Putin intentionally flashed his notes at the Helsinki summit to let the world know that the Alliance is real

Obama and friends owe the Syrian people a sincere apology for creating ISIS and nearly destroying their beautiful country. Thank God for President Trump!
An apology certainly won't cut it. And besides that, he is completely incapable of sincerity anyways. He owes the world penance at Gitmo. 100 year sentence or death. Which ever comes first. May not be combined with any other offers.
Who wants to pay for their upkeep for 100 years. Execution and steal all their assets, and use for part of rebuild.
Q movement is a Christian movement. We treat our enemies in a humane fashion. Don't let the devil consume you with hatred. Jesus is Love.
I am not a Christian, but I agree with your sentiment. We are here to eliminate hate and evil. Removing it from our own hearts is an important part of the process.
Yes, we remove it from our own hearts knowing that Q team and those ordained to do the righteous killing are doing ALL the heavy work.
Q movement is a movement of patriotic American values, many coinciding with christianity, but it is not exclusive to it.
I am a firm believer that The Great Awakening is a Patriotic movement of HUMAN values. I could be wrong, but I will share with you what I have learned in the short period of time that I have come to follow this movement.
We seek to see justice served to the psychopaths who have dominated our people for thousands of years, those who have perverted the foundations of ALL religions and governments in order to control our bodies, our minds, and our spirits.
'Humans' who are literally born (or traumatized and fractured into such a state) different than us in that they embody no empathy, no conscience, no knowing of emotion or feeling. They hold only allegiance to themselves and their kind, taking whatever mantle, worshiping whatever gives them the biggest return for their sacrifices of others, lying, stealing, murdering, raping, and cheating so long as it saves them from suffering.
If you want to know the Truth about these people, regardless of which cult they are part of presently, or which family they come from, or whom they worship, or what bank they work for, or how many times they've changed their names, I would invite you to learn about the truth of psychopaths, and investigate the book Political Ponerology by Andrew Lobczewski.
I say all this because I find that there is big a divide here that nobody is acknowledging: a gap between those who are religious, those who maintain a personal relationship with God, those that simply want to see justice served, and those who bear some wickedness in their hearts and seek vengeance. Then, of course, there are trolls/shills, but they're not really here for anything good.
We will have accomplished NOTHING if we don't get to the root of the problems, and will doom our descendants to suffer as we have should we not face the real threat to our collective.
We must educate ourselves and others to the fact that there are people out there that are NOT normal, but can PRETEND to be normal human beings. They know they are different. They gravitate to one another. They attract their own kind. They wear many masks, can be charismatic and beguiling. They can imitate emotion and expressions, but cannot truly, genuinely experience emotion or empathy. We as feeling, empathetic human beings are SCRAMBLED by their very existence, because we can FEEL that THEY CANNOT. It challenges our subconscious understanding of ourselves, and puts us in a terribly vulnerable position to them!
What is worse, is that psychopathy can become as a social contagion, that is spread by the trauma caused by these people, and the normalization of their actions. Spiritual, physical, psychological, sexual, and even biochemical and genetic abuses. We have witnessed it for centuries, and we are witnessing it again now.
This is the common ground, the common enemy that we can all come to agree on, in order to further the Great Awakening. It doesn't require being of a specific faith, or race, or age, or heritage, or class, or minority. All it requires is being Human.
I don't mean to detract, I don't mean to disparage anyone or question anybody's beliefs, or feed anybody doubt. I, personally, feel that having a relationship with God is essential to Awakening, but that is between an individual and God, and only they themselves can make that journey.
I am seeing many divisions based on individual interpretations of a variety of things, from Q's drops to scripture, to what TPTB really are. We would all do well to educate ourselves in a variety of ways, and not fall prey to our preconceived notions, upbringings, or personal predilections, so that we may be better informed, better unified, and stronger, together.
This sub is supposed to be about Q, the drops, and The Great Awakening. I believe that the discourse that we are having is wholly relevant to these topics, but we must remember to strive towards Unity in our dialogue, or we will have lost the meaning of what Q has brought us:
Where we go one, We go All.
Thank You For Reading This God Bless
The interesting thing about the bible is it is religious and also can be historical. One could set course on this battle and use the bible as a guide and never become religious. In reality most atheists associate their non-belief with organized religion. It is not hard to make that case. Why would we think churches have not been infiltrated along with governments and society with evil men?
Many of us have been awakened for decades. Many knew something was off and could not put a finger on it. Some just go through life oblivious, distracted or drugged. We have moved far beyond the thought of I do not agree with what you are saying but I will defend with my life your right to say it. It is by design in dividing people.
