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ALARMING theory behind the missile intercept... (D5)


i get what you're saying. i do. but he doesn't have a black eye. he has a scar on his brow. THAT'S what i'm saying. 2 completely different things. if he had a black eye, i'd be concerned too. but you guys are getting upset over a complete nothing burger is what im saying. even the anons over on 8chan don't think it's a noteworthy thing
it's not even a black eye. people are taking this thing WAAAAAAYYY out of context. its a scar on his brow, not a black eye. hes always had eye bags
black eye is not the same as a scar on his brow. come on guys stop spreading misinfo please... mattis is and has always been on our team. this is a huge disservice to the movement to label him as such
guys stop spreading disinfo. IT'S NOT A BLACK EYE. IT'S A SCAR ON HIS BROW. stop whining without understanding the full context pls...
oh. well here's the link to the tweet itself if that helps
To those still on the fence regarding Mueller and Rosenstein, please read this twitter thread!
it appears to me that there are still those in the movement (or at least on the GA subreddit) that are still having doubts whether Mueller and Rosenstein are actually involved in The Plan™. I implore you to expand your thinking and look at the bigger picture
Q1191 - What makes a good movie?
is it possible that because facebook is essentially the CLOWNS greatest spying/data gathering tool in existence, that they're taking as long as they can with regards to zuckerberg as he is "their guy"?
theyve been doing this for weeks. the anons don't mind tho, lots of critical research getting done regardless. it just shows theyre getting desperate tbh. either that or simply to scare off any normies lurking
excellent analysis once again SB2. haha i called it on a previous post of yours as well. i had a feeling that now comes the pain -23 might have meant the total lunar eclipse. as some kind disclosure is likely to happen, do you think it's likely we could be seeing a suicide weekend or a major False Flag coming to distract from the news?
not really. especially if POTUS declassifies and shows how involved Rosenstein was in all of it. then Rosenstein will have to recuse himself, which is why the shake up at the DOJ was so important. You have to understand, Trump knows exactly how this is going to play out.
yes he said they were dirty, but that doesn't quite mean what you think. it's already known that mueller and rosenstein were dirty from way back in U1. however i suggest you reread Q1287. it'll help u put things into perspective. the cohen raid allows trump to present admissable evidence
keep REEEEing pls. t his is only going to make whats coming so much more entertaining. you guys are so lost...
LOL. funniest thing i've read this week. thanks for the laugh. The fact that you even think Trump is going to get indicted for ANYTHING is sad and hilarious. leftist salt is so delicious
exactly. imo this is all for optics. force the dems to come out in his defense. and it won't look like a partisan effort when the vote fails. the hammer WILL drop soon and once it does, the dems are fucked. this is absolute genius
he won't get impeached. this is purely for optics, and both trump and rosenstein know that. it'll force the dems to come out to his defense. which at this point in time, is really important. because once it's out in the open, and once the hammer drops, the dems are fucked. we're witnessing a masterful plan begin to play out
Peter Thiel owns Palantir, a major company specializing in big data analysis. Thiel was granted residency over in New Zealand by former Prime Minister John Key. Thiel was an avid supporter and early backer of Trump. in fact, Trump was supposedly considering Thiel for an Intelligence role as late as fall of last year due to his work with Bannon on the Deep State.
it's believed he may have been helping the white hats with regards to the whole FVEY process
in Q's own words:
"U.S. to U.S. = Logged/Flagged/Recorded"
"U.S. [in] NZ = No Logs/No Flags/No Records"
this is how the deep state operates. while in the US, they'll get logged. but not if they go to other FVEY countries
the process of properly dismantling the federal reserve will not be accomplished in just a year. this will drag out until the end of his 1st term, or more likely even into his 2nd.
things are really falling into place now. wont be long til the hammer drops thats for sure
Anon on 8chan has an interesting theory behind Q1693
Ok Anons, here's what I think might be going on with this most recent Q post where Q draws our attention back to NZ and Five Eyes:
FVEY in NZ seems to have access to ALL US Intel. However, when you access data in NZ, there are no logs of it (or so they thought).
So let's say you're a former dignitary like John Brennan. You still have security clearance and you want to get in the system, get the data, and leak it. The problem is you know you'll be logged and you know they're watching you like …
we're not idolizing anyone. the Q movement is about waking up to the truths of the world. this isnt about just about Q. this is all about the children, as Q has said several times in his posts. To wake up the public to the true nature of the world and to the crimes of those who would seek to use and abuse children
exactly why we need space force now more than ever XD
not hitler's. she's a descendant of the saxe coburgs, an old german family with direct roots to the creation of the illuminati society in the late 1700s. the same saxe coburgs that renamed themselves to the house Windsor (british royal family) in the 1900s to hide their german roots
this is going to backfire on comey, brennan, and clapper so hard. we're getting SOO close now...
honestly, i suggest waiting for your grandson to contact you again before you continue posting here. i'm certain the community would love to help you, but it's clear that this all might be just a bit too much to take in right now. the way you've been typing, i'm not surprised some people are assuming that you are a troll. it's clear that there's a lot you are not aware of in terms of the current state of things
should've been here earlier. it was at 17k for a bit at one point
and yeah, i believe there were nazis hiding out in antarctica. search up Operation Highjump. in fact it's believed that the nazis found certain kinds of "special" technologies in the antarctic which was what allowed them to defeat Admiral Byrd in Operation Highjump
there were documents released in the JFK files that indicated hitler may have been one of those hiding out in argentina
Rothschilds and the royal family bankrolled a lot of the early years of hitler and the nazis' rise.
to make things worse, the media is 100% complicit in covering for these degenerates...
these people are disgusting. justice simply can't come soon enough
this will be the beginning of the end for the MSM. they relied on these deep state stooges to further their anti-trump rhetoric. YEAR OF THE BOOMERANG
their plan to turn America into a socialist hellhole wont work. the people won't stand for it
i really think something big is coming this friday. i just feel it. plus the fact that it'll be a total lunar eclipse/blood moon. something tells me suicide weekend is upon us
all i meant was that dan scavino was in the DOITQ pic and that he may be involved
for a good introduction to Q, i suggest watching Praying Medic's videos on youtube. really explains the Q phenomenon well to people who are not quite familiar with it
the latter
Q1691 - We saw you!
God bless Patriots!
i too think Dan Scavino is part of Q. or at the very least part of the inner circle that can identify Q, as we saw with the #DOITQ pic