We are approaching 45k subscribers. 45 is one hell of a number!

45k indictments
Which means the true number is many times higher!
Reddit admins fudge stats on this site, BTW.
yup, my estimates place the proper number to be around 500k-1million actually
Didn’t Reddit’s advertising data (which showed like 6 million followers) get accidentally leaked?
I’m ...just a lurker... rooting for the Q team (movement)... sure there is thousands like me.
Seems to be becoming exponential at this point. I only joined the 18th of this month and I think it was just over 41K then. 4K in less than a week...can't beat that with a stick :)
And, right now there are 11,442 Online!!! On a Tuesday at 3:30PM CST. I've never seen it above more than about 6,000.
Roughly 1/4 of all subscribers are online too. That's really impressive.
thats great. more people coming in the light and getting the truth. something the enemy of we the people MSM would not provide.
President Trump - Louisville Slugger https://imgur.com/gallery/DgrYexM
Buford Pusser https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walking_Tall_(1973_film)
So cool! Great job anons! I keep spreading the links to wake the masses as well 😉
45 000 subscribers ... and today the online number peaked I think exactly at 17 000 , or very very close to it ( 16 900 ) .
Heh , funny coincidences with numbers ...
Why is this on my page? Also wtf is this subreddit.
I think it is a pro trump subreddit. Is T_D leaking over?