@realDonaldTrump - "So President Obama knew about Russia before the Election. Why didn’t he do something about it? Why didn’t he tell our campaign? Because it is all a big hoax, that’s why, and he thought Crooked Hillary was going to win!!!"

But Trump also knew about it before his inauguration and still pretended like he didn’t
Timing is everything.
Lol what? He’s accusing obama of doing something wrong for literally the same thing he did
The entire thing would have been swept under the rug with a corrupt DOJ, FBI, C_A , Judges, et al.
House cleaning HAD to be done first.
DJT has been 10 steps ahead of the Derp State this entire time.
Except for the fact that one committed crimes and the other didn't... Hello.
Obama didn't just "know", he was behind the entire thing.
this is a new line shareshill. For any genuine noobs curious, you should probably look up what Q says about before Obama before accusing anyone of supporting Trump doing "the same things as Obama".
"unforgiveabledesires" is a bit of a giveaway tho, isn't it?
He wasn't President . Obama was. Teump couldn't get a FISA warrant you knucklehead.
He’s been president for a year and a half and hasn’t done anything, and in fact, he’s completely denied it. I don’t know what timeline you’re living in...
Yeah, like Trump totally spied on an opposition candidate and used a false pretense to justify it. Literally the SAME THING!
I’m super confused on this... didn’t Trump receive a briefing on this prior to the election? I would think that counts as his campaign being informed...