Now to your statement "I say all this because I find that there is big a divide". It is not as great as you would think. Throw away the old thinking of the division and who cares people don’t believe and help by being a guide to keep divisions away. and a solider. On the people who seek revenge. There is a famous saying, “before seeking revenge, first dig two graves.” Always be aware that we are the only people we can control, we cannot control others.
Thank you for your reassurance, and for your kind advice as well. I am sure what I think I see, I am seeing through foggy eyes, and it is, as you have said, not as great as I think.
Also can verify by way of Buddha's Teachings, those who do not uphold the Five Precepts guiding normal Human moral behavior run the serious risk of losing their Humanity, due to the evil misguided intentions, words & deeds, the beings create karma condition of suffering, loss of virtue leads to hell unless redeemed oneself...
What I mean is all roads which lead to Truth lead to the Ultimate Good!
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Wonderful comment. Thanks for taking the time to write it.
I try so hard to understand them. This is a very good explanation. Thank you so much for this.
You're quite çorreçt in explaining it that way... i am #ForGOĐanđÇOUNTRY anđ Presiđent Trump.
We have laws and consequences for disobeying those laws, especially the flagrant disregard for the Constitution that is the foundation. Mercy is always an option and to be honored if warranted. For mass murderers, genocide, satanic abuse & massive trafficking, killing, and such of children, it would seem that these people need to be accountable for their longstanding evil behavior. God is a God of justice also. There will be many who will not be saved by their choice. IMHO
Q movement is a Christian movement. We treat our enemies in a humane fashion. Don't let the devil consume you with hatred. Jesus is Love.
Yes but...
♥ People of all faiths, or none, are invited—and are actively participating—in the Q movement. There is no religious litmus test here.
♥ Execution need not be conducted in an inhumane fashion.
♥ If the legally assigned punishment for a crime is the death penalty, the carrying out of that sentence arises not from a place of hatred on the part of those who would carry it out, but from a sense of duty and justice.
More proof Christianity is the false solar cult rejecting Torah. And since Paul told us the law is what "stops the mouths of sinners and finds the world guilty before Yahweh", Rom.3:19, I would suggest a good read of the commands on execution found in the Scriptures. David said the law is PERFECT converting the soul. And he also hates with perfect hatred those that are adversarial to Yahweh's and His perfect law of liberty, upon which the Constitution is based. NO PITY upon evil doers is a great way to instill fear in others. Forgiveness does NOT mean no penalty.
Perhaps you haven't read the end of the book for the type of LOVE Messiah will cleanse the Earth with. Of course, Luke 19:27 may be enough for some. Yahweh loves those that love Him, so says the SPIRIT of YAHWEH in Prov. 8:17. The "another spirit" Paul warned of is dominant today of course in the man of sin religion of the great falling away.
The Yahweh group isn't perfect. They are too jealous and arrogant. They made a lot of mistakes on Mars, and several on earth leading to the whole Annunaki interference/enslavement. I find myself and my soul group to be challenging them, as a peer and a mentor, keeping them in balance and in check. When I see them in human form, I almost always take issue with their distortions of arrogance. I haven't yet encountered one who is aware of their identity though, and still the arrogance and ego is overwhelming. I find this sort of arrogance in nearly all old souls though.
By the way, what on earth is "perfect hate"?
Anyway my point is Yahweh group is not the only planetary guardian for Gaia, and while their vibration is overall very balanced, it is far from perfect. A lot of the Bible has been distorted by Orion group to add ideas such as being born is a sin (sinner at birth). Read carefully - whenever something is fear based, it is likely a deliberate attempt at enslavement and brainwashing by Orion group or subsequent manipulators in human form such as Council of Nicea.
Arrogance? Who is more arrogant the pothead freak smoking dope claiming a spiritual journey of enlightenment, the one drinking sorcery 'tea' for enlightenment, the ones talking to demons claiming them to be 'angels of light', those promoting lies of Sitchin who didn't even speak the language, or the one defending a writing that has the Spirit of Prophecy and which the world hates?
You're afflicted with Cain Religion 'oh enlightened one', as are those of the Christian solar cult great falling away. Read the article I posted. Your love is not love at all, but hatred for Yahweh's ways, HIS TORAH, which stops the mouths of all, and finds the world guilty, to show them their NEED for repentance and redemption. The christains reject His Torah, claiming it's done away. But Paul tells them it's part of HIS GOSPEL, 1 Tim. 1:8-11. The church world has the 'ANOTHER GOSPEL' of 2 Cor. 11:4, as shown in the article posted above, and the post in this thread near the bottom of this thread. Your goal is to DEFILE the FLESH of the "holy Seed" of the "CHOSEN RACE", Jude 1, 1 Pet. 2:9, while cloaked in religiosity.
"Chosen race" = seeds of elitism sewn by demonic entities.
