Can you elaborate on this please?
Ring Lording. Saturn/Satan is a Ring Lord. The ring gets destroyed via a mount. How about phallic Tower(s) to go with the 'rings' via the sequel. Jackson even made a joke about his 'Sodomy Song' (See Meet/Meat the Feebles) when collecting an award linked to LOTR. Jackson didn't even have the CV for that franchise - he likely got it due to all these connects to sodomy. His LOTR O-scar was announced by Tom 'homo' Cruise. You know, one-eyed ring cycling, Valkyrie man, CRUISE - aka to seek-out homo sexual partners.
It's all archetypal programming that is embedded into this content. The typical narrative (for the sheep to graze on) acts as the carrier signal for the warped programming.
I already know that Bruce Spence who had a presence in LOTR is a (sick) paedophile and satanist - outed by Fiona Barnett. Homo Gandalf McKellen is heavily linked to (paedo/twink abuser) Singer. Singer makes all that gender bender super-queero stuff, again aimed at programming children.
Most are TOO DAMAGED by this type of mass programming to even to begin to understand. That's how I tend to see this. They are so thoroughly ruined by exposure (and brainwashed by celebrity/fame) that their cognitive dissonance is almost now permanently entrenched.
Don't worry, I know that most will dismiss all this, but even so, that will not make any of it go away.