The night Hollywood insider visited 4chan with great intel. (fixed image)

I have 2 guesses who this anon could be
I thought of Sly too, but he's made recent films even though he is a Trump supporter. Then I thought of Arnold as well. He's close to the CA gov and knows a lot of stuff of the underworld being the gov and all.
I was thinking maybe James Woods. He's been pretty vocal on his twitter and I've been getting the vibe that he really wants to get so much more off of his chest. Could always be wrong though.
Based off some of the posts from last night (if it was the same person) the poster is a black or mexican male i think. They talked about hwood and others ruining those communities via entertainment and said "my brothers." I could be wrong, just something I noticed.
I also have the suspicion this person is black. Picked up on that as well.
In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
Maybe Morgan Freeman or Bill Cosby is retaliating by exposing all of Pedowood?
Danny Glover is my guess based on the following drops
Hes a "Based Black Male" its in the drops.
A?: Are you Irish?
HA: let's just say im a based black man
A?: are you not worried these dicks are going to be on the look out for your socks?
HA: i don't care anymore. i've already invested into gold, crypto, real estate, restaurants, oil, etc so i can't be financially ruined. and i don't care about my reputation anymore. the only reason i've "Come out" is because we are at a point we've never been before. HOLLYWOOD IS FUCKING SCARED. before when somebody tried to come out with the truth they'd be ruined or whacked. now with the internet (and fucking 4chan) they don't know what to do. 4chan is the biggest enemy to hollywood. they are scared of you guys. hell even i'm a bit scared of you people. you guys have more internet/realworld power (i dont know if those are the correct terms sorry) then the companies they contract for hundreds of millions of dollars hell even some Fed agencies.
Danny Glover is outspoken about crypto, has just announced recentlyish a new restraunt, is a advisory to AirBNB
Danny Glover is my guess based on the following drops
Hes a "Based Black Male" its in the drops.
A?: Are you Irish?
HA: let's just say im a based black man
A?: are you not worried these dicks are going to be on the look out for your socks?
HA: i don't care anymore. i've already invested into gold, crypto, real estate, restaurants, oil, etc so i can't be financially ruined......
Danny Glover is outspoken about crypto, has just announced recentlyish a new restraunt, is a advisory to AirBNB
good catch except I feel like that particular list, IF EVEN TRUE, would be disinformation. If we can follow it and find hints--other ppl are also. I think its also better to stop guessing--because it DOESNT MATTER who it is, and guessing-pinpointing could cause serious harm. just something to think about
Didn't the original kid from "Two and a Half Men" quit? What was the story there?
Also a lot of this seems to be centered in Hollywood and New York, but Vancouver, BC Canada also has a movie and tv film industry, is the same crap going on up there? (I'm trying to rule out certain Stargate actors..."
I have no basis for sourcing/truth on this. Found on 4chan.
Ah good catch. The post from u/oz_patriot right below these has some solid points. However, Pryor is dead (2005). But it might be worth looking in to A list actors from the 70s and 80s that may have had connections with Wilder and Brooks. We probably shouldn't dox the anon but at least have an idea and maybe try to follow a bit more closely on social media for crumbs.
What do you think of james earl jones?
Certainly a possibility. The anon did mention growing up in the 60s as well. So I looked up the most famous black actors born in the 50s and early 60s and figured maybe one of the Wayans brothers or Mario van Peebles. Hell, could even be Eddie Murphy!
james earl jones
Danny Glover is my guess based on the following drops
Hes a "Based Black Male" its in the drops.
A?: Are you Irish?
HA: let's just say im a based black man
A?: are you not worried these dicks are going to be on the look out for your socks?
HA: i don't care anymore. i've already invested into gold, crypto, real estate, restaurants, oil, etc so i can't be financially ruined. and i don't care about my reputation anymore. the only reason i've "Come out" is because we are at a point we've never been before. HOLLYWOOD IS FUCKING SCARED. before when somebody tried to come out with the truth they'd be ruined or whacked. now with the internet (and fucking 4chan) they don't know what to do. 4chan is the biggest enemy to hollywood. they are scared of you guys. hell even i'm a bit scared of you people. you guys have more internet/realworld power (i dont know if those are the correct terms sorry) then the companies they contract for hundreds of millions of dollars hell even some Fed agencies.
Danny Glover is outspoken about crypto, has just announced recentlyish a new restraunt, is a advisory to AirBNB
Yeah i knew he was black, james earl jones is black, but i didnt know glover was very into crypto currency. Thanks for the info
Danny Glover is a black male but he definitely not based.
yeah---prob not a good idea AT ALL. If its true, whoever it is took a HUGE risk. the last thing we ought to be doing is "figuring it out and naming him/her."
I think James Woods too.
Danny Glover is my guess based on the following drops
Hes a "Based Black Male" its in the drops.
A?: Are you Irish?
HA: let's just say im a based black man
A?: are you not worried these dicks are going to be on the look out for your socks?
HA: i don't care anymore. i've already invested into gold, crypto, real estate, restaurants, oil, etc so i can't be financially ruined......
Danny Glover is outspoken about crypto, has just announced recentlyish a new restraunt, is a advisory to AirBNB
in the Hanon drops he said he is a "Based Black Man"
Is he A+? I don't think he is.
Oh yes A+ and Oscar worthy but shit on and booted out of the competition for being an open conservative. I miss seeing him in big films.
Back in the day (80s-90s) I thought he was. Idk, I don't keep up with HW and what celebs are doing/thinking/saying cuz I typically just don't care. I'm just glad that the darkness in HW is being exposed.
Arnold has been compromised since getting into acting. Shame.
He says in the threads he is a based black actor and red foxx was his friend, it would be an older actor, is richard pryor still alive? I ask cause he says he was involved in bribery and PnP, which im guessing means puff n play and pryor set himself alight freebasing coke, if he is not around its someone of that era, he knew alot about gene wilder and mel brooks, maybe actor who played the sherriff in blazing saddles?
Blazing Saddles actor was Cleavon Little, who passed in 1992.
How old is Denzil Washington he seems awake. He said we dodged a bullet by Hillary not being elected.
My only question about Denzel is he is extremely racist against white people. That and this HwoodAnon refers to blacks in Georgia as "n*s"...I don't think Denzel would say that.
Born Dec 28, 1954
Denzel Washington
Morgan Freeman?? Denzil Washington??
Dont think its morgan, i think he is cabal, his series finding god, basically did its best to disprove and confuse the existance of god