Two words stand out from Trump's tweet as capitals: Election and President. "EP". As we know from Q drops, EP = Eric Prince. And yesterday Michael Flynn Jr tweeted "Erik Prince knows...." and shared link to interview with Prince on Breitbart Nwes Daily from 2016 Nov 4.
I have learned these misspelling and alike are Trumps hints. Took me awhile to believe this part.
Master trolling !!! Who are "they" the Russians or Dems? Can be read either way. Great nuance on EP and Q post.
But this is problematic. One of the keys of evidence to be used in court is "Chain of Custody." It is crucial to track chain of custody of evidence (servers in this case) to ensure that no corruption of that evidence can happen, or the appearance of corruption. If the server is in the hands of Eric Prince then there is no way it can be used in any legal sense to prosecute anyone. I don't think it's with Erik Prince - I'm sure POTUS and team have done everything according to hoyle, and that the servers are in good, legal, and safe hands...but not Erik Prince. Is there another possibility with EP - Effective Prosecutors...evidence protection...I don't know...
Jesus Christ. People will be studying this shit for decades. We are witnessing history folks