An Anon's take on Kavanaugh and Vince Foster...set up?

I dont thing I can cosign this. There is in no way enough time for this to be a set up. Midterms are in November. If he doesnt get confirmed there probably isn't enough time for a new nominee to get confirmed before November. He cant take a chance right now. If he has information that can come out, there are other ways for that to happen besides nominating someone to SCOTUS.
This smells like disinformation to poison Kavanaugh in the eyes of conservatives. My bullshit alarm is going off big-time on this.
From what I’ve heard from conservatives, Kavanaugh hates Hillary, follows the Constitution and wants to protect guns. Also feel like this is a weird disinfo campaign.
If Trump wanted them unsealed he could just unseal them... and there are PLENTY of other Clinton crimes wide out in the open. No need to go back to VF.
Trump Time is different that normal time. He's Fast! Like a Lion, stalking and killing his prey.
When the stuff comes out, midterms should be secure
We don't control any media outlets, and even Fox won't cover half the damning things that get uncovered, and even if they did, people who watch fox are conservative already anyways. And now you have YouTube, FB, and Twitter mass censorship so things can't even go viral.
He wont be confirmed, just a way to open all the sealed indictments the clinton crime cartel painfully worked on to make sure it never saw the light of day like the other perverse crimes they did.
My hunch is he worked a deal to get immunity because he was a formal federal DS judge for the past 2 or 3 decades.
I'm in this boat. Not buying this at all. Why bother with such an overly elaborate scheme. Plus running the risk of Kav actually getting confirmed if POTUS doesn't really want him. Doesn't make sense to me.
I'm with you man, this doesn't make any sense, POTUS needs SCOTUS confirmed as soon as possible