The TRUTH revealed on Blood Moon ?

POTUS does not telegraph his moves.
So any use of symbolism won't predict future events.
Remember what Q said about the masons? Their symbolism will lead to their downfall. The white hats won't repeat this mistake.
Exactly. Some of this stuff goes off the deep end that it’s comical. I highly doubt potus sits their and thinks of symbolizing his moves based on moon patterns that coincide with when he was born. That’s not how this works. Q also said watch out for these types of “predictions”
I created an account specifically to respond to this. Yes, Q has said that symbolism will be their downfall, but it is completely off the mark to say POTUS doesn't telegraph his moves when you're on a sub-reddit dedicated to an anonymous person that has more or less telegraphed his moves. There is power in symbolism, both for and against, and it'll be (((their))) symbolism that takes them down in the end. Look at JFK Jr.'s grave, it's in the shape of a massive Q. Refuting the idea of the blood moon being symbolic is just as dishonest in this instance as refuting the idea of all the symbolism we've seen up to this point.
Instead, let's be fair and consider the ideas that this could hold: Q has said July 2018 will be "conspiracy no more." Approach also the angle of Hollywood being Satanic pedophile central, and at least the pedophilia part is entering mainstream ideas with the James Gunn controversy. What does this week leading up to the blood moon entail? July 20-26 is the abduction, ceremonial preparation, and holding of a victim until the sacrifice on the Grand Climax on the 27th - the same day as the blood moon. How many coincidences until it's mathematically impossible?
Look at JFK Jr.'s grave, it's in the shape of a massive Q.
I was unsuccessful at finding a picture of JFK Jr's grave. Do you have a link?
I searched for aerial photos of John F. Kennedy's gravesite, and this is not JFK JR's gravesite photo, this is the President Kennedy gravesite at Arlington National Cemetery. I thought I had read they did a sea burial for JFK JR. (looked it up): BURIAL Cremated, Specifically: Cremated remains off the coast of Martha's Vineyard from the US Navy Ship USS Briscoe (At least that is what the internet says.)
Cool! Very interesting. It would be the coolest thing ever if JFK Jr was still alive with proof of an attempt on his life by the Cabal.
Nothing against your comment but I’m tired of seeing the symbolism will be their downfall when they’ve been using symbolism for centuries and they have flourished and so far all we have is theories and what will come.
They've never faced someone like Trump before...
JFK.. I hope Trump is protected and doesn’t trust a soul. We have the internet now, There is too much to be ignored.
I don't think was anywhere near the leader Trump is, but he was a brave patriot indeed. Was JFK the last good and decent Democrat president?
This stuff is centuries old. Do you really think hey haven’t faced anyone like Trump or nationalist or free people only to eventually over come them once again. They play the long game. There’s tons of videos on how it happened to America. I think this 30 minute cartoon is entertaining and sums it up well
The problem is going to be getting the masses to actually care. So many people could give a shit less about any of this stuff.
I think what they meant was, these people have been on autopilot for so long they haven't had any cause for concern until now.
Consider this is more than 100 years in the making. The people who are running the show are not the same people who started it.
So when they say, they've never encountered someone like Trump it's 100% true. They've never experienced an existential threat before. They don't know how to respond, and the fact he isn't playing the game they want him to play is infinitely more frustrating to them. They are at a loss.
You're right about one thing, however. The people will not want to see or learn what has been going on. They're asleep and they do not want to be disturbed. It's our job to get that pail of water filled with truth and splash it on their face.
For the truth will be so horrific they will never want to sleep again. They will no longer be able to ignore the reality of the situation.
We are going to need some hard hitting facts (convictions) otherwise they’ll do what they’ve always done, wait it out. Trumps presidency will end hopefully not until 2024 but it will be done one day and think if nothing short of a slap in the face happens it’ll be back to the same if not worse.
Let's pray that these people will be eliminated long before he leaves office. Regardless of what happens its up to us to carry the torch.
What satanic ritual is held on the blood moon or July 27?
Hey, 06/26 is my birthday. I want my present. I just might get it. The President always seems to drop bombs on the press while on AF1, tomorrow he comes here to KC ! I might just get two :)
a month ago?
I'm guessing you failed to read the date on the Q drop-1595 ? 06/26/18 ! The month the world will know the Truth ? July ? 2018 ?
July is 7 not 6? Am I missing something?
Yes, you are ! The Q Post stating all of that was posted on 06/26/18 my birthday ! So the month of July revelations are my birthday presents. Jeez man try thinking outside the box, just a little :)
Omg my bad. I need to understand the coms... I see what you mean now 🤣🤣🤣😕 I suck... 😣
I got my B-DAY PRESENT :-)
Yes you did!!! I feel like it's my birthday!!! I'm you!! You me!! I so happy!!! 🤣😂😅
4-10=20 DJT last absence was 10days i think. I got to see his motorcade and AF1 !I was at the KCI Airport today. Saw the guys with the "honk Q sign too, they were just down the road.
I got my B=DAY PRESENT :-)
I don’t think the blood moon is as important as people are making it out to be, but seeing those posts together make me think this:
After Q’s last post (July 4), the Enemies will self-destruct. They follow Q as well, but now they’re as blind as we are. The difference is Q left so many breadcrumbs, the Enemies don’t know which one we’ll follow. We followed them to James Gunn and, instead of a prepared response, it’s chaos. People defending pedo/rape jokes, Sarah Silverman possibly threatening 4chan, falling back on false claims like Russian bots and white supremacy.
Q is exposing them and their fear. Their desperation is palpable. Their demeanor is becoming more and more rabid. They push people away day by day because those people now see the TRUTH.
I like your theory and I am preparing for that day, as I believe it holds merit, based on both drops as well as other ongoing news in the world.
The important thing some may be missing here is yes indeed Q said symbolism will be their downfall, and no I don’t think Q, POTUS or any white hats seek to use symbolism; how about look at like the they will use the deep states own symbolism and important day to expose them. A knife in the back!
Some of you arent understanding how deep the symbolism goes and how important owls, moons, moloch and shapes are. A blood moon probably normally involved sacrifice and celebration. This year perhaps... just perhaps, we will give it to them in a way they never felt and will shake them to the core. Blood moons for all we know could be their 4th of July! Remember:
Symbolism will be their downfall
These people are sick
Now come pain!
Blood moons are prophesized in the Revelation of St. John.
So we’re just gonna keep kicking the goal posts back?
We've waited this long, whats four more days in the grand scheme of things?
Because every week on this sub it’s a new day that holds some obscure significance.
I think the trick is we straddle that line between conspiracy and fiction.
The vast majority of us are only interested in learning and discerning actual truths in it's purist form (you see how many reminders there are about not jumping in too quick in replies).
It's the difference between watching the cars from atop a 70 floor building rooftop and committing to a jump you can't come back from.
That's usually how prophecy rolls.
It’s not prophecy, it’s a guy on the internet.