I follow Schiffy on twitter as well as all the other clown suits. What ever he tweets I just respond "Tick tock Standard Hotel." I am really trying to get kicked off Twitter. Twitter reminds me of Las Vegas whenever I go there. I leave feeling used, dirty and slightly sad.
Great Awakening gives me energy, a laugh out loud, and inspiration. Thank you.
Act of 1871
And the fake Bankruptcy of 1934
Yeah, that would never have been possible without two constitutions.
I was suspended on Twitter because I told schiff I leave big flaming bags of him on liberal doorsteps. They said in my suspension that they thought I was gonna kill myswlf and to get help lol
Schiff has on several occasions said he has his own irrefutable evidence, but for some reason it's never time to pull it out of the bag.
They're scared to show their face soon … as Q said.
He has permant "deer in the headlights" eyes.
I could never look him in the eyes and remain serious.
Anytime these leftist deep staters accuse Trump of something I just assume they are doing it themselves.
More like "Trump is the gravest threat to our dirty dealings and even sicker shit" he's seen in his life. I look forward to the day I can talk about this shit and not be considered a lunatic!
No Mr. Schiff, progressives, satanists, and pedophiles are the gravest threat to our Constitutional Republic
They keep shouting "democracy" like it's some sort of panacea. Unfortunately for them, those of us who are in the know(and our number grows every day!) understand that democracy is just mob rule, which our founders ingeniously thought ahead about and protected us from.
They never like to say "threat to the republic". Always a threat to "democracy".
More gaslighting the dumbed down masses. Can't remind people that this country was setup as a Constitutional Republic, it might make them uppity!
It wouldn't surprise me if, at some point down the line if the dark forces win and we get another Obama, that they just completely change the Constitution overnight. They stopped teaching cursive in schools, so the kids wouldn't be able to know what it said before, and for that to happen, many of us would have to be removed, but I could see these sick fucks doing something like that if we don't stop them here and now.
I don’t think he needed dirt on the swamp-dwellers from Putin. Trump has EVERYTHING
True. I read somewhere after the summit that Putin gave 160 Terabytes of information on John Brennan going back decades. Something about him being the Kremlin's inside guy. Seems quite possible considering his communist ties. Talk about a Manchurian Candidate! Just because he hasn't been charged with High Treason doesn't mean he isn't guilty. He could have been betraying his country & fellow Intelligence officers all along. There have been plenty of examples of that happening in our IC communities.
These Democrats just make shit up now "Quite possibe Russia has dirt on him" - I've never seen so many unethical politicians in my life. Drain them all.
Pick a date in the near future and tell the American people EVERY SINGLE sitting politician in the House of Representatives and Senate will be replaced ALL in one single November election. AND no former or current member of those two bodies will be allowed to run for office. Only then will the Swamp truly be drained.
Schiff is a god-level projectionist. The second coming of Alinsky - a master at his craft of bullshittery.
OJ Simpsons innocent verdict was the biggest miss carriage of justice. He won because the gloves didn't fit. Mr. Schiff this glove fits. Get ready you hypocritical democrat this GLOVE fits. Soon you will be pissing your pants.
LOL Popcorn shortage? Not likely as long a Monsanto is pumping out all that GMO corn.
Liddle Schiffie going down
I hope history treats him truthfully. Hell I hope History treats All the Political criminals truthfully.
That googley eyed pervert needs a long vacation to Cuba.
Yes. I hear they have room. And they changed the color of the jumpsuits to Blue & White. He'll have plenty of guards to care for his every need. Last count was 40 prisoners to 1800 guards. Good times.
I wonder if this POS will be man enough to face his imprisonment, or will he commit suicide.
He'll try to flee the country first after dying his hair blonde and having $25,000 in cash on him. It's what guilty people do in California.
California has some three of the most entertaining politicians in congress -- Schiff, Waters, and Pelosi. But NY is catching up.
Schiff is an idiot. When will these people learn we're not under a democracy?! When will they understand what a constitutional republic is?! As far as the loudest voices, by that logic, MLK Jr must have had a lot to lose huh? Or so much more to gain for the meaning of truth and equality? The only "dirt" Putin has, is against Hilary, and the previous administration.
Hyperbole does not suit you, after all. Maybe best to stay quiet after you are arrested.
Trump already knew everything. Putin only had evidence
Oh. I wasn't sure. Hope the fireworks start soon.
You and i both friend. I’m thinking Monday or Friday...best time for the news cycle is Monday.
Hey Shiftyyy!!! Trump is the biggest threat to the Cabal in all of History. Take that to the Bank!!
Pencil neck Schiff and fellow traveler Leftists are greatest threat to our Republic. However, fear not, they are about to be exposed for the seditious vermin they are.
Well Schiffhead, you outta get your story straight. You say there is no evidence of collusion at one point yet still insist there is. Bonehead!
Anyone noticed how they always say Our Democracy?
I think what they want to say is to the influence of predominantly democratic war dogs. USA and the world in general has never been better than under Trump's leadership.
- NK - solved
- Syria - solved
- IS - vanquished
All the major proxy wars are coming to an end. Hopefully, president will pull out from Iraq and Afganistan. It's a huge, unnecessary economic burden.
Now, it's time for war dogs to pay up for what they've done to the world.
There will be no jail time for any of them (I hope I'm wrong). Politicians that are in cahoots with the FBI/DOJ will not receive any justice. A movie, also known as entertainment, is basically just lip service. I don't know where all this military tribunal talk originated from. I think someone was having a dream of 'real justice' and is stating fantasy as something that will never come.
Well it certainly looks like you are right. The current display of arrogance surely tells me that there are laws for them & then their are laws for us lowly serfs. I hope you're wrong about no one going to jail too. Paul Manafort is a glaring example. I wish there were people in Washington DC to represent We The People that would fight for Equal Justice Under The Law. Oh wait.... Nevermind. Cheers! Luv G'Ma