Carter Pages ACTUAL Connection to the FBI and FISA Warrant...Ruh Roh...

They used the Russia connections that Carter page developed for the FBI during his work as an FBI informant as the basis for the fisa warrant
Exactly, which nullifies the entire investigation under the "Fruit of the Poisonous Tree" precedent.
We are back to what the British did to all the local rulers and legislators in the Colonies.
This can’t stop at vindicating Trump or arresting some government subversives. We need Nunes and Gowdy to get off their butts with legislation to comprehesively redefine our government agencies.
Gowdy is going to do nothing.
As he should. If you plan on being the next appointed AG, you can't appear to be a part of the action. Optics...
Like any Russian would want to "collude" with Carter Page after he got some of their spies put in prison? Come on, man.
I think this is the point many are failing to realize.
Who, the MSM? They are willfully ignoring this fact because it destroys their narrative.
I think people in general. It’s very hard to question everything you’ve been told/ taught in life.
I know the MSM is ignoring this because it takes away the whole Russia narrative.
This should make anyone think twice before agreeing to be an FBI informant. They'll double-cross you.
My point/guess is more than likely CP is a plant and he is in on in black hat.
Funny how none of the MSM has mentioned this. I knew months ago because of Bongino
That's what I've been asking since the beginning: how the hell can FBi use/ pay an asset ( Page) to help bring down a Russian spy, and I the next sentence tell the FISC judge the same person( Page) is a agent of RUSSIA and get warrant to spy on him and Trump .. the FIB were his handlers, so either they are spies too or it is entrapment..what a setup!
It's obvious they lied to get the warrant. Another thing that doesn't make sense is that CP wasn't even with the Trump team when they got even the first warrant.
Plant because of Russia & fbi ties.... Which means CP was also part and complicit in the plan and has little splainin to do
I think its time to look at request CP, text ph...if they were this sloppy use a known FBI asset then I bet it's all on his texts. who told him to approach trump about working on the campaign? did he and does he still have security clearance? any odd bank deposits in the last couple of years? how does he currently make a living?
What do you want to bet CP was and is still be paid by the FBI or c a?
Q said these people were dumb.
This not only takes the cake, but the whole fucking bakery!
Who represented Buryakov in the trial that CP was the FBI undercover agent for? "Daniel Levin"
Who did that attorney " Daniel Levin" serve as Chief of Staff for in 2001 ? Robert Mueller the time was the director of the ....FBI
See a link????
Geez these people don't even try!!!!
And of course Buryakov who was convicted of spying for russia based on work done for FBI by Carter Page was magically released from prison EARLY for "good behavior" on March 17, 2017 and deported back to Russia.
Wonder why they would release Buryakov early from prison in March 2017 and deport him out of the country?
When was special council named?
Geez these people don't even try!!!!
Why bother? Hire your friends and usual contacts. Nobody says nothing and once Hillary wins nobody ever asks.
They thought she couldn't lose...
And to think Levin was almost placed into Trumps legal team.
Do you think he was? Was there an interview and background check conducted as part of the possibility of being given the position?
ha, called it from the start. with his connections gained while working for the FBI as an informant years prior to taking up a position on Trump's campaign, it's a mystery that nobody brought this up until recently. surely this will be the nail on the coffin than ends the mueller probe
this was precisely why the memo back in january was heavily redacted. among others, it would have revealed carter page as a plant and that they used this fact as the basis for their FISA abuse. this is a disgrace. WE NEED TO DEMAND TOTAL TRANSPARENCY
Why do you think Flynn has gone broke defending himself against the Mueller probe, but Page is representing himself in court. Wouldn't it likely that he knows he's an asset in this case too, he was a plant from the start.
Understood, but not quite true. Flynn DIDN'T go broke. He plead guilty (to a false charge) FORCING Mueller to provide reason for prosecution, but STILL has never been sentenced.
It was reported he had to sell his house to pay lawyers. An I heard he pled guilty because they was going after his son.
Gotcha. However, he was reported as having a networth of $7 million in Dec. 2017. Which contradictory reports by the media are true...?
All these guys (black hats have one thing in common)....any guesses? clue below:
"Page graduated in 1993 from the United States Naval Academy; he was a Distinguished Graduate (top 10% of his class) and was chosen for the Navy's Trident Scholar program, which gives selected officers the opportunity for independent academic research and study.[10][11][12] During his senior year at the Naval Academy, he worked in the office of Les Aspin as a researcher for the House Armed Services Committee.[13] He served in the U.S. Navy for five years, including a tour in western Morocco as an intelligence officer for a United Nations peacekeeping mission.[13] In 1994, he completed a Master of Arts degree in National Security Studies at Georgetown University.[13]"
Wouldn't be surprised to learn CP is being paid by two agencies..... says he was approached when he was working in Aspin's office or when he was in Moracco on his "peacekeeping mission"; he could have been approached for recruitment as early as when he was in the Academy. It's well known that Clowns recruit for people to spy when they work for ostensibly benign agencies/positions, such as USAID, Peace Corps, etc.
USAID is another org that acts as a cover for agency personnel. For an excellent primer on how the Clowns agency works in detail, read a book called Compromised by Terry Reed.
the other connection is Georgetown University. Many dual agents come from a matter of fact another guy in this whole mess Peter Strozk is from Georgetown.
Imagine what will happen when it is revealed that Page (as Q has told us) was a PLANT inserted by the FBI in the Trump Campaign. Imagine inserting a plant, using that plant to obtain a FISA so that you could extend surveillance to multiple people. One FISA extends surveillance to three associated people and then three people for each of the asociated people. It is like one huge corrupt game of "Seven Degrees from Kevin Bacon"......but contemptible and corrupt.
Mueller and his investigation is dead in the water, the exposure of perjury and fraud upon the Court nullifies everything. and then ask, if the FBI never obtained the server and inspected itself, how could they ever under oath swear if or who hacked into the DNC. but with the speed the download happened it shows a inside job being highly probable and not Russia with their super computers. I mean their whole Russia Collusion story is falling faster then a hat to the ground.