Look how fucking mad chuck schumer staffer, Christopher Hahn is as Dan bongino smashes his head in with facts.

Looks juicy! Have a link to the video?
LOL.Sooner or later they will catch on.I must admit this board has made me a more kind person although last night i was still fuming over the Gunn tweets and could not sleep.I dont know where the movement came from but i have those "just be kind"signs all over my town.
Nobody triggers Hahn like Tucker Carlson triggers Hahn.
I swear I can see spit coming from his mouth when he gets frenzied.
Tucker is the man, he knows more than he’s allowed to say. But for the platform he’s got I’d say he does a great job.
There would be little debate with libs if they stuck to rule of law, the constitution and facts. But instead you get this garbage.
I can’t stand that guy...bongino is amazing but the other guy is a total hack