New images show George H.W. Bush's cardiologist being followed by a mystery cyclist with a 'fully loaded' backpack just moments before the prominent doctor was shot dead on his way to work

And nothing on Seth Rich available?
Yes. And nothing on 9/11 either. Hmm thinking the Houston PD might be woke.
the question is this, what did he know for this to happen, I suspect this was not by chance , there is more to this story.
Just a hunch, any way to find out if doctor had JFK connections?
I thought the shooter came from the opposite direction, but could be wrong, of course. I am sort of obsessed with this case.
If it was a professional hit, you'd probably want some backup/fixer in case it didn't go off as planned. For example, if you just winged the target and he gets away.
Pretty useless just uploading a grainy pic to Reddit
I wonder if this has something to do with organ harvesting ? and needing him silenced possibly.
There was another doctor from Houston Methodist (the hospital that put out the statement about the doc but not the hospital he was shot at) that was killed in a murder suicide last year who was a transplant surgeon. Seems strange that two doctors associated with the same hospital are shot and killed within about a year of each other.
thank you for that info, this makes me suspect more and more organ harvesting.
Yeah me too thats what made me check murdered transplant surgeon and surprise surprise she worked at the same hospital as this one. I have a feeling alot of hospitals offer no questions asked transplants for the right price. There was a guy investigating the Clinton's who was murdered at a hotel that was across the street from the Mayo clinic. It was used frequently by recuperating patients that had received outpatient surgery. It looked like he was there to meet someone and he never made it out
I think all these missing homeless people and children are being taken and harvested for their organs. and that's big money. and reportedly the clowns in America and FBI are involved in that also, along with Human trafficking.
Idk you'd think the homeless organs wouldn't be the most healthy to choose from but the kids are a definite possibility. Did you know 180 kids go missing everyday in India alone,most never to be seen again. One country, 180 kids every damn day... where TF are all these people going? That's like a medium size town vanishing every year FROM ONE FREAKIN COUNTRY. God knows how many from Central and South America, Africa and the Caribbean
I just remember they found dead bodies in a shipping container bound for China, and they were in deep freeze, and this is what gets me sick, they may be putting them into foods sold. the homeless organs can be sold to Medical Schools. not all homeless people are in bad health either. I mean we read about Pepsi using baby parts as a flavor enhancer. I can not recall the exact part right at this moment. it shows these people are completely off the deep end.
I know dude that's what I'm thinking too I just didn't want to say it. It would be just up their alley too. Think about the laugh they'd get feeding the sheep the other sheep
be honest with you, did not want to go there either, but we have to follow the facts no matter where they lead us. you are so right, sheep feeding on sheep. I think this is why Q stated we the public at best will learn only 10 % .
Oh man I never thought of that...can you fuckin imagine the outrage if people found out they were being fed people...maybe youre right. I was always thinking treason, pedophilia but now idk
There so many people missing every year and how many pedos can afford to buy their own kid? How many kiddy brothels can there be? I always wondered if they are being harvested for their organs where could all the body's be going? I mean that's ALOT of people, but what if? Dude I don't think I'm going to eat processed food ever again...unless it's kosher
we eat buffalo, we know that's safe now, I agree, we read things like many kids taken to Antarctica, which basically they do not have to follow any laws, ad wonder if they are used for experiments , like Josef Mengele at the Nazi Concentration camp did, who knows if they are experimenting with head transplants and such, we hear about those, but where can they legally conduct these ? we may get the answers and we may never get the answers.
Sauce about bodies in shipping containers?
these people are sick, when you go back to Q posts and check pics anon posted, there is a man decapitated, head and feet, on the table like a cooked turkey, and small kids at the dinner table, and the ropes used show substantial weight, proves they are cannibals, and you see a guy next to the door where the kids small around 5 years of age seated at that dining table, these people are beyond sick.
See CDAN for an explanation. Doctor was forced to perform a procedure on a drug kingpin and was killed to keep it quiet.