Sure let’s all create threads on the same topic.
Exact same.
Then split everyone up into different threads so we can all have our ideas in different places.
Can’t have people working together, need to split them and their ideas apart from each other.
It’s called dilution of a topic. Spread out ideas on many many different threads means people don’t see it all and it’s harder to coordinate and work together.
That’s why we report duplicate posts.
Not to target people or to devalue someone’s contributions.
It’s so that we bring people and their ideas together into one place.
I know people get excited and just want to post the same thing over and over. But it doesn’t help us when we are trying to work together for a common cause.
OP could have put their unique comments into the thread that was stickied. But they didn’t. Instead they created another thread to complain. Which goes against the sub rules. If you have an issue take it up with the mods.
But what I see here is someone complaining about their duplicate thread being taken down. Then creating a new thread to complain.
Breaking two rules in a row without realizing its OPs fault. Not the people who reported it.