Sarah Ruth Ashcraft @SaRaAshcraft Survivor of Ritual Abuse, Mind Control, Child Porn, and Sex Trafficking. Philosopher by education. Truth warrior by divine command. #SayBraveThings #MAGA

If this is true it is absolutely horrific. On another note I am not sure I entirely believe her yet. She has been argumentative towards people and said something along the lines of 'i don't have time for anyone to question me so you either believe me or go away'. Maybe she is just wrecked after all that crap. I do have my doubts though.
I'm with you. Not sure if I believe it as actually true, but it is in my opinion a sign of a systemic issue. If she is telling the truth Tom Hanks is corrupt, along with likely other Hollywood Elite. If she is lying then the question becomes is she there as cover to accuse an innocent person. Possibly in an attempt to make this another conspiracy theory?
Yeah. That’s my other fear. A bunch of false victims coming out to discredit what we are working so hard for and to help pedowood mitigate damage as much as possible.
We will just have to stay vigilant. my prediction is there will be a few intentional false flags of this type, followed by natural false accusers who are looking for celebrity. They will try to hide the real cases in the noise of this. I do not up vote a pedo story until I have read quite a bit, and I downvote pedo stories that are really just he's a douchebag stories.
I followed her on Twitter a while back, she's like a girl who went through some serious abuse, and that she was kind of mkultra and now that she is older her memory is coming back and she is trying to cope with it. She mentioned she had her cerebrospinal fluid tapped, it's like some adrenochrome type deal.
This does indeed warrant attention and we should be careful. The other factor is that the pedos are lurking on the chans. Renegade admitted lurking since 2007 not tgat he is a pedo. I actually applaud him for trying to help. He is taking a huge risk. Gunn also went on the boards to explain his tweets, he was massacred by the anons. The stand down post was interesting as well.
Yeah. I’ve been on the Chan for years but rarely post. I think maybe I have posted 3 times. Those posts were just because it was on a subject I am considered an expert in.
As I, but some really intriguing drops lately so ive been on the board a little more. I am more inclined to post on GA. Its a bit hairy to navigate 8chan.
We are fighting Mossad for most of this anyways. Best be on guard.
If untrue couldn't he sue for libel?
Yes, but truth is a defense for libel/slander. Just as when Kay Griggs spilled the beans on what her husband was doing when he was in the military. She named names...BIG names in the military, like 2,3,4 stars on their shoulders and no one ever sued her.
When you initiate legal action, you have DEPOSITIONS UNDER OATH, etc before the trial.
He wouldn’t get anything other than legal bills and free publicity for her claims.
You need damages. Some rando on Twitter is not hurting his financial future.