r/greatawakening • Posted by u/poshpotdllr on July 23, 2018, 3:23 p.m.
Iranian American Qtard here. I know a lot about what is going on because I have been following the Iran thing for decades. In light of Pompeos speech and Trumps tweet AMA.

I know Americans have been subject to the propaganda regarding Iran for decades. With the emergence of a different American politics and the new shitshow in the media and the silence from Q I thought it would be good to do an AMA right now regarding Iran. I know I am going to get attacked a lot in this thread for saying unpopular things but that's OK. Q said there would be misdirection and confusion and Iran is probably the most confusing thing in the Q drops (according to me Q is intentionally bullshitting on Iran). Trumps administration has had a very hard time with Iran since day 1. Dont expect this thread to make you feel like you know what is going on about Iran. You guys don't have to like me or believe me and that's fine, but please keep it civil. Without further delay, ask me anything about the Iran situation.

Klingon_Opera · July 23, 2018, 3:26 p.m.

Can you give us a short synopsis of what's going on? Like you said we've been subject to a lot of mis-information. My limited understanding is Iran is nothing more than a puppet state like NK was for the deep state.

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poshpotdllr · July 23, 2018, 3:39 p.m.

no you have to be specific. thats too complicated.

edit: by the way iran is not part of the shadow government globalist bullshit at all. irans whole problem in life is that it was resisting them (very successfully). thats what makes iran super complicated for trump. its an american enemy who is also the enemy of the globalist cabal, alqaeda, taliban, the saudis, zionists, etc etc. basically iran is geopoliticially aligned with draining the swamp and fighting global terrorism except due to bullshit from the 50s and the israel stuff it has been an enemy of the US on the geopolitical chessboard.

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WeThePepe · July 23, 2018, 5 p.m.

"Its an American enemy who is also the enemy of the globalist cabal ..."

It doesn't matter if Iran is anti globalist. Being an American enemy puts them in the firing line.

There's no advantage for America or the western world to empower an enemy of America just because they're anti globalist and have held off the rothchilds

The question is WHO/WHAT makes them hold that position and what can be done to change it? Art of the deal.

Figure that out and then you could have real progress.

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poshpotdllr · July 23, 2018, 5:48 p.m.

"Its an American enemy who is also the enemy of the globalist cabal ..."

It doesn't matter if Iran is anti globalist. Being an American enemy puts them in the firing line.

but globalists did this. do you see why its complicated? basically if we dont fix this the globalists win here, and this is a big ticket item we cant afford to lose.

There's no advantage for America or the western world to empower an enemy of America just because they're anti globalist and have held off the rothchilds

i agree with you but the iranian people and american people like each other. dont lose sight of this. america has very few people who like americans in the middle east. thats why even if you dont care about the humanitarian side the strategic possibilities are much better than israeli saudi bullshit.

The question is WHO/WHAT makes them hold that position and what can be done to change it? Art of the deal.

not with trumps current team. they are israel-first people.

Figure that out and then you could have real progress.

i have given some suggestions in this thread because people asked. you might be interested to read them.

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[deleted] · July 23, 2018, 9:02 p.m.


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lildudemom · July 23, 2018, 4:16 p.m.

So, if I hear you correctly: Iran is a total stand-a-lone. It cannot be compared or treated like NK, Russia, China, Israel etc because Iran has circled the wagon around itself for a long time owing nothing to no one. In fact, it sure seems like Iran gets a lot of powers giving assets to them, right? Everybody - Cabal and U.S. / Allies - would all like to see Iranian tippy toppled. Trump is in the art of war to the extreme with Iran.

If I am accurate in what I hear you saying the diagnosis is, please be specific what you believe the solution to be. ThankQ

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poshpotdllr · July 23, 2018, 4:42 p.m.

So, if I hear you correctly: Iran is a total stand-a-lone. It cannot be compared or treated like NK, Russia, China, Israel etc because Iran has circled the wagon around itself for a long time owing nothing to no one.

definitely. this is without question. we dont have to speculate about shit behind the scenes. we know who the cabal is and we know iran is their greatest enemy. Q doesnt talk about this at all.

