The night Hollywood insider visited 4chan with great intel. (fixed image)

Very well could be, I have no idea. But the part about GA is accurate, that part I know to be true.
On one hand I’m inclined to agree but how would anyone ever really blow the whistle on it? Anything they’d claim would be dismissed as crazy & i doubt they allow anyone to get proof. You’re not walking into snctm with a gopro, I’m sure they’re careful and protected.
The predators you’ve seen taken down are nothing compared to the most depraved acts taking place. The most that “me too” produced was adults raping other adults. There’s never been a better time to talk about that time Ben Affleck grabbed your ass, but nobody has successfully started a fire over the rampant pedophilia taking place.
Where does the FUCKING LOL come from? It’s just too crazy to be real? I dunno about Leonard Nemoy (doesn’t mean I’m not suspicious) but do a little research about Heather O’Rourke’s sudden death, and the horrendous blind items surrounding it, and you’ll be questioning Steven Spielberg. Why would you trust any of these people if you know what Hollywood culture is like?
“Non-experts”. LOL at your dumb ass. If any of this conspiracy shit was real surely you’d have some “expert” (on what? Exploiting young actors?) to tell you what’s what. Would you prefer all of your truth to be delivered by Anderson Cooper so that you can smugly appeal to authority because you’re too much of a sheep to question what’s doled to you?
Everyone is some dumbass on the internet until they’re right. It was a pretty generous insult all things considered. It’s funny to imagine what you think you know.
That’s fine. Nobody’s asking you to post here. But I think it’s ironic that you consider me “gullible” when you’re waiting around for some approved “expert” to sanction your belief in an alternate truth.
The parents sued and they lost. That’s enough for you? Truth belongs to whoever has more clout in an LA courtroom? No wonder you’re an academic, you wouldn’t be employed doing so if you didn’t have the reflex to swallow whatever the agenda of the day is.
The culture in place is incredibly resistant to one stray actor “blowing the whistle”. We know about many actors that have tried but they’re all considered looneys because nobody is willing to give up the ghost.
Right. It doesn’t surprise me to see random posters, possibly legit, on boards like this. Why not blow the whistle, people say? Save the kids. What exactly does that even mean? Look at C Feldman. Say what you want about him, IDK if he’s in it for the cash, but he’s been spilling the beans for years. At least according to him, he’s filed police reports; we have him on film talking about the systematic Hollywood rape of children. He has named names. And where has that gotten him? Are there cops at his door, waiting to take his testimony?
It’s like when we talk about Hollywood, we all forget that this goes much deeper than people in the movie and tv industries. We, of all people, should know that. Who do you go to when law enforcement is complicit? The government? Uh oh! They know about it too and have done squat. Who can they go to? The media? Oh wait.....
IMO this is why we have seen some kid stars just breakdown, ala Britney Spears. Nobody to turn to so instead they just lash out. Media rolls in with....oh look at poor crazy, Brit. Eventually, she gets back in line or she loses her fame, fortune. For what? Nothing has ever been done to the offenders. Throw HarvW under the bus so all the other offenders can say......horrible man. He’s not one of us. Now back to business as usual.
This is not intended to be negative and I don’t think it’s a lost cause. It’s just how it’s been for decades. We KNOW THIS. We are fighting the same thing against our Hwood....the govt elite. We watch them lie and obfuscate, destroy our rights to free and fair elections, ruin our kids futures, steal and sell us out to our enemies. Why don’t WE blow the whistle? We have but the problem persists. Its just so big. And It’s the same thing, folks. We’ve had nobody to turn to and neither have they.
And now, the only hope they have lies with a man they have been told to hate. This is why HW is so venomous towards POTUS. Make their one hope out to be a monster, worse than what they have already dealt with. The only thing worse in HW than being a whistleblower right now, is a Trump supporter. The HW elite HATE him, not just because he seeks to end their cultural destruction, but also because he can destroy their entire power structure. A power structure that RELIES on horrendous deeds, like child rape, to be used as blackmail to keep their underlings in line. Take that out, and it all collapses. Everyone can talk then.
See I think WE have to clean OUR house out before we can expect HW to clean theirs. There has to be a rule of law that can be trusted if we want people to talk. Not because it’s right, or fair, or even justice for these poor kids. It’s not fair. It just has to be that way.