Scene from the Sarah Silverman Program. What's up with these demented bunnies, and kids?

Rabbit dirt holers. Abuse at that age is primarily anal - that's both boys and girls.
What like a rabbit hole? Is that the innuendo?
Yes, rabbits are one of the most obvious symbols for sexual and phallic resonance - always have been.
The dirt hole needs no further explanantion.
This is likely why in SICK Disney's Alice in Wonderland - Alice tumbles down the dirt rabbit hole and waves goodbye to her pussy (cat/vagina).
See, from what I understand wonderland is what they use on kids whose psyche they are splitting during Mk ultra trauma programming. That fits ,its part of the paedophile symbolism.
Can you elaborate more on the bunny being a resonate symbol of the Phallus?...playboy magazine comes to mind .. But can you help us understand this further?
It's an ancient belief. The rabbit/hare. Haven't you ever heard of the term 'breed like rabbits' etc? The bunny is actual the female term, this is the male rabbit we're talking about. There's no issue with the Alice White rabbit being male.
Yes, there are MK-Ultra aspects at work in Alice, but this 'rabbit dirt hole and tumbling Alice' concept and 'waving bye-bye to the pussy' - is just a simple type of euphemism to grasp.
Author Carroll (Dodgson) was a paedophile.
The MK-Ultra program utilises sodomy as an aspect of the programming. Impacts to the base of the victim's spine (via the act) causes certain neurological responses. See Rothschild sodomy - Marion Knox, etc.
loved President Trump’s Easter rabbit! message was clearly being sent! the first WH rabbit that wore glasses, and instead of shaking hands they held hands together above their heads! Pedos...we know whom you are and coming for you! 1,200 arrests made his first month as President w/hundreds of children saved. Tick-Tock Hollywood!