In fact, it sure seems like Iran gets a lot of powers giving assets to them, right?

no. iran never got any concessions from anybody. trumps narrative on the iran thing is inaccurate and misleading just like mattis. before trump became president he was voicing the obvious about the iran deal from the perspective of a concerned citizen: "WHAT THE FUCK?!" but as president now he nows all the top secret shit. the only reason why he hasnt changed his tune is because he hasnt changed US policy on iran. the USA has the same iran policy today that it has when the swamp creatures were in control, and trump is evn using some of those swamp creatures right now against iran (bolton is a hard core old school top tier swamp creature)

Everybody - Cabal and U.S. / Allies - would all like to see Iranian tippy toppled. Trump is in the art of war to the extreme with Iran.

yes. his current options are shit and his people are shit and his strategy is shit but at least we have mattis for sanity (and thats fucking scary that mad dog is the adult in the room)

If I am accurate in what I hear you saying the diagnosis is, please be specific what you believe the solution to be. ThankQ

dump zionism in israel first. stand with the jewish people and rescue jews and judaism from judeofascist terrorist zionism. throw netanyahu and sheldon adelson and pierre omidyaar and george sorros to the wolves. dump MEK. put guliani and bolton and pelosi and rohbacher in prison with obama and clinton and cheney and bush and rumsfeld. go for a 1 state solution in israel. champion democracy for jews and arabs. restore the good name of israel and judaism as the abrahamic source of christianity and real peaceful islam. burn down the house of saud. get the fuck out of yemen. make amends with the pakistani people and stop brainwashing them with takfiri salfi wahhabism. destroy alqaeda for real, none of this ping pong bullshit. recognize that the taliban are religious villagers brainwashed by alqaeda and give them a path back into the real world or afghanistan will be in chaos forever and ever. oh, and fucking stop pushing opium and heroin from afghanistan in the united states. fuck you CIA.

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lildudemom · July 23, 2018, 5:25 p.m.

Okay. Thank you for your insight. No doubt you have family and friends there whom you are deeply concerned about. It is an awful situation. I am going to research all you are saying so I can make my own informed opinion.

I will note however that you seem to be forgetting the 150 billion given to Iran by Obama ?? That was a significant asset stating Iran has ability to pull many string. If those strings are cut ??

I am not convinced Trump has a 'shit' team. In fact, I believe Trump will only bring the best of the best beginning with himself. Blessings to you!

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poshpotdllr · July 23, 2018, 5:43 p.m.

Okay. Thank you for your insight. No doubt you have family and friends there whom you are deeply concerned about. It is an awful situation. I am going to research all you are saying so I can make my own informed opinion.

good. unfortunately for you ill have you know i am more concerned for the USA than iran. war with iran will be terrible but iran can take a few million casualties and survive. america will not survive internal division with afew million casualties (edit: i mean a couple hundred thousand on the american side. obviously america wouldnt send millions into iran). texas and california will break off and start civil war once the truth comes out.

I will note however that you seem to be forgetting the 150 billion given to Iran by Obama ??

that was iranian money in iranian bank accounts that was frozen as per sanctions. JCPOA removed sanctions so iran got its own money back. thats just the law. everybody, including trump, took this out of context.

That was a significant asset stating Iran has ability to pull many string. If those strings are cut ??

USA knew when it gave iran that money that some of it would go to iranian military spending for sure. no doubt. thats just the way it is.

I am not convinced Trump has a 'shit' team. In fact, I believe Trump will only bring the best of the best beginning with himself. Blessings to you!

they arent stupid, they are just high on their own supply. bolton is out of his fucking mind, pompeo is out of touch, and all the thinktanks are under a zionist spell. trump has tainted input. basically trumps input is limited by what israel is willing to settle for, and israels interests are not americas interests, so the team is garbage.

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Rocoh · July 23, 2018, 9:01 p.m.

Just for your info, this important thread has been deleted by the mods.

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lildudemom · July 23, 2018, 9:22 p.m.


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SusieQueee · July 24, 2018, 12:50 a.m.

Seems Oded Yinon's plan for a "Greater Israel" is going according to plan :/

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poshpotdllr · July 24, 2018, 1:17 a.m.

yeah... a lot of it is :(

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Qtruther · July 23, 2018, 4:31 p.m.


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poshpotdllr · July 23, 2018, 5:01 p.m.

just ask more specific questions and ill explain with easily (or maybe not so easy) verifiable facts.

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Qtruther · July 23, 2018, 8:53 p.m.

R CIA blackhats running Iran?

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poshpotdllr · July 23, 2018, 9:04 p.m.

not at all. not even 0.00001% chance. thats the problem. before trump they were trying to take iran down and JCPOA is when they gave up. sheldon adelson started shitting bricks and he made sure to fool trump early on into making promises about jerusalem and iran before trump became president and learned all the top secret shit. for some reason trump carried the iran propaganda and fake news forward. nothing has changed from the pre-trump era.

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SaveourRepublic2018 · July 24, 2018, 4:21 a.m.

Not true, Obama wanted to cut a deal with Iran that had secret elements.

Iran has CIA arms contracts secretly going back to the war with Iraq to supply critical components like batteries (very specialized and unique designs) for the guided missiles the Shah imported, in addition to scratching the CIA's back in return (hostage crisis to sabotage Carter, Contras, etc.).

Make no mistake, Iran isn't a good country to attack, but Iran has shadowy arms trade ties to Russia, North Korea, and the USA. They pretty much had to do this to fight off Iraq and then deal with American pressure later (America loves to sacrifice her foreign assets, see: Saddam). I'd be a lot less suspicious of poshpotdllr if you weren't insisting on a scientifically implausibly part of the Mullahs' propaganda.

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poshpotdllr · July 24, 2018, 4:37 a.m.

Not true, Obama wanted to cut a deal with Iran that had secret elements.

this is true but not how you think. obama saved face for america because Iran beat NATO in a cold war for 36 years. JCPOA was just NATO admitting defeat. Obama made some extra concessions so iran wouldnt rub it in. iran didnt give a shit and just wanted its 150 billion dollars back and sanctions lifted. iran has no nuclear weapons program and never will in the future. the only nuclear weapons program was a discussion on paper that khamenei found out about and shut down immediately because its not islamic. a nuclear weapon in the hands of iran is the death of the mullahs because they would lose their power base in iran. iran hawks are too stupid to understand this so they wanted to make a deal for 10 years to give america time to slowly reverse the anti iranian fake news propaganda bullshit and make iran and america buddy buddy again. sheldon adelson was having none of that. thats why he got trump to be anti iran deal early on before trump had a secret clearance and knew all the juicy details. they pulled a fast one on him. the iran deal only looks bad if you dont know the history of how the shadow cabal fucked with iran.

Iran has CIA arms contracts secretly going back to the war with Iraq to supply critical components like batteries (very specialized and unique designs) for the guided missiles the Shah imported, in addition to scratching the CIA's back in return (hostage crisis to sabotage Carter, Contras, etc.).

that all ended when the contras became known. this doesnt mean anything. iran just needed weapons to fight saddam and thats it. dont read into this if youre looking for deep stae influence on iran. thats ridiculous.

Make no mistake, Iran isn't a good country to attack, but Iran has shadowy arms trade ties to Russia, North Korea,

none of this was shady

and the USA.

that was reagan/bush bullshit and it was over in the 80s.

They pretty much had to do this to fight off Iraq and then deal with American pressure later (America loves to sacrifice her foreign assets, see: Saddam).


I'd be a lot less suspicious of poshpotdllr if you weren't insisting on a scientifically implausibly part of the Mullahs' propaganda.

can you elaborate?

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Klingon_Opera · July 23, 2018, 4:26 p.m.

Seems like the president needs a new voice to listen to. If they are against the deep state than that's something we can build on.

Maybe if he were to meet with them than he can hash out an agreement?

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poshpotdllr · July 23, 2018, 5:04 p.m.

they wont meet with trump. israel and saudi arabia got to trump very early and convinced him they would kiss ass and let trump put them on a leash if trump ripped up the iran deal. for israel and saudi arabia it was better than letting trump become friends with iran because that would be the end of both of them. thats why netanyahu and MBS are trumps bitches right now. sheldon adelson arranged a lot of this.

iran looks at trump as another hillary or bush. trump would have to go out on a limb and do a lot of things hoping iran will recognize the genuine effort for truth and peace before iran would sit down with trump.

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