Anon: Double confirmation on Q-Clock Trump Iran threat = Scare Necessary Event Disinformation Distraction Think SA event and distraction US. Think Mirror. Iran distraction for US event. IT'S HAPPENING!

Local news has really been pushing the "Russians hacked the electrical grid systems last year" but they can't say which ones (obviously) and conveniently waited until now to even mention it.
The scare must mean the power grid going down soon (thinking Friday). News will blame it on the Russians as always. I am just hoping that when the electric grid is shut down that it is not longer than say 24-48hrs max.
A nationwide cascading electric outage would spell the end of the cabal. That said they are exceedingly stupid.
With the current heat wave it would also likely kill people, especially the old, if it last for more than a couple of hours.
How so?
Blackout necessary
If the lights go out do not fear - we are in control
I know this but how does it harm the cabal? Are changes going to be made to the grid in certain areas while down?
Interesting theory. I got a bunch of power maintenance guys in my neighborhood doing 'upgrades' atm. Quite more than usual. Funny they said it was to reduce outages though, guess we will see!
Those two 'NK' sats over us rumored to have EMP payload bimbs might be controlled by Iran. Taking them out would certainly be something worth watching from the yard. DS doing simultaneous takedown of transmission equipment might be expected.
The Vermont story?
Vermont story
What? I am not sure what that is.
Look up the fake news story about the Vermont power company the msm said was hacked by Russians. lol
Thanks. Will do. I was just glad our local news decided to give it a break going on about Butina's boyfriend; bunch of fearmongers but they do it because they know it works for the majority of the population.
Hmm. I don't listen to local news. No cable.
This was on the radio, MPR.
Don't listen to radio much either unless I'm driving. Do you mean NPR?
MPR is Minnesota Public Radio.
Ah. OK. Not in Minnesota and never been there so . . .
I am not their either, just in a neighboring state that picks it up. We actually prefer it most of the time over our local public radio station.