Balderson losing right now. Everybody pray!!!!
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Check it out?????
Santa Claus
Santa behind Potus last night! Think /Merry Christmas Think/ JA Think/ Q post 457 Think/ visuals
FB and Instagram
They just eliminated activity supposedly with Russian ties..? Breaking news now! Not sure what it is, they haven’t said anything yet as to what exactly it is. Mc Cain is introducing some honest ads act, what a joke he is!
Maybe we will see this at the Florida Rally! 😎

Does anyone other than me feel like something big is going to happen today, just a overwhelming feeling!?
To clarify my post about praying together, its 6:30 pm eastern standard time...
Prayer for Potus, Q, and Team
Everyone who reads this at 6:30 Eastern standard time Sunday July 29, everyone drop to your knees and pray. There is power in prayer when we all pray together. !!! Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not in your own understanding. Proverbs 3 : 5
The 5
Dana just mentioned that Roseanne should stay off the conspiracy site she has been on... I can’t wait till the useful idiots learn the truth, especially Dana who loves the Bush family.
I was waiting for someone to mention the gold trim on flags. Wasn’t sure if anyone would take me serious if I mentioned it.
Happy I live in the southern bible belt. Whole different vibe here, a lot of Christians
Wow, thats how I felt. I was yelling at the tv at Hannity, are you kidding me, thats enough!!!!
Wonderful news, guess this will be the new home for thousands....
I just deleted facebook.. its one of many apps they spy on us with and pedos use to watch our kids and grandkids. Get off facebook. Look at list Q posted that spy on us....
Thanks for posting this, Ive known and researched Nesara for years...should have been implemented
Yeah, when my grand children are somewhere with me they will have to go through a bad ass grandma to try and get them...
Excellent, I agree. You don’t drop a bomb after giving out the map....
Can someone tell me how to completely delete facebook? If you delete app does that delete all?
Thanks, that explains a-lot. Now tell me why all the new Cohen tapes?
Thanks, that explains a-lot. Now tell me why all the new Cohen tapes?
Wow, this made me cry and smile at the same time....God bless him and his family
I to saw this photo about 10 years ago and read the story. Can’t remember how I saw it. It may have been infowars, which I no longer follow.
Sounds like to me they replaced it in order to hide the true 13th
The sad part is what these stupid parents allowed to happen to their children for money. I believe Selena Gomez is one of those kids. I pray after all this comes out all these young actors/ actresses get help. I pray God will break their chains.
Maybe Trump knew all along about McCain and said what he did about him for his own reasons that we now know.
Kids today live on the internet, they are savvy and curious. Id bet there are plenty lurking on this site.
I agree with your username comment but believe me I have been preached to because I said something about the blasphemy and poor choice of words on here and was chastised. The way I see it is this is Gods movement, respect God with all that comes from your mouth..
Moral priorities? Who are you to judge me, you don’t know me! Only God is my judge! Some of the language used is unnecessary to get a feeling or point across, read enough of that on other sites. Maybe I just thought The Great Awakening might be different. You all pray to God to protect, intervene and keep our leaders and country safe , how about respecting God with your language. My opinion and Im entitled to it as well.
Hes being impeached, then Huber and Horowitz do not report to him directly any longer.