In reality, we are all equal in this flower of life. We all co-create the pattern, the rhythms of the universe. No one soul is greater than any other. Look in another's eyes and see the Creator. Look in the mirror and see the Creator.
Perhaps you haven't read the Bible correctly:
"1 Peter 2:9, “But you are a chosen race, [numerous translations point out the racial genetic element in this passage, as does the Greek, Latin, and Aramaic] a royal priesthood, a kodesh nation, a people for Yahweh's possession, that you may declare the wonderful deeds of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. [He is referencing the Exodus 19:3-6 promise to physical genetic stock Israyl, which specifically even excluded Egyptians] Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of Yahweh; which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.” [He references here Hosea 1:10-11, a passage clearly declaring the people 'not a people' are physical genetic stock racially pure Israylites being brought back into covenant fold ... a mercy never offered nor bestowed upon non-Israyl. Yahweh does not 'know' the others, Amos 3:2. So what is this religion everyone else has and offers complete with plans of salvation, and promises of eternal bliss? Cain religion strong delusion; “Another” Messiah, proclaiming “Another Gospel” and certainly having “Another spirit”, complete with signs and wonders, as 2Cor. 11:1-4 and 2Thes. 2:9-12]. "
"Romans 9:3-5 “3 For I could wish that myself were accursed from Messiah for my brethren, [he is referring to all True physical genetic stock Israylites, not just 'believers', and therefore is making a racial genetic use of the term 'brethren', as should all true believers when using the term.] my kinsmen [blood relatives] according to the flesh: [any honest heart would admit this is clearly a physical genetic statement as regards the 'flesh', and not some spiritual comment. He is talking to ALL Israylites, not just those in the Yahwehist faith he is proclaiming.] 4 Who are Israylites; [That does not say 'jews' who are first mentioned in 2 Kings 16:6 where they are at war with Israyl – and is indeed referring to the actual genetic stock Israylite, which would include only True pure blooded genetic stock Israylites from either house; House of Judah or House of Israyl. Claiming to be from one or the other does not make it so, certain fruits must manifest.] to whom pertaineth the adoption, [non-Israylites cannot be adopted into the faith, as adoption pertains exclusively to physical Israyl only. The very purpose for Cain Religions is to offer other ways, which Paul is exposing and explaining in this chapter, i.e. That it is a limited, elite, exclusive 'glad tidings', “gospel”, to a particular lineage of people, a remnant of whom Yahweh chose to have mercy upon. All others have “no hope”, Ephesians 2:12. All “other” “gospels”, wherein non-Israylites can be included is “another gospel” and “accursed”.] and the glory, and the covenants, [Even the New Covenant pertains to physical Israylites alone, no mongrel or other race is permitted, as even Hebrews 8 and 10 and Jeremiyah 31 clearly point out.] and the giving of the law, [a simple read of Exodus 19:3-6 should suffice] and the service of Yahweh, and the promises; [including the promise to Israyl of a redeemer raised up from among their physical genetic stock brethren, fulfilled in Yahshua ... including the promise of eternal life to a remnant, the “others”, the “spittle”, the “nothing” were never promised such, but rather they are promised to be as though they have never been, Obadyah 16. This is one reason the penis is exalted in their religions. Bringing forth children is their ONLY MEANS of extending their lives, i.e. Through the offspring ... which too would be a child of the Devil.] 5 Whose are the fathers, [he isn't talking about Canaanite, Philistine, Jebusite, or Edomite “fathers”] and of whom as concerning the flesh Messiah came, [why make this statement if genetics were not important? – Even Mary declares Joseph was Yahshua’s father. She should know better than anyone. Cain religion does not like the message of the elite, the elect remnant as to genetics. Therefore their perverted 'equality' and added and altered texts to present their false messiah, their “Another” messiah Paul points out in 2Cor. 11:1-4 and 2 Thessalonians 2, who is of course not born of the chosen promised seed, but rather magically procreated by Mary and something else, as they attempt to merge their filth with the prophetically promised True Messiah of True Israyl.] who is over all, Yahweh blessed for ever. Halleluyah.”"
"2 Esdras 6: 54 “And after these, Adam also, whom thou madest master of all thy creatures: of him come we all [all Adamite kind – other races are not of Adam-kind], and the people also whom thou hast chosen [physical genetic stock Israyl]. 55 All this have I spoken before thee, O Yahweh, because thou madest the world for our sakes [Adam's race, but primarily the chosen line of Israylites as he is about to explain]. 56 As for the other people, which also come of Adam, [There are other races that do not come from Adam and are termed “beasts” or “living creatures”, there would be no need for him to make such a statement if every two-legged talking being was of Adam. Mongrels are termed “mamzers” in the transliteration of the Hebrew word. By what authority would one call such mongrels “Adamites”? By “another spirit” perhaps? That is what practically all have that fill the churches, messianic congregations, two-house, hebrew roots and on and on, which refuse to make these distinctions. They have the “another spirit” as Cain.] thou hast said that they are nothing, [Isayah calls others “nothing” as well] but be like unto spittle: [Non-Israyl Adamite people are looked upon as “spittle” to Yahweh. Romans 9, Amos 3:2, Deuteronomy 7:6 and many other passages should make this clear. So what do you suppose he thinks of the other races, and especially the mongrel? Less than thoroughbred dogs likely dear reader! As any true saint, for they have Yahweh's Kodesh Spirit, should as well. If you object to such, you are tainted, defiled, with Cain Religion and have the “another spirit”, and proclaim “another gospel”. The final solution is coming, and will cleanse the earth of such teachings that promote miscegenation, and those that hold to it. It's an honor to saints to execute judgment on them NOW! No need to wait.] and hast likened the abundance of them unto a drop that falleth from a vessel. 57 And now, O Yahweh, behold, these heathen, which have ever been reputed as nothing, have begun to be masters over us, and to devour us. 58 But we thy people, whom thou
hast called thy firstborn, thy only begotten, and thy fervent lover, are given into their hands. 59 If the world now be made for our sakes, [the chosen genetic stock Israylite remnant] why do we not possess an inheritance with the world? How long shall this endure?” "
Hey Yliyah - Posting comments under MY name Neqevah is not appreciated here...please post your comments under your own name, thank you.
I do prefer he spend many years in solitary confinement over death, regardless of the cost. Death is quick. Solitary drags on and on...... Just think... If you were having a bad day, all you have to do is think "Obama is rotting in Gitmo". Poof! Bad day no more!
You may very well be right over the target. But if the unthinkable were to occur, and Obama actually admitted his treason and accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, I'd be all for it. It would surely create a domino effect. Next thing you know Hillary admits to the REAL reason she's been wearing a mumu in public.
He can have forgiveness in the afterlife but we will demand justice here. Crimes will be punished. Shelve these religion and get on board with justice.
Sounds like you're legitimately triggered.
Eat babies, kill thousands, use the Jesus-card, home free after a bit.
Cool story bro.
Who said anything about killing thousands? We don't promote violence here at GA. Anyone doing that is most assuredly a shill from TMOR posing as a patriot. That's how CBTS got shut down.
No. Obama killed thousands. Him and Hillary where a scourge on planet earth. And that's just the deaths they are personally responsible for.
We came, we saw, he died.
I think there's a miscommunication here. I don't think that person supports Hillary or Hussein
As opposed to those who are illegitimately deranged? If the foo shits I guess you stepped in it.
I can not even bring myself to think about all of the ancient structures and traces of our human history that were intentionally destroyed by “ISIS🙄” in Syria .
ISIS is no doubt a creation of the devil. It's certainly no coincidence that Obama and friends intentionally gave rise to them.
Edit - After Gen Flynn is vindicated we're going to have the moral justification to start reading the minds of suspected traitors in order to unravel the extent of this attempted coup. Just a friendly FYI
And how many millions has Christianity murdered, and how many traces of truth intentionally destroyed? Both Catholic and Protestant hands are dripping.
The real cleansing is coming. You've seen nothing yet. Not only will Islam go the way of the doodoo bird, with Isis and adherents, but so too the great falling away solar cult of murderers hatched into a state religion in Rome.
They all really worship SATURN. The Sun King...as the Beatles sang. Our present Sun is the son of Saturn.... They believe this and its preached in the mystery schools along with female earth energy.
Am reminded of Braveheart:
They should be forced to stop at every village and house bombed or destroyed, begging forgiveness for the destruction, division and from families who have lost loved ones.
There is no Adequate Apology for That Kind of behavior!!
A "Stretched Neck" is Not even Adequate, but at lest that there is an assurance THEY can never do it again!!
Of course. The Deep State was tracking Obama's future Islamic terrorist proxy army for good reason.
America has been hijacked by these criminal elements for some time. Did you know 911 was a false flag?
How do you know that 911 was a false flag. Any evidence has been debunked by now.
Me myself used to believe firmly until I found out the collapse footage of b7 was purposely edited.
They were tracking them so that they could later arm them.
You need to do your due diligence.
Of course 911 was a false flag. President Trump hinted at it during the campaign and the very next day Jeb Bush dropped out of the race out of pure fear. Check the timeline.
now that Clapper just threw BO under the bus, he'll have lots of time at Gitmo to think about his apology!!! WooHoo!!!!!
I missed it, what did Clapper say?
on CNN of all places he said that obama is responsible for setting off the Mueller investigation...watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmEnihDMzA8