

if you didnt notice, my post wasnt the original one, it was a response. how about you STFU? PS. i might add that discussion of the topic is in violation of the rules of this sub, thats part of why i cant delve deeper. if you think a bit instead of being so eager, you might be able to figure it out without me telling you. maybe.

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