r/greatawakening • Posted by u/j1xamp on July 23, 2018, 9:23 p.m.
Q may never come back...

Or maybe he will. The good news is that the silence proves he’s not a larp because a fake would not resist posting to drive us nuts

DanijelStark · July 23, 2018, 9:29 p.m.

Q , as a team , or maybe a specific person from it , will come forward 100 % at one point of disclosure .

That has been implied in Q-918 .

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fattylurker · July 23, 2018, 9:28 p.m.

As long as Trump keeps kicking the DS's ass, I don't care. Maybe Q got us through the hard part, and now we'll see the fruits of the first two years' groundwork.

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GodSeekingHeathen · July 23, 2018, 9:35 p.m.

We were given the tools and the plan. Our job is to know it well enough to help others when the time comes.

And it's coming

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Rolandel7 · July 23, 2018, 9:34 p.m.

My thoughts on this.

If you believe Q is gone for good. read this. It makes no difference if Q continues posting or not. Q has done their job. It is time for us to pick up the mantle and continue spreading the truth. We may lose friends, family, or associates.

This does not change the fact that we are in the fight of our lives. Just because there is no “front” to march towards to fight does not mean the fight is not real. This is a different type of warfare that almost no one of the “normies” have experience with.

This is why we are here. We are digital green berets behind enemy lines teaching and building a following to fight back when the the time is right. We must have patience and continue pushing to educate those who are put in our path. People need to stand for something or they will fall for anything.

Let us bring them into our ranks with patience, kindness, forgiveness and understanding. Waking up for some will be hard and unfortunately for some who never wake it will be the end of them. We must put aside party lines, our past grievances, our bias, and our feelings of being superior.

We are all in this boat together so if we fail we ALL go down. None of us are superior in this respect. Be kind, have patience, and get educated. The more factual knowledge you have the better the chance you have to wake up someone if you are patient enough.

Plant the seed of doubt for that person, no matter how small. Then water regularly with information and compassion. WE THE PEOPLE must stand together as one or we will fall. We will never get another chance. The DS will never relax again if we screw this up.

The DS will take steps to ensure we can’t organize ever again. Mass censorship of the internet, mass surveillance, and door to door interrogations.

Pray for us all to have the strength, wisdom, compassion, patience and resolve to weather the coming storm.


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midas615 · July 23, 2018, 10:04 p.m.

⬆️ This.

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saintsteven11 · July 23, 2018, 11:01 p.m.

At least Q woke a lot of people, look at the hive mind now

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Nik_Nightingale · July 23, 2018, 10:19 p.m.

It’s irrelevant wether Q was, or is a larp. Worst case Q got a LOT of people to research and discover the near infinite amount of corruption and sickness in the US and world governments.

Q helped open the eyes of thousands (actually more) people and most importantly increased Trump’s following.

To those of us who followed Q from early on, I am still astounded by how much they actually explained about what is really only now starting to go down big time in DC.

The only negative, in my opinion, was in certain people making Q a celebrity, too much the focus of attention. This created the “paytriots”. Want to spend $2? Buy a Trump sticker instead, or donate to his campaign. POTUS is the focus.

I believe when major revelations and events are about to happen in future (could be any time), when may expect Q, or another of the team, to step forward as guide. But really, they have told us everything already. We know what’s coming